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BizTalk 2006 : Creating More Complex Pipeline Components (part 4) - Custom Disassemblers
It's important to call special attention to Disassembler components, as they are often what most developers end up writing. Disassemblers were intended to allow the pipeline to exam- ine the incoming document and break it up into smaller, more manageable documents.
BizTalk 2006 : Creating More Complex Pipeline Components (part 3) - Validating and Storing Properties in the Designer
As in any component development model, it is necessary to store properties that a user selects for your component so you can load them at runtime and also validate that the values chosen by the user are appropriate.
BizTalk 2006 : Creating More Complex Pipeline Components (part 2) - Schema Selection in VS .NET Designer
The property MyDocSpec in the previous section's MyProber class is actually of type SchemaWithNone. SchemaWithNone is a class that lives in the Microsoft.BizTalk.
BizTalk 2006 : Creating More Complex Pipeline Components (part 1) - Dynamically Promoting Properties and Manipulating the Message Context
The simplest and most common use of a pipeline component is to promote custom properties into the message context for a message. Often the data for the property is not available in the schema or is not easily accessible—so a simple promotion in the schema editor is not an option. and promote properties to the context.
BizTalk 2006 : Custom Components (part 2) - Key BizTalk API Objects
All pipeline components, regardless of what they do, will use the interfaces described in thefollowing subsections. Likewise, most of the pipeline component interfaces defined previously accept these interfaces as arguments.
BizTalk 2006 : Custom Components (part 1) - Component Categories, Component Interfaces
As you will soon see, the pipeline component development API is quite heavily based on COMInterop. Most of the specifics of how components are defined are based on what COM category they are tagged with along with what interfaces they implement.
BizTalk 2006 : Using BizTalk Framework 2.0 Reliable Messaging (part 2) - Acknowledgement Verification
In many cases, a business process orchestration will be implemented in either the send or thereceive side of a business process, and it is more suitable to configure the BizTalk Framework properties there.
BizTalk 2006 : Using BizTalk Framework 2.0 Reliable Messaging (part 1)
Continuing from the previous examples, let's assume that the order processing system notonly needs to update your downstream systems, which are internal to your organization, but also needs to notify a trading partner of the transactions.
BizTalk 2006 : Getting Started with Pipeline Development (part 3) - Configuring Recoverable Interchanges, Using the Default Pipelines
There are two places where you can configure a recoverable Interchange. The first is in the Receive Pipeline Designer as shown in Figure 5. The ability to configure Recoverable Interchange Processing is available at design time when a custom pipeline that contains either a Flat File Disassembler or an XMLDisassembler is being developed. Recoverable Interchanges is a property of that component.
BizTalk 2006 : Getting Started with Pipeline Development (part 2) - Understanding Pipeline Execution, Understanding Interchanges
Pipeline components execute in a sequential order starting from the first stages and working down to the last. The exception to this rule is the Disassembler component, which will execute sequentially within the Disassemble stage of the receive pipeline until a component is found that is able to process the message.
BizTalk 2006 : Getting Started with Pipeline Development (part 1) - Pipeline Stages
Custom pipelines are divided into receive and send pipelines. Both types of pipelines have stages unique to either sending or receiving messages. Each stage of the pipeline has the ability to contain multiple pipeline components that are designed to be executed within that particular stage
BizTalk Server 2010 : Installation of WCF SAP Adapter (part 4) - IDOC Deep Dive, Building a BizTalk application — Sending IDOC
The application that we are going to build will receive Vehicle Timesheets from our Work Order Management system, transform the data and construct a CONF32 Confirmation IDOC.
BizTalk Server 2010 : Installation of WCF SAP Adapter (part 3) - IDOC schema generation
IDOC stands for Intermediate Document and is a SAP specification that is used for exchanging information within SAP systems and with external systems such as BizTalk. SAP resources think of IDOCs much like BizTalk resources think about XSD schemas. The difference being that IDOC structures resemble flat files whereas XSD schemas are based upon XML.
BizTalk Server 2010 : Installation of WCF SAP Adapter (part 2) - WCF-SAP Adapter vs WCF Customer Adapter with SAP binding
When we generate schemas for SAP artifacts, the binding file that is also generated will use the WCF-Custom Adapter with an SAP Binding Type. With this binding type selected, we can manipulate any SAP-related property.
BizTalk Server 2010 : Installation of WCF SAP Adapter (part 1) - SAP Prerequisite DLLs
Installing the BizTalk Adapter pack is not enough. You need to obtain two packages from the SAP Marketplace. The SAP Marketplace is the equivalent of Microsoft's MSDN and TechNet offerings.
BizTalk Server 2009 : Use The Business Rule Engine (part 2) - What Are the Artifacts That Constitute a Business Rule?
The requirement to define vocabularies and facts before the definition of the business rules within a policy can be cumbersome and annoying for most business analysts, and usually results in them creating and publishing multiple versions of their vocabularies as they are developing the business rules.
BizTalk Server 2009 : Use The Business Rule Engine (part 1)
An organization's most strategic assets are the products/services it provides to its customers as well as the business model and internal processes it uses to differentiate itself from its competition.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Starting a New BizTalk Project - BizTalk Naming Conventions
One of the key benefits of coding business processes using BizTalk orchestrations is the visual representation of the workflow. When building complex orchestrations, naming conventions are critical for orchestration workflow shapes, and are equally important to naming BizTalk artifacts such as maps, ports, and pipelines properly.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Starting a New BizTalk Project - BizTalk Assembly Naming and Versioning
A BizTalk assembly is created by compiling a BizTalk project using VS .NET. Any artifacts in the project will be included in the compiled assembly that is to be deployed.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Starting a New BizTalk Project - Creating a Build-and-Integration Environment (part 2) - Using Test-Driven Development, Creating a BizTalk Installation Package
Significant enhancements have been added to BizTalk 2006 to augment the deployment functionality introduced in BizTalk 2002 and 2004. Previous versions required the creation of a SEED package or a custom Windows Installer package using BTSInstaller.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Starting a New BizTalk Project - Creating a Build-and-Integration Environment (part 1) - Five-Step Build Process
Every development team needs a process to build and test their software. This is as importantas the creation of the code itself. Many different build processes exist, but they are all essentially the same with slight twists or enhancements.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from Dynamics CRM to BizTalk Server (part 3) - Registering the plugin, Testing the plugin
Microsoft provides a plugin registration tool as part of the SDK. This tool is located in the SDK\Tools\PluginRegistration folder of the SDK.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from Dynamics CRM to BizTalk Server (part 2) - Writing the Dynamics CRM plugin
A Dynamics CRM plugin is a powerful way to extend the out-of-the-box behavior of the product with custom code. The plugin that we are building for this exercise invokes the service we built above.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from Dynamics CRM to BizTalk Server (part 1) - Setup
This exercise leverages a BizTalk Server project already present in your Visual Studio 2010 solution. We are going to publish a web service from BizTalk Server that takes in a message and routes it to a BizTalk send port that writes the message to the file system.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Starting a New BizTalk Project - Organizing Artifacts in BizTalk 2006
You're likely to use BizTalk for more than one application. You'll then quickly run into the problem of organizing your application artifacts such as ports, schemas, and so forth. There are two facets to organizing. First you must understand the concept of a BizTalk application.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Starting a New BizTalk Project - Structuring and Integrating with Visual Studio
There is no standard way to structure a Visual Studio solution that has BizTalk projects included. Essentially, a properly defined naming convention will be applicable whether the solution is a complete .NET solution or a mix of .NET classes and BizTalk artifacts.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM (part 6)
This set of steps produced the BizTalk artifacts we needed to call the façade service sitting in front of Dynamics CRM. As opposed to the previous exercises where we had to creatively transform untyped schemas, this set of service schemas are strongly typed and easy to work with.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM (part 5) - Generating a proxy service
The proxy-service strategy requires the installation of the Dynamics CRM 2011 SDK. Make sure to add the XRM assemblies to the Global Assembly Cache of your development machine.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM (part 4) - Configuring the BizTalk endpoints
Our final task is to configure the BizTalk messaging components to send a message to the Dynamics CRM service. We already have a series of reusable ports configured as a result of our last exercise and can leverage those this time around.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM (part 3) - Building the BizTalk components
In this case, we have to get each source field copied over to the repeating KeyValuePairOfstringanyType node. We will leverage the feature of BizTalk Server 2010 that lets you neatly segment map aspects into logical containers called pages.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM (part 2) - Configuring the BizTalk endpoints
In this part of the exercise, we will configure the BizTalk messaging ports that receive the query request, call Dynamics CRM 2011, transform the response message, and emit the canonical Customer message to disk via a FILE adapter.
Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM (part 1) - Building the BizTalk components
In the following series of steps, we will look at how to consume the native Dynamics CRM SOAP interface in BizTalk Server. We will first look at how to query Dynamics CRM to return an Entity. After that, we will see the steps for creating a new Entity in Dynamics CRM.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Starting a New BizTalk Project - Creating Your Development Environment
BizTalk development is an isolated development model. This model requires each developer to have a stand-alone development environment and not a shared environment such as in web development.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Starting a New BizTalk Project - Starting Preliminary Design
The team structure outlined previously gives the basics for forming and managing a large group of developers. It also allows the team to scale outwards or inwards depending on new requirements being introduced or having features move out of scope.
BizTalk Server 2009 : Editing and Resubmitting Suspended Messages (part 2) - Pseudo-Walkthrough to Perform Edits and Resubmits
If you are going to use InfoPath, you can easily create a new form based on the preceding schema, modify the app. config file of the Windows service to point to the processing instruction for the InfoPath form, and then be able to open the SuspendedMessage XML files that get generated. Once modified, you can just save the app.config file.
BizTalk Server 2009 : Editing and Resubmitting Suspended Messages (part 1) - Sample Flows for Edit and Resubmit
Figures 1 through 3 represent possible flows for editing and resubmission of messages to BizTalk Server. These are just possibilities that have their own pros and cons. Hopefully, this will give you some additional ideas on how to best handle suspended messages for your particular solution.
BizTalk Server 2009 : Building a Resequencing Aggregator
So now that you know how to solve the problem of receiving messages out of order, you can properly receive messages, resequence them, and send them in the correct order to their destination.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Pipeline Component Best Practices and Examples - The Databased Disassembler
The usual response for this is to use the appropriate database adapter, generate the schemas for the SQL statement or the stored procedure, and use some combination of an orchestration/port and adapter to generate the data, publish it to the Messagebox, and send it to the appropriate destination.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Pipeline Component Best Practices and Examples - Using PGP (part 2) - PGP Decode Component
The following code example is the counterpart to the encoding component shown in the preceding subsection. The Decoding component is used on the receive side of BizTalk and is used when encrypted messages are received into BizTalk.
BizTalk Server 2006 : Pipeline Component Best Practices and Examples - Using PGP (part 1) - PGP Encode Component
By default, BizTalk ships with no encryption/decryption component. Many organizations need to encrypt the message data as it is sent from BizTalk and decrypt is as well once it is received.
BizTalk Server 2009 Operations : Disaster Recovery (part 2)
A disaster recovery event for the BizTalk Group consists of restoring the BizTalk Group databases as well as related non-BizTalk databases on the destination system SQL Server instances. This also includes any DTS packages as well as SQL Agent jobs that exist in the source system (production).
BizTalk Server 2009 Operations : Disaster Recovery (part 1) - Configuring the Destination System for Log Shipping
Another configuration step on the destination system SQL instances is to create a linked server that points to the source system SQL instances. There should be a linked server created that points to the production SQL instance hosting the management database.
BizTalk 2010 : ASDK SQL adapter examples (part 4) - Composite Operations
The purpose of a Composite Operation is to be able to execute multiple database actions in the context of a single unit of work, or transaction. Even though we are calling multiple actions we expect all actions to either succeed or fail as a group.
BizTalk 2010 : ASDK SQL adapter examples (part 3) - Query notification and multiple result sets
ADO.NET provides the ASDK SQL adapter with a notification option: query notifications. Query notifications are built on top of SQL Server Service Broker queues and raise events into BizTalk Server whenever the results of a SQL Server query changes.
BizTalk 2010 : ASDK SQL adapter examples (part 2) - Select, Table Valued Function, and Execute Reader
This second example builds on the first but focuses on the outbound operations. We will extend the scenario by making subsequent calls to other sales order related tables to retrieve data that completes the message with all the required details about the sales order.
BizTalk 2010 : ASDK SQL adapter examples (part 1) - TypedPolling and debatching
The TypedPolling operation is the most frequent operation used when BizTalk Server solutions need to poll SQL Server for data. The schema for the polling results is strongly typed and can be easily used in maps or have its elements promoted for content-based routing.
BizTalk 2010 : WCF LOB SQL Adapter - Consuming ASDK SQL Adapter in Visual Studio (part 2)
Besides WCF-Custom, the sqlBinding representing the ASDK SQL adapter can also be accessed through the dedicated WCF-SQL BizTalk adapter installed with the BizTalk Server 2010 Adapter Pack. T
BizTalk 2010 : WCF LOB SQL Adapter - Consuming ASDK SQL Adapter in Visual Studio (part 1)
Generating the schemas and binding files for the operations you intend to use in your project is one of the major steps enabling consumption of the ASDK-based adapters in BizTalk applications.
BizTalk Server 2009 Operations : Maintaining the BizTalk Group (part 3) - Restore Procedures
Restoring a BizTalk-based solution, or any large application environment, is a challenging process if not well documented, tested, and periodically rehearsed from an operations training standpoint. BizTalk Server 2009 has its own set of unique steps required for successful restore.
BizTalk Server 2009 Operations : Maintaining the BizTalk Group (part 2) - Backup Procedures
This subsection covers the backup procedures for BizTalk applications; however, a BizTalk application is usually just one part of an overall solution that includes other applications, servers, and databases.
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