second major piece of Windows Azure platform AppFabric is the Service
Bus. As adoption of service-oriented architecture (SOA) increases,
developers are seeking better ways of connecting their services
together. At the simplest level, the Service Bus does this for any
service out there. It makes it easy for services to connect to each
other and for consumers to connect to services.
In this section, we’re going to
look into what the Service Bus is, why you’d use a bus, and, most
importantly, how you can connect your services to it. You’ll see how
easy it is to use the Service Bus.
1. What is a Service Bus?
Enterprise service buses
(ESBs) have been around for years, and they’ve grown out of the SOA
movement. As services became popular, and as the population of services
at companies increased, companies found it harder and harder to maintain
the infrastructure. The services and clients became so tightly coupled
that the infrastructure became very brittle. This was the exact problem
services were created to avoid. ESBs evolved to help fix these problems.
ESBs have several common characteristics, all geared toward building a more dynamic and flexible service environment:
ESBs provide a service registry—
Developers and dynamic clients needed ways to find available services,
and to retrieve the contract and usage information they needed to
consume them.
ESBs provide a way to name services—
This involves creating a namespace around services so there isn’t a
conflict in the service names and the message types defined.
ESBs provide some infrastructure for security—
Generally, this includes a way to allow or deny people access to a
service, and a way to specify what they’re allowed to do on that
ESBs provide the “bus” part of ESB—
The bus provides a way for the messages to move around from client to
service, and back. The important part of the bus is the instrumentation
in the endpoints that allows IT to manage the endpoint. IT can track the
SLA of the endpoint, performance, and faults on the service.
ESBs commonly provide service orchestration— Orchestration is the concept of composing several services together into a bigger service that performs some business process.
A common model for ESBs is shown in figure 1.
This is similar to the typical n-tier architecture model, where each
tier relies on the abstractions provided by the layer below it.

The orchestration has become
not only a way to have lower-level services work together, but it also
provides a layer of indirection on top of those services. In the
orchestration layer you can route messages based on content, policy, or
even service version. This is important as you connect services
together, and as they mature.
2. Why an ESB is a good idea in the cloud
The problem for ESBs is that
they usually only connect internal services and internal clients
together. It’s hard to publish a service you don’t control to your own
bus. External dependencies end up getting wrapped in a service you own
and published to your ESB as an internal service. Although this avoids
the first problem of attaching external services to your ESB, it
introduces a new problem, which is yet more code to manage and secure.
If you wanted to expose
a service to several vendors, or if you wanted a field application to
connect to an internal service, you’d have to resort to all sorts of
firewall tricks. You’d have to open ports, provision DNS, and do many
other things that give IT managers nightmares. Another challenge is the
effort it takes to make sure that an outside application can always
connect and use your service.
To go one step
farther, it’s an even bigger challenge to connect two outside clients
together. The problem comes down to the variety of firewalls, NATs,
proxies, and other network shenanigans that make point-to-point
communication difficult. For example, figure 2 might represent the layers between your local software and the services it’s calling across the internet.

Take an instant messaging client, for example. When the client starts up, and the user logs in, the client creates an outbound,
bidirectional connection to the chat service somewhere. This is always
allowed across the network (unless the firewall is configured to
explicitly block that type of client), no matter where you are. An
outbound connection, especially over port 80 (where HTTP lives) is
rarely a problem. Inbound connections, on the other hand, are almost
always a problem.
Both clients have these
outbound connections, and they’re used for signaling and commanding. If
client A wants to chat with client B, a message is sent up to the
service. The service uses the service registry to figure out where
client B’s inbound connection is in the server farm, and sends the
request to chat down client B’s link. If client B accepts the invitation
to chat, a new connection is set up between the two clients with a
predetermined rendezvous port. In this sense, the two clients are
bouncing messages off a satellite in order to always connect, because a
direct connection, especially an inbound one, wouldn’t be possible. This
strategy gets the traffic through a multitude of firewalls—on the PC,
on the servers, on the network—on both sides of the conversation.
There is also NATing (network
address translation) going on. A network will use private IP addresses
internally (usually in the 10.x.x.x range), and will only translate
those to an IP address that works on the internet if the traffic needs
to go outside the network. It’s quite common for all traffic coming from
one company or office to have the same source IP address, even if there
are hundreds of actual computers. The NAT device keeps a list of which
internal addresses are communicating with the outside world. This list
uses the TCP session ID (which is buried in each network message) to
route inbound traffic back to the individual computer that asked for it.
The “bounce it off a satellite” approach bypasses this problem by having both clients dialing out to the service. Figure 3 illustrates how this works.

The Service Bus is here to give
you all of that easy messaging goodness without all of the work. Imagine
if Skype or Yahoo Messenger could just write a cool application that
helped people communicate, instead of spending all of that hard work and
time figuring out how to always connect with someone, no matter where
they are.
The first step in
connecting is knowing who you can connect with, and where they are. To
determine this, you need to register your service on the Service Bus.