5. Adjusting Brightness and Contrast
a graphic’s brightness and/or contrast aren’t just right, you can
adjust them in Word. You can make brightness and contrast corrections
by choosing from a menu of preset options, or you can set precise
values for both attributes.
Correcting a Graphic’s Brightness and Contrast
Unless you know a lot about image correction, it’s
probably better (and definitely faster) to choose one of Word’s preset
correction options. Here’s how:
1. | Select the graphic so that the Format tab becomes active.
2. | In the Adjust group, click Corrections. A drop-down menu opens, as shown in Figure 12.
The menu’s Brightness and Contrast section displays 25 or so different
thumbnail versions of the image, each with a slightly different
brightness and contrast setting.

3. | Point
to any of the thumbnails. If Live Preview is enabled, the image in the
document updates to show you how it will look if you select the
correction you’re pointing at.
4. | Click the desired correction.