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SOA with .NET and Windows Azure : WCF Extensions - WCF Discovery

5/22/2011 11:33:40 AM
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WS-Discovery is a multicast protocol used to discover services within a network. It provides a standardized means of discovering services at runtime by allowing services to locate other services using UDP multicast messages or via a discovery proxy.

To find a target service, a service consumer sends a probe message to a multicast group. Target services that match the probe then send responses directly to the service consumer informing it of their existence. A service consumer can also look for endpoint address changes if a service’s network location changed.

Version 4.0 of the .NET framework introduced the WCF Discovery extension, a mechanism based on the WS-Discovery industry standard. It enables service redundancy, dynamic load balancing, and even fault tolerance (where if one service fails to respond, another service that satisfies the criteria can be dynamically located).

Being able to discover services dynamically simplifies the maintenance of service dependencies and increases the overall robustness of a service inventory because an alternative to a failed or unavailable service can quickly be located without explicit reconfiguration steps. Dynamic discovery and announcements can also be necessary in highly dynamic scenarios, such as in a dynamic cloud environment where new service instances go online or offline, depending on current usage patterns.


To view the WS-Discovery specification, visit www.soaspecs.com.

Discovery Modes

WCF supports two discovery modes: ad hoc and managed:

  • Ad hoc discovery allows services to locate other services on their local subnet and announce their availability when they go online or offline. Each service on the network can receive and respond to multicast discovery queries for targeted discovery needs.

  • Managed discovery introduces a dedicated discovery proxy into the environment. This proxy manages service availability information and responds to discovery queries to reduce the overall network traffic related to discovery announcements and queries and further allows for the discovery of services available outside the local subnet.

All classes related to the WS-Discovery protocol are encapsulated in the System.ServiceModel.Discovery library.

A service can respond to probe messages by adding a well-known endpoint and service behavior to manage the endpoint. As it is standard practice in WCF, both can be set programmatically or via configuration files.

The UDP endpoint is a standard WCF endpoint. The next example shows the endpoint element adding a discovery endpoint. Specifically, the kind attribute (introduced with .NET 4.0) is used to identify the standard endpoints:

Example 1.
<service name="Example.Services.CustomerService"

... service application endpoint ...

kind="udpDiscoveryEndpoint" />

Note that standard endpoints are configured machine-wide in the Machine.Config file. You can override the configuration in the Web.Config file, if necessary.

WCF 4.0 includes a service behavior to manage probe requests received on the discovery endpoint. This behavior is added to the service’s configuration, as shown here:

Example 2.
<behavior name="DiscoveryBehavior">
<serviceDiscovery />

A probe request includes a number of “find” criteria, a service contract, or a service’s URL scope. If a service matches all the find criteria, it responds with a FindMatch response containing its location, the matching criteria, and available metadata.

The probing service can retrieve the metadata from the response and evaluate it to determine how to handle the discovered service.

Shown here is an endpoint configuration with custom discovery metadata:

Example 3.
behaviorConfiguration="CustomMetadataBehavior" />
<behavior name="CustomMetadataBehavior">
<endpointDiscovery enabled="true">
<MyCustomMetadata>Highly Scalable</MyCustomMetadata>

Locating a Service Ad Hoc

A service consumer can send out WS-Discovery probe messages to locate available services. The probe query can include compatibility criteria, such as a service contract or a service scope. Query parameters are encoded in a FindCriteria object.

There are two types of query criteria:

  • contract type names – searches for services with endpoints that implement the specified contract names

  • scope – searches for services with endpoints that match the specified scope (scopes are defined in the endpoint’s behavior and several matching options for complete or partial matches exist)

The DiscoveryClient class provided by WCF manages probes and raises FindProgressChangedEventArgs events when ProbeMatch responses come in:

discoveryClient =
new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());
discoveryClient.FindProgressChanged +=
new EventHandler<FindProgressChangedEventArgs>
discoveryClient.FindCompleted +=
new EventHandler<FindCompletedEventArgs>
(new FindCriteria(typeof(ICustomerService)),

Following this, we are submitting an asynchronous discovery query over UDP. ParseResult examines the service contract, scope, and metadata to determine if the responding service meets the requirements:

Example 4.
private void OnFindProgressChanged(
object sender, FindProgressChangedEventArgs e)

The DiscoveryClient class also implements a synchronous Find() method that takes a FindCriteria parameter that specifies query and query completion criteria, such as the number of responses or the time to wait for responses.

DiscoveryClient also exposes a Resolve() method to locate a replacement for a service that’s been previously available at a known address. Calling Resolve() follows the same pattern as Find().

Sending and Receiving Service Announcements

Services can announce their availability when they come online or go offline. These announcements can be received by all services listening for them. You configure a service to transmit announcements by adding announcementEndpoints to the serviceDiscovery behavior, as shown in Example 5. The service then issues announcements to the configured endpoint.

Example 5.
<behavior name="DiscoveryBehavior">
<endpoint name="udpEndpointName"

The standard udpAnnouncementEndpoint is preconfigured in WCF. Each announcement includes the service endpoint location and contract, as well as endpoint-specific metadata.

In highly dynamic environments, service consumers may want to track available services instead of probing for availability or relying on the discovery proxy. Probing introduces additional latency and therefore should not occur as part of the logic that resolves service locations. Frequent multicast probing further results in unnecessary network traffic. Instead, a consumer of dynamically available services can listen for announcement broadcasts and maintain its own list of services.

Services interested in receiving local UDP discovery announcements must open up a listener on the udpAnnouncementEndpoint endpoint. WCF provides a pre-built AnnouncementService class to handle service announcements. This class can raise the OnOnlineAnnouncement and OnOfflineAnnouncement events to the hosting application.

This example shows a listener configured for announcement services:

Example 6.
... application service information ...

<service name="AnnouncementListener">
<endpoint kind="udpAnnouncementEndpoint" />

Next, we register events with AnnouncementService:

Example 7.
AnnouncementService announcementService =
new AnnouncementService();
announcementService.OnlineAnnouncementReceived +=
new EventHandler<AnnouncementEventArgs>
announcementService.OfflineAnnouncementReceived +=
new EventHandler<AnnouncementEventArgs>

The events receive an EndpointDiscoveryMetadata object, just like the response to a discovery probe. A FindCriteria object determines if the metadata matches endpoint requirements. In the following example, we query an EndpointDiscoveryMetadata announcement for compatibility with the ICustomerService contract:

Example 8.
private void OnlineAnnouncement
(object sender, AnnouncementEventArgs e)
EndpointDiscoveryMetadata metadata =
FindCriteria criteria =
new FindCriteria(typeof(ICustomerService));
if (criteria.IsMatch(metadata))
... further examine endpoint metadata ...
... store endpoint address for service access ...

Discovery Proxies for Managed Discovery

Ad hoc discovery is a suitable approach for static and smaller local service networks, where all services live on the same subnet and multicasting probes or announcements don’t add a lot of network chatter.

Larger environments, with services distributed across multiple subnets (or highly dynamic networks), need to consider a Discovery Proxy to overcome the limitations of ad hoc probing. A Discovery Proxy can listen to UDP announcements on the standard udpAnnouncementEndpoint for service registration and de-registration, but also expose DiscoveryEndpoint via a WCF SOAP binding.

The implementation requirements for a Discovery Proxy can vary from a simple implementation that keeps an in-memory cache of available services, to implementations that require databases or scale-out solutions, like caching extensions provided by Windows Server AppFabric. WCF provides a DiscoveryProxy base class that can be used for general proxy implementations.

Discovering from a Discovery Proxy

Discovering services registered with a Discovery Proxy follows the steps for ad hoc discovery discussed earlier. Instead of multicasting a UDP message, DiscoveryClient now needs to contact the Discovery Proxy. Details about the discovery contract are encapsulated in the DiscoveryEndpoint class. Its constructor only takes parameters for the communication protocol details, binding, and address.

Here we are configuring a discovery client to query the Discover Proxy:

Example 9.
DiscoveryEndpoint proxyEndpoint =
new DiscoveryEndpoint(
new NetTcpBinding(),
new EndpointAddress(proxyAddressText.Text));
this.discoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(proxyEndpoint);

Implicit Service Discovery

Our coverage of WCF Discovery so far has focused on the explicit discovery of services. However, it is worth noting that WCF Discovery can also perform the same queries behind-the-scenes, when you configure endpoints as DynamicEndpoint programmatically or in the configuration file. This allows for highly dynamic, adaptive environments where virtually no location-specific details are maintained as part of code or configuration.

A client endpoint, for example, can be configured to locate a service that matches on scope and contract. In the following example, we configure DynamicEndpoint to locate a service with matching contract and metadata:
Example 10.
<endpoint kind="dynamicEndpoint"
name="dynamicCustomerEndpoint" />
<standardEndpoint name="dynamicEndpointConfiguration">
<findCriteria duration="00:00:05" maxResults="1">
<add name="ICustomerService"/>
Highly Scalable

With this configuration, the service consumer can create a proxy object to the server with the following code:

Example 11.
ICustomerService svc =
new ChannelFactory<ICustomerService>
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