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Integrating BizTalk Server 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM : Communicating from Dynamics CRM to BizTalk Server (part 3) - Registering the plugin, Testing the plugin

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4/19/2013 6:50:10 PM
Registering the plugin

Microsoft provides a plugin registration tool as part of the SDK. This tool is located in the SDK\Tools\PluginRegistration folder of the SDK. Prior to running the plugin registration tool, copy the Chapter3-DynamicsCRM.AcctPlugin.dll to the <installation directory>\Program Files\Microsoft CRM\server\bin\assembly on the servers where Dynamics CRM resides. You need to put the assembly here if you want to debug it later or if you are not using the database storage option. If you do choose to store the plugin assembly in the Dynamics CRM database and are not concerned about debugging your plugin, then the assembly may reside anywhere during registration:

  1. The plugin registration tool is included in the Dynamics CRM SDK as an example application. Go to the location where we unpacked the SDK and navigate to the tools\pluginregistration folder. Build the project and launch the executable.

  2. Connect to the Dynamics CRM 2011 instance.

  3. Click the option to register a new assembly:

  4. Navigate to the Chapter3-DynamicsCRM.AcctPlugin.dll assembly and click Load Assembly.

  5. Specify the Isolation Mode as None. There is an additional option of Sandbox that introduces a series of limitations on plugins run in that mode. Sandboxed plugins have limits on access to the file system, Event Log, network, and more. This is a very useful option when offering a hosting environment, as a provider can restrict the types of plugins that each customer in the shared environment can deploy.

  6. Next, choose the location to store the plugin. The default option is Database but we may also store the file on disk or the Global Assembly Cache. Set the location as Database.

  7. Click the Registered Selected Plugins button&; to load and register the plugin in the Dynamics CRM database:

  8. Next up, within the Registered Plugins & Custom Workflow Activities window, select our new plugin, and choose Register and then Register New Step from the menu.

  9. This window lets us register the event and entity that should trigger our plugin. Set the event, called a message in Dynamics CRM, to Update. There are many message options, including Create, Close, Merge, Retrieve, and more.

  10. Set the Primary Entity value to account. This is the entity whose message will launch the plugin. Note that by using the Filtering Attributes property, we can set which fields on an entity trigger the message.

  11. Set the Eventing Pipeline Stage of Execution to Post-operation. Plugins run within the execution pipeline of entity processing. Plugins that run in the "pre" stage operate before the message is saved to Dynamics CRM. It is a useful place for doing data validation. The "post" stage is a good place for logic that should run after the data is committed to Dynamics CRM. In our case, we want to send the message to BizTalk Server after the entity has been updated. Select the radio button next to Post-operation.

  12. Finally, set the execution mode. Plugins can run either synchronously or asynchronously. A plugin that validates data before saving it should run synchronously so that the user can be notified if any errors are encountered. In this case, our service should execute after the Dynamics CRM user has finished updating the entity and we do not want to interrupt or delay the user while the BizTalk service is called. Set the Execution Mode to Asynchronous:

  13. With the step registered, our last step is to register an Image. Recall that the Update message only contains the fields that have undergone a change. If we need to access other fields from the entity, we either have to invoke the Dynamics CRM services, or, even better, use an Image that gets passed into the plugin. Select the plugin from the Registered Plugins & Custom Workflow Activities window, select the Register, and then the Register New Image button.

  14. Set the Image Type as Post Image, and set the Name and Entity Alias to PostEventImage. The Parameters setting allows us to set which fields on the entity we want available in the Image. Leave this value as All Attributes. Finally, click theRegister Image button.

  15. At this point, our configuration should look like this:

We have now successfully built a Dynamics CRM 2011 plugin and registered it with the system. This plugin will asynchronously fire after an account record has been saved and pass a complete image within the IPluginExecutionContext object.

Testing the plugin

To test this configuration, we simply need to change the details on a specific account. Because we registered this plugin to fire on any change to an account entity (vs. filtering which attributes launch the plugin), any changed attribute will do:

  1. Open Dynamics CRM 2011 and navigate to the Accounts view.

  2. Open any existing account to view its attributes.

  3. Change any one attribute of the account. In the example above, I changed the account number from 10094 to 10095. The plugin should launch nearly immediately. Check the Event Log of the machine hosting Dynamics CRM 2011 and watch for the events signifying success.

  4. Next, switch to the folder that BizTalk Server sends the account change events to and confirm that the event was published there.

This simple test showed how a change in a Dynamics CRM entity could immediately send a message to BizTalk Server for additional processing.
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