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Group Policy and the GPMC (part 1) - Enabling a GPO Setting & Applying Multiple GPOs

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Group Policy is a group of technologies that allows administrators within a domain to configure a setting one time and have it apply to multiple users or computers. Group Policy settings can be configured using the Local Computer Policy or using the Group Policy Management console (GPMC) in a domain.

As a comparison, Figure 1 shows the Local Computer Policy for a Windows 7 computer, and Figure 2 shows the Default Domain Policy for a domain. There are some important differences.

Figure 1. Local Computer Policy for a single computer

Figure 2. Default Domain Policy for the entire domain

First, the Local Computer Policy affects only the local machine. If only the Local Computer Policy is used, each individual computer must be modified. The Default Domain Policy affects all users and computers in the domain. Other Group Policy objects (GPOs) can be created in a domain that will affect all the user accounts and computer accounts in a site or all the accounts in an Organizational Unit (OU).

When you create a reference computer that will be used as an image, the Local Computer Policy is useful to configure settings that will be the same in all deployed images.

Second, domain policy includes policies and preferences. Any settings in the Policies node are enforced and cannot be changed by users once the settings are applied. Settings in the Preferences node are set but aren't enforced. In other words, users can override the settings in the Preferences node.

Group Policy settings are organized in the following nodes:

Software Settings

This node can be used to deploy software to clients. Software deployed with Group Policy can be automatically installed on computers or installed based on a user's action. For example, a Group Policy–deployed application can appear on a user's Start menu and be installed when the user first selects it or deployed to a computer and installed the next time the computer restarts.

Windows Settings

This node includes Security Settings and Scripts for the computer and also Folder Redirection and Internet Explorer Maintenance for the user. Scripts can be configured to run when the computer starts or stops and when a user logs on or logs off.

Administrative Templates

This node includes a large assortment of settings that can be used to modify and manage the user's environment. These settings directly modify the Registry of the client computers.

There are literally thousands of Group Policy settings. One of the first things to grasp is that you'll never learn them all. What you should concentrate on first is how Group Policy works. Then, as you work with Group Policy, you'll be exposed to more and more settings.

The good news is that most of the settings have built-in documentation. When you find the setting in the GPMC, you also find the documentation. In addition, there's a built-in search feature that makes it easier to find Group Policy settings in the Administrative Templates node.

1. Enabling a GPO Setting

Most GPO settings have one of three options that can be applied: Not Configured, Enabled, and Disabled. Figure 10.3 shows an example of an Administrative template setting that can be used to set the roaming profile for all users.

Figure 3. GPO setting to set roaming profiles for all users

Not Configured

Not Configured simply means that the setting hasn't been set. If this setting isn't configured by any other GPOs, the user will be able to modify the setting on the local computer.


When a setting is enabled, it will be applied, and if the setting has additional options, they can be configured when it is enabled. For example, in Figure 10.3, the roaming profile path is set as \\FS1\Profiles\%username%.


When a setting is disabled, it prevents any options for this GPO from being applied. As an example, if a previously applied GPO has enabled the setting, the Disabled setting will prevent the previously applied GPO from taking effect.

Exercise 1 walks through the steps of viewing the Local Computer Policy and enabling a setting.

Exercise: Viewing the Local Computer Policy and Enabling a Setting

  1. Launch the Group Policy Editor for the Local Computer Policy by clicking Start, typing Group in the Search text box, and clicking Edit Group Policy. Alternatively, you can create an MMC using these steps:

    1. Click Start, type MMC in the Start Search box, and press Enter. If User Account Control prompts you to continue, click Yes.

    2. Click File => Add/Remove Snap-in.

    3. Select Group Policy Object Editor and click Add.

    4. The Welcome to the Group Policy Wizard appears, with Local Computer selected as the Group Policy object. Click Finish. Click OK.

  2. Expand Local Computer Policy. You'll see a Computer Configuration node and a User Configuration node. Browse to the Computer Configuration => Windows Settings => Security Settings node. This node includes many of the security settings, including Account Policies and Local Policies.

  3. Browse to the Computer Configuration => Administrative Templates => System => User Profiles node. This node includes several settings that can be used to configure profiles for users.

  4. Browse to the Computer Configuration => Administrative Templates => System node. This includes several nodes that can be used to control different functions of the operating system. Feel free to browse around to different nodes. As long as you don't enable any settings, nothing will be modified.

  5. Select the User Configuration => Administrative Templates => Start Menu And Taskbar node. Double-click Remove Games Link From Start Menu. Click Enabled. Your display will look similar to the following graphic. Click OK.

  6. Click Start. You'll notice that the Games link is no longer on the Start menu. Note that this doesn't actually remove the games. If Chess Titans is installed, you can still type in Chess in the Start Search text box to access the Chess game.

  7. Return to the Local Group Policy Editor. Double-click Remove Games Link From Start Menu. Click Not Configured and click OK.

  8. Click Start. You'll notice that the Games link has reappeared on the Start menu.

2. Applying Multiple GPOs

It's possible for multiple GPOs in a domain to apply to any individual user account or computer account. When that occurs, the settings are merged.

If the GPO settings are different, all the settings are applied. For example, one GPO could be used to configure all computers to download and install updates automatically, and another GPO could configure all computers to use roaming profiles. These two settings are different and do not conflict with each other, so both settings will apply.

However, if any of the same GPO settings are used with different parameters, there's a conflict. As an example, one GPO could configure clients automatically to download updates and notify clients when they are ready to be installed, and another GPO could configure clients automatically to download updates and install them without user intervention. This is a conflict.

When there's a conflict, the last GPO applied wins. This is an important phrase—the last GPO applied wins. It will help you understand many of the scenarios with GPOs.

There are some exceptions to the "last GPO applied wins" rule. These include using the Enforced option and Loopback Processing.

As an example, imagine that Local Computer Policy is configured on a reference computer, as shown in Figure 4. Updates will automatically be downloaded and the user will be prompted to install the updates. Windows Deployment Services (WDS) can be used to capture the image of the reference computer and then deploy the image to 100 clients in the domain.

Figure 4. Local Computer Policy used for Automatic Updates

Unfortunately, users are not installing these updates when they're being notified that the updates are ready to be installed. You could configure the Default Domain Policy with option 4—Auto Download And Schedule The Install. Now there's a conflict. The Local Computer Policy says one thing, and the Default Domain Policy says something else. The Default Domain Policy wins because it was applied after the Local Computer Policy.

Only Group Policy settings that are set to Enabled or Disabled are evaluated when Group Policy is applied. If the setting is set to Not Configured in one GPO but set to Enabled in another GPO, this is not considered a conflict. The setting that is set to Enabled is applied.

2.1. GPO Scope

The GPO scope refers to where it is applied. A Local Computer Policy applies to only a single GPO, but other GPOs can apply to many users and computers in the organization.

GPOs can be created and linked to sites, domains, and OUs. Where a GPO is linked determines which users and computers will have the GPO settings applied. Any users or computers within the scope of a GPO will inherit the settings of the GPO. If a user or computer is within the scope of multiple GPOs, it will inherit the settings of all the GPOs.

2.1.1. Domain Scope

GPOs linked to the domain apply to all accounts in the domain. When a domain is first created, the Default Domain Policy is also created. It includes some basic settings that apply to all user and computer accounts in the domain.

Consider Figure 5. It shows the Active Directory Users and Computers console in the Wiley.com domain. There are multiple OUs (Domain Controllers, Servers, Sales, and IT) and containers within the OUs. The East and West OUs are children of the Sales OU, but all of the other OUs and containers are on the same level and don't have a parent/child relationship with each other.

Figure 5. Active Directory Users and Computers showing OUs and containers

The Default Domain Policy applies to any accounts that are in any of the OUs or containers in the domain. This includes the Users and Computers container and any accounts in child OUs. Another way of saying this is that GPO settings applied at the domain level are inherited by all the OUs and containers in the domain.

A container looks similar to a folder in Active Directory Users and Computers. The Computers container is the default location for new computers that join the domain, and the Users container holds the Administrator user account and some groups. OUs have an additional icon within the folder, and the only default OU in a domain is the Domain Controllers OU. All other OUs are created by an administrator.

GPOs are not inherited between domains. In other words, if a forest has a root domain of Wiley.com and a child domain named Propubs.Wiley.com, any GPOs applied to the Wiley.com domain are not inherited by the Propubs.Wiley.com domain.

2.1.2. OU Scope

GPOs linked directly to an OU have a scope of that OU. All of the GPO settings apply to accounts in that OU. In addition, any child OUs inherit the settings of GPOs applied to the parent OU.

As an example, consider Figure 6, which shows the Group Policy Management console (GPMC) with the Domain Controllers OU selected. The Default Domain Controllers Policy is linked to the Domain Controllers OU and listed right below it in the figure. Both are created when the domain is created. Domain controllers are automatically added to the Domain Controllers OU, so this GPO applies to the domain controllers in the domain (as long as they aren't removed from the Domain Controllers OU).

Figure 6. Group Policy Management console showing OUs

Two additional GPOs have also been created. The Disable Mandatory Profile GPO is linked to the IT OU and applies only to users and computers in the IT OU. The Deploy Sales App GPO is linked to the Sales OU. The East and West OUs are both children of the Sales OU, so the Deploy Sales App GPO applies to all accounts in the Sales OU, the East OU, and the West OU.

You can see the hierarchical relationships among the domain, OUs, and child OUs in the GPMC. The OUs and containers are indented to show they are children of the domain. The East and West OUs are indented to show they are children of the Sales OU. Child OUs inherit GPO settings from the parent.

The Default Domain Controllers Policy does not apply to any users in the IT, Sales, or Servers OUs because these are all peers. Similarly, the Disable Mandatory Profile GPO applies to accounts in the IT OU but does not apply to accounts in any other OUs or containers.

2.1.3. Site Scope

A site is a group of well-connected computers or subnets used for multiple-location environments. As an example, imagine a company with a main location in one city and a branch office in another city. Individually, each location is well connected using 1Gbs local area networks. However, the locations are connected to each other using a T1 line at about 1.544 Mbs. Although a T1 line is not bad for a WAN link, it has only about 1.5 percent of the bandwidth available within the LAN.

Now the organization wants to deploy Microsoft Office to clients using Group Policy. Figure 7 shows an ineffective method of deploying the application with a single GPO (GPO1) linked to the domain. This single GPO would apply to all the accounts in the domain (including all the accounts in both sites).

Figure 7. Using a single GPO to apply settings to different sites

When a single GPO is used to deploy the application to both sites, it will have to be deployed over the WAN link for some of the clients, which will be much slower than if the application was deployed from a server in the same site. If Microsoft Office is deployed from a server in the main office, it will go over the WAN link for clients in the remote office. If it's deployed from a server in the remote office, it'll have to go over the WAN link for users in the main office.

Instead, two separate GPOs (GPO2 and GPO3) can be used, as shown in Figure 8. GPO2 can deploy the application from a server in the main office to users in the main office. GPO3 can deploy the application from a server in the remote office to users in the remote office.

Figure 8. Deploying an application to two sites using two GPOs

While it isn't efficient to use a single GPO to deploy applications to multiple sites, it is efficient to deploy settings to multiple sites with a single GPO. For example, if you want to configure computers to use automatic updates, it isn't necessary to create separate GPOs if the organization has multiple sites.

2.2. GPO Order of Precedence

Since the last GPO applied wins, it's important to understand the order in which GPOs are applied. This is also known as the order of precedence, and the order is Local Computer Policy followed by site, domain, and OU GPOs.

Local Computer Policy

This is applied first. Within a domain, the Local Computer Policy is always overwritten if there is any conflict.

Site Group Policy

Site GPOs are applied after the Local Computer Policy. If there any conflicts, settings in the site GPO take precedence.

Domain Group Policy

Any GPOs that are applied at the domain level override the Local Computer Policy and any site GPOs (if they exist). The Default Domain Policy is automatically created in a domain when the domain is created. It's also possible to create other domain GPOs at the domain level.

Organizational Unit Group Policy

GPOs can be created and applied to OUs. When this is done, an OU GPO overrides any GPOs applied at the local, site, or domain levels. If child OUs are created and GPOs are applied to the child OUs, the GPOs applied to the child OUs are applied after parent OUs and take precedence.

As an example, consider Figure 9, which shows a domain with multiple OUs and multiple GPOs. Look at these GPOs to see if you can determine the effective policy for users who have their accounts in different OUs. The relevant Group Policy settings are explained in the following bullets.

Figure 9. Multiple GPOs applied at multiple levels


In Figure 10.9, the IT OU, Servers OU, Sales OU, and Computers and Users containers are all considered peers; they are on the same level directly under the domain. The East and West OUs are children of the Sales OU.

  • Default Domain Policy. Among other settings, this GPO has set a roaming profile path for all users that is configured as a mandatory profile by renaming the ntuser.dat file to ntuser.man. This setting is in the Computer Configuration => Policies => Administrative Templates => System => User Profiles node as Set Roaming Profile Path For All Users Logging Onto This Computer.

  • Server Security GPO. This GPO has modified the Allow Logon Locally user right to allow only members of the Administrators or G_ITAdmins group this right. Normally, users can log on to any server in the domain except for domain controllers. This setting is in the Computer Configuration => Windows Settings => Security Settings => Local Policies => User Rights Assignment node.

  • Deploy Sales App GPO. This GPO will be used to deploy a Sales User application to users. This setting is in the User Configuration => Policies => Software Settings => Software Installation node.

  • West Sales GPO. This GPO has set a roaming profile path for all users.

Consider the following scenarios, and see if you can determine the results based on the GPOs shown in Figure 9.

  1. If a user logs on using an account in the IT OU, what kind of user profiles will be used?

  2. Who can log on to servers placed in the IT OU?

  3. Who can log on to servers placed in the Servers OU?

  4. Who will receive the Sales application?

  5. If a user logs on using an account in the West OU, what kind of user profiles will be used?

Here are the results with a short explanation of how the policy is applied.

  1. Local user profiles will be used. Both the Default Domain Policy and the IT GPO are applied. The Default Domain policy configures a mandatory roaming profile, but the IT GPO disables roaming profiles. This is a conflict and the last GPO applied wins. Since the IT GPO is applied after the domain GPO, the IT GPO is the winning GPO.

  2. Any user in the domain can log on to servers placed in the IT OU. By default, users can log on to any computer in the domain except for domain controllers. This is not being modified by Group Policy for this OU.

  3. Only members of G_ITAdmins group can log on to these servers. The Server Security GPO is restricting this right to this group. The G_ITAdmins group would need to be created if it doesn't exist. Then any users or groups (such as administrators in the IT department and domain administrators) would be added to this group.

  4. All the users in the Sales OU, the East OU, and the West OU will receive the Sales application. The GPO deploying this application is linked to the Sales OU. Since the East and West OUs are children of the Sales OU, they inherit the settings from this GPO.

  5. Roaming profiles will be used (but not mandatory roaming profiles) by users in the West OU. The Default Domain Policy sets mandatory profiles, but it is overridden by the West Sales GPO.

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