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Raster Graphics : The Pixel Bits

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3/28/2011 9:17:28 PM
The Pixels property of WritableBitmap is an array of int, which means that each pixel is 32 bits wide. The Pixels property itself is get-only so you can’t replace the actual array, but you can set and get elements of that array.

A bitmap is a two dimensional array of pixels; the Pixels property of WriteableBitmap is a one-dimensional array of int values. The Pixels array stores the pixels of the bitmap starting with the top row and working down, and within each row from left to right. The number of elements in the array is equal to the product of the bitmap’s pixel width and pixel height.

If bm is a WriteableBitmap object, then the number of elements in the Pixels property is bm.PixelWidth * bm.PixelHeight. Suppose you want to access the pixel in column x (where x ranges from 0 through bm.PixelWidth – 1) and row y, where y ranges from 0 to bm.PixelHeight – 1. You index the Pixels property like so:

bm.Pixels[y * bm.PixelWidth + x]

Silverlight for Windows Phone supports only one pixel format, sometimes denoted as PARGB32. Let me decode this format code working backwards:

The “32” at the end means 32 bits, or 4 bytes. That’s the size of each pixel. The ARGB part indicates that the Alpha byte (opacity) occupies the high 8 bits of the 32-bit integer, followed by the Red byte, Green byte, and Blue byte, which occupies the bottom 8 bits of the integer.

If A, R, G, and B are all of type byte, you can create a 32-bit integer pixel value like so:

int pixel = A << 24 | R << 16 | G << 8 | B

The shifted values—implicitly converted to type int—are combined with the C# bitwise OR operator. You can obtain the components of an existing pixel value like so:

byte A = (byte)(pixel & 0xFF000000 >> 24);
byte R = (byte)(pixel & 0x00FF0000 >> 16);
byte G = (byte)(pixel & 0x0000FF00 >> 8);
byte B = (byte)(pixel & 0x000000FF);

When the Alpha channel byte is 255, the pixel is opaque. A value of 0 means completely transparent, and values in between indicate various levels of transparency.

In the PARGB32 pixel format, the P stands for “premultiplied,” which means that if the Alpha value is anything other than 255, then the Red, Green, and Blue values have been already adjusted for the transparency indicated by that Alpha value.

To better understand this concept, let’s look at an example involving a single pixel. Suppose you want the pixel to have the following color:

Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0, 255)

That’s blue with 50% transparency. When that pixel is rendered on a particular background surface, the color of the pixel must be combined with the existing colors of the surface. Drawn against a black background, the resultant RGB color is (0, 0, 128), which is the average of the blue pixel and the black background. Drawn against a white background, the resultant color is (127, 127, 255). Each of the three components is an average of the pixel and the surface.

With a transparency of anything other than 50%, the resultant color is a weighted average of the pixel source and the surface: The subscripts in the following formulas indicate the “result” of rendering a partially transparent “source” pixel on an existing “surface”:

When a bitmap is rendered on an arbitrary surface, these calculations must be performed for each pixel.

Very often a single bitmap is rendered on different surfaces multiple times. The calculations shown above can be speeded up somewhat if the Red, Green, and Blue components of the pixels in the bitmap have already been multiplied by the Alpha channel. These pre-multiplied components are calculated like so:

and similarly for Green and Blue. The resultant formulas for rendering the bitmap have half the number of multiplications:

Whenever you’re working with the Pixels property of WriteableBitmap, you’re dealing with pre-multiplied alphas. For example, suppose you want a pixel in the bitmap to have an RGB color value of (40, 60, 255) but with an Alpha value of 192. The ARGB value in the bitmap would be (192, 30, 45, 192). Each of the R, G, and B values have been multiplied by 192/255 or about 0.75.

In any pre-multiplied color value, the R, G, or B values should all be less than or equal to the A value. Nothing will “blow up” if any R, G, or B value is greater than A, but you won’t get the level of transparency you want.

When working with ARGB color values without pre-multiplied alphas, there is a distinction between “transparent black,” the ARGB color (0, 0, 0, 0), and “transparent white,” the ARGB color (0, 255, 255, 255). With pre-multiplied alphas, the distinction disappears because transparent white is also (0, 0, 0, 0).

When you first create a WriteableBitmap, all the pixels are zero, which you can think of as “transparent black” or “transparent white” or “transparent chartreuse.”

By directly writing into the Pixels array of a WriteableBitmap you can create any type of image you can conceive.

Comparatively simple algorithms let you create styles of brushes that are not supported by the standard Brush derivatives. The content area of the CircularGradient project consists solely of an Image element waiting for a bitmap:

Example 1. Silverlight Project: CircularGradient File: MainPage.xaml (excerpt)
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<Image Name="img"
VerticalAlignment="Center" />

The code-behind file for MainPage defines a rather arbitrary radius value and makes a square WriteableBitmap twice that value. The two for loops for x and y touch every pixel in that bitmap:

Example 2. Silverlight Project: CircularGradient File: MainPage.xaml.cs (excerpt)
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
const int RADIUS = 200;

public MainPage()

WriteableBitmap writeableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(2 * RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS);

for (int y = 0; y < writeableBitmap.PixelWidth; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < writeableBitmap.PixelHeight; x++)
if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - RADIUS, 2) + Math.Pow(y - RADIUS, 2)) <
double angle = Math.Atan2(y - RADIUS, x - RADIUS);
byte R = (byte)(255 * Math.Abs(angle) / Math.PI);
byte B = (byte)(255 - R);
int color = 255 << 24 | R << 16 | B;
writeableBitmap.Pixels[y * writeableBitmap.PixelWidth + x] =

img.Source = writeableBitmap;

The center of the WriteableBitmap is the point (200, 200). The code within the nested for loops begins by skipping every pixel that is more than 200 pixels in length from that center. Within the square bitmap, only a circle will have non-transparent pixels.

If you connect that center point with any pixel in the bitmap, the line makes an angle with the horizontal axis. The angle of that line is obtained from the Math.Atan2 method. The method then assigns values to the R and B variables based on this angle, creates a color value, and stores it in the Pixels array. A call to Invalidate then makes the actual bitmap image match these pixels, and the bitmap is set to the Source property of the Image element:

Other -----------------
- Raster Graphics : WriteableBitmap and UIElement
- Raster Graphics - The Bitmap Class Hierarchy
- Vector Graphics : The Path Markup Syntax
- Vector Graphics : Bézier Curves
- Vector Graphics : The Versatile PathGeometry
- Vector Graphics : Grouping Geometries
- Vector Graphics : Geometries and Transforms
- Vector Graphics : The Path Element
- Vector Graphics : Dynamic Polygons
- Vector Graphics : The Stretch Property
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