If you are currently in a
Windows NT domain structure, this section can be used as a precursor to
the AD design. In conducting assessments for Windows NT environments, I
often used this section to give the customer a preview of how its
environment will fit into AD, and to educate the customer about known
best practices. With experience in doing migrations, and after
completing the review of the environment, what needs to be done to
complete the migration becomes fairly clear. Doing a thorough job here
makes it easy to complete the recommendations section later in the
assessment document.
If you have a Windows 2000
forest structure, this will be an opportunity to determine whether
changes should be made. Sometimes, just getting all stakeholders
together and taking a step back to analyze the infrastructure will
create a list of problems and headaches that should be addressed. With
many companies relying on the benefit of three or four years of
experience running Windows 2000, and with the evolution of knowledge
that accompanies that experience, this assessment provides a chance to
make changes to correct those problems and employ best practices.
Structure of AD
Your design of the AD structure is dependent upon the
DNS structure, domain structure, and to some extent, naming standards.
Your assessment then, must include an accurate description of the
current DNS infrastructure so that the Windows 2003 DNS requirements are
integrated as seamlessly as possible. The existing domain
structure—whether it be Windows NT or Windows 2000—must be accurately
defined during the assessment, including a description of infrastructure
problems. This will help your AD design team design the new domain
structure to address those problems.
DNS Structure
Having previously assessed and defined the existing
DNS structure and reviewing the role of DNS in the Windows 2003
environment, I usually do a brief analysis of how the customer's DNS
structure will support the needs of the Windows 2003 forest. The
following points will help you in that analysis:
DNS must support dynamic updates and Service
Locator (SRV) resource records. Although technically dynamic updates are
not required, it would be an administrative nightmare to keep DNS
updated without them. Think of updating the CName records that map the
GUID to the FQDN for a large number of DCs.
the External DNS namespace different from the Internal? Although AD
will work with either configuration, a single namespace presents
challenges that must be resolved.
there non-Windows clients or a non-Windows environment, such as UNIX,
Linux, or OpenVMS, that requires DNS and for which DNS already exists in
the environment? You need to determine how the Windows 2003 DNS
structure will fit in (most likely via a delegation from the existing
How is the connection to the
Internet made? This might be via an ISP or perhaps you have name servers
registered on the Internet. This will affect how the Windows DNSs
configure forwarding to permit the Windows clients to get access to the
Internet. (Answers to the previous two points will help form the
forwarding strategy.)
AD does not require access to the Internet.
Configuring forwarders to permit this access is for convenience of the
users only. Note that Windows Server 2003 Help and Support and event
messages contain links to Microsoft articles to assist in problem
resolution, so connection to the Internet does have value.
there any Windows-based DNSs in the environment (that is, in the
Windows NT structure)? If there are, the new Windows 2003 DNS structure
will need to be merged to the existing structure.
It is critical to do a thorough analysis of the
existing DNS structure and how the new Windows Server 2003 structure
will fit into it. AD depends heavily on a proper implementation of DNS.
Windows 2003 Domain Structure
The content of this section depends upon whether the
existing domain structure is Windows NT or Windows 2000. If you are
migrating from Windows NT, you can take this opportunity to identify key
Windows 2003 domain components such as single versus multiple forest
structure, single versus multiple domain structure, and naming
conventions. In the case of an existing Windows 2000 structure, this
section could be used to list the pros and cons of these domain and
forest options. You could then do a brief analysis, not giving a
recommendation of the domain structure you might recommend at this
point, but rather presenting how the company's infrastructure might
look. Figures 1 and 2
show how I presented this to one customer, explaining the options of
creating separate domain trees versus a single tree with child domains
off of a single parent (root). This gave us the opportunity in a design
review to explore both options and determine which made more sense for
the customer's situation. Although this initial design might change
after designing the OU structure, analyzing security implementation, and
determining how the administration model will be configured, this at
least gives you a starting point.

It is important to realize at this point that this is
still the assessment—not the design stage. Recommendations should not
be given at this point even though you might feel that you know the
domain or forest structure that should be used.
Naming Standards
This section should include two parts: Current
Standards and Considerations. If the current environment is Windows NT,
there will likely be significant changes; for example, the elimination
of names with special characters that are incompatible with DNS, such as
“.” and “-”. Although Microsoft's DNS allows Unicode characters, it's
best not to include them for compatibility with other flavors of DNS. In
addition, Windows NT domains were often implemented by many different
entities within an enterprise without following company-wide standards
for names and configuration. Many Windows 2000 and 2003 environments
tend to include site codes, domain codes, and so on into the name to
reflect where the server is in the topology.
If the environment is already Windows 2000, you might
want to examine the current structure to determine whether the
standards have been followed and whether changes to the environment or
topology require a different naming scheme. Although this isn't the
place for recommendations, it is the place for education, so note any
concerns or problems with the current scheme and provide some examples
or alternatives to be considered. In the recommendations section, you
can formally make a recommendation of a particular scheme or specific
Windows 2003 Network Services
Of course, network services are important in
providing the AD data and services to users. These network services
include subnetting, DHCP, WINS, DNS, and remote access as you might
expect, but also includes the Distributed File System (DFS). The
following list includes tasks that should be included in the assessment:
Any changes in the subnet scheme should be made prior to the migration
to Windows 2003. This could be the addition of new subnets or
concatenation of existing ones, or changing the focus of the subnets.
This will put the network on firm footing, preventing changing network
addressing after the migration and adding to problems you might have
that are caused by the migration. In other words, it reduces the
potential problems to solve after the migration takes place.
A logical subnet scheme is critical to Windows 2003
as well as Windows 2000 due to the “client awareness” feature, which
allows clients to find resources (DCs, GCs, DFS replica targets, and so
on) in the client's site preferentially. Mapping a single subnet across
multiple sites impacts this feature, causing clients to be authenticated
by unexpected DCs.
With the introduction of AD Partitions in Windows
2003, this is even more important if you plan to take advantage of these
nondomain partitions and their site awareness characteristics. |
The DHCP scopes might need to be configured as required for the new
Windows 2003 structure, including new scopes (or changes to existing
scopes), lease times, DNS configuration, and so on prior to the
migration. Part of the assessment might be to determine scope
utilization. This section can be used to identify those weaknesses that
should be considered for changes.
The DNS structure should be designed and in place prior to creating the
new Windows 2003 domain structure. In Windows 2000, it was critical to
configure DNS prior to building the forest.
Microsoft, as of this writing, has created an excellent DNS resource called DNS Center at http://www.microsoft.com/DNS.
The DNS Center contains Webcast recordings, whitepapers, KB articles,
Best Practice papers, and even some training documents. Whether you are
unfamiliar with Windows DNS requirements and functionality or are a
veteran looking for best practices, this is a great resource.
If you have Windows NT, you need to keep WINS for backward compatibility
for Windows NT machines. With Windows 2000 to 2003 migration, you can
elect to eliminate WINS altogether. But remember that downlevel clients
and some applications relying on special records stored in WINS might
prevent you from proceeding with this strategy anytime soon. Note that
even though HP is operating in a Native Windows 2003 environment, we
still use WINS.
Application Validation
Your applications—third-party or custom in-house
developed—must be validated in the new environment. Even if the
applications have been working in a Windows 2000 environment, they
should be tested and validated with Windows 2003. It's amazing how many
DOS-based client-server applications are still hanging around that
depend on Windows NT servers or even Backup Domain Controllers (BDCs).
Of particular interest are those that interact with Windows NT or
perhaps the Windows 2000 AD.
Consider the following points in evaluating application compatibility:
Apps leveraging Windows NT 4.0 domain for
Authentication or account lookup can leverage anonymous user access to
DCs to access domain data.
Apps running
on Windows NT 4.0 DCs. If migrating, need to be reinstalled on other
machines, because DCs cannot be migrated. If upgrading, you need to
ensure compatibility with Windows Server 2003.
Apps leveraging Windows 2000 AD need to check schema-compatibility prior to upgrading to Windows Server 2003 AD schema.
Make sure you test these applications as thoroughly
as possible to avoid any surprises when the users access them during the
User Working Environment
This section of your assessment should review the
user environment—the client workstations —and how the current
configuration will work in the new Windows 2003 structure. Most
companies have a regular client upgrade program, purchasing new
workstations every three to four years. In this case, the clients will
likely have the newest OS and
be able to take advantage of new features in the Windows 2003 domain.
These features include security, remote connections, Encrypted File
System (EFS), new Group Policy features in XP and 2003, SmartCard
support, and additional hardware support.
The client features can significantly affect the ROI
and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) figures. Improving security, reducing
support costs, and providing users with better remote connection support
can be translated into direct cost savings. Laboring with Windows 9x
clients might be cheaper in that you don't have to buy XP licenses, but
limited support for new devices, archaic troubleshooting tools, and
problematic site awareness causing them to ignore the local DC, can eat
up that savings in additional support costs for your IT staff.
The basic security in 2003 does not, by default,
allow Windows 9x clients and pre-Windows NT 4 SP4 clients to log on. See
Microsoft KB 811497, “Error Message when Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
Client Logs On to Windows Server 2003 Domain,” for information on how to
change this behavior
The following security improvements have changed the
behavior of Windows 2003 Server DCs compared to Windows 2000 and Windows
Server Message Block (SMB) signing and secure-channel encryption is enforced, as well as DC access policies
are needed for Windows NT 4.0 pre-SP4 and Windows 9x clients (Microsoft
KB 811497) to permit domain logon. However, Windows NT 4.0 SP4 and
higher, Windows 2000, and Windows XP clients work without adjustments.
Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 pre-SP4 clients or servers don't support
SMB and secure channel signing by default.
Either install The Active Directory Client Extension
(DS) client pack on Windows 95 clients and update Windows NT 4.0 clients
to SP4, or adjust the default DC policies, disabling enforcement of SMB
and secure channel signing.
The AD DSclient package is located on the Microsoft
Web site and permits Windows NT workstation and Windows 9x clients to
authenticate to a Windows 2000 or 2003 DC rather than the PDC Emulator.
See Microsoft KB 288358, “How to install the Active Directory client
extension,” for more information including download details.
Use this section to review potential savings in the user environment as well as how new technology can improve productivity.
In this section
of the assessment report, note the security features in Windows 2003
compared to Windows 2000 and Windows NT. A comparison chart such as that
shown in Table 1
can be used to point out that security design is not only important,
but that Windows 2003 features give the company a lot of power and
flexibility in securing the enterprise—much more so than Windows NT and
even better than Windows 2000.
Table 1. Security Feature Comparison Table
Feature | Windows 2003 | Windows 2000 | Windows NT |
Authentication and Authorization | Kerberos authentication and authorization (fully MIT Kerberos compatible); very secure. | Kerberos authentication and authorization (not completely MIT Kerberos v5 compatible); very secure. | NTLM—Not secure, very inefficient (no Kerberos session ticket type mechanism). |
Single Sign-On (SSO) | Credential Manager for SSO (note that this is a feature of Windows XP client). | No SSSO. | No SSO. |
Time Protocol | NTP (accurate within milliseconds). | SNTP and W32TM time service (accurate within several seconds). | SNTP—Not accurate, but doesn't need to be because there is no Kerberos. |
VPN Protocol | IPSec, L2TP (improved, can be passed through a NAT server). | IPSec, L2TP—IPSec won't go through a NAT server. | Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)—insecure. |
VPN Features | Improved, more robust connection manager. | Connection Manager. | Limited, poor security. |
Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) | Integrates RRAS firewall with NAT. | No firewall. | No firewall. |
SmartCard Support | Increased support, such as when using the runas command to utilize a more privileged account. | Supported. | No built-in support. |
IPSec Monitoring | IPSec
snap-in that provides detailed IPSec policy configuration and active
security state (replaces the ipsecmon.exe monitor in Windows 2000). | Used ipsecmon.exe—limited and cumber-some. | None. |
IPSec Features | 1.
Network Load Balancing (NLB) group of servers to provide highly
available IPSec-based VPN services. 2. IPSec has added the stronger
128-bit equivalency Internet Key Exchange (IKE) key. that provides a
3072-bit Diffie-Hellman key generation. | Introduced in Windows 2000, but had limited features such as not supporting NAT. | None |
Wireless LAN Security | IAS/RADIUS
server has been enhanced to allow authentication and authorization of
users and computers connecting to Wireless and Ethernet LANs (IEEE
802.1X). | Limited. | None. |
Encrypted File System (EFS) | 1.
Use of master key based on user's credentials to protect EFS private
key. Master key is decrypted and re-encrypted with a successful password
change. If the password is forced via hacker tools, the master key is
not decrypted, protecting the EFS private key. 2. Solves forgotten
password with password reset disk, backup of EFS private key and
certificate, and EFS Recovery agents. Note: This is a client-side
feature for local computer accounts rather than a domain environment
where users authenticate to AD and use certificates stored in AD. 3. Can
share encrypted files between multiple “trusted” users via
certificates. 4. Supports Web Folders using WebDAV protocol (extension
to HTTP 1.0). More secure than EFS. 5. Offline files preserve EFS
attributes. | 1.
Standalone version vulnerable to hackers who reset account passwords. 2.
User forgets password and files can't be decrypted. 3. Can't share EFS
files. 4. EFS files on file servers are not secure (transferred across
network in cleartext), and server has access to local profile (user's
private key) to decrypt them. 5. No EFS encryption for offline folders
or Client Side Caching (CSC) database. | Not available. |
Software Restriction Policies (via Group Policy) | Available—Protects against Trojan Horse programs, but has limitations (good start, though). | Not available. | Not available. |
Internet Connection Firewall (Personal Firewall) | Available on Windows XP, 2003 Server for LAN, dialup, and VPN connections. | Not available. | Not available. |
The security feature comparison table, Table 1,
can be leveraged in calculating cost savings. Comparing the damage that
hackers can create when exploiting remote access connections with the
protection provided by a more robust IPSec in Windows 2003 could show
significant savings. Improved patching tools, such as the System Update
Service, can reduce administration overhead and ensure a more secure
environment in keeping computers up-to-date on security patches. |
Management and Administration
The way that Windows 2003 management and
administration affect current practices and organizations depends on
whether the current infrastructure is Windows NT or Windows 2000.
Windows NT administration models were largely driven
by OS constraints. For example, due to the lack of granular delegation
of authority in Windows NT, we were forced to grant full domain
Administrator privileges to Administrators who had limited roles. In
addition, due to the limit of the number of objects that could exist in a
Windows NT domain, the inability to delegate administration authority
to any entity other than a domain, and other limitations of Windows NT,
large enterprises were forced to create many domains, which inflated the
number of Administrators required to manage this structure. Before
Compaq migrated to Windows 2000 from its Windows NT multiple master
domain model, they had 13 master user domains and more than 1,700
resource domains. Compaq had staff whose full-time jobs were validating
and maintaining Windows NT trusts. In addition to creating domains to
satisfy the delegation of authority, some domains were used simply to
improve browsing performance. In the Hewlett-Packard Windows NT model,
prior to the Compaq merger, there were 8 master user domains and about
800 resource domains.
In Windows 2000, with granular administrative
functions you can delegate responsibility for a small group of users,
groups, and computers, or Group Policy management, for example, to a
single Administrator without giving him or her the “keys to the
kingdom.” With the scalability of Windows 2000 and consolidation of
domains, the need for domain-level Administrators is greatly reduced.
Compaq (now HP) reduced their environment from more than 1,700 domains
to 4. Consider the impact on administration that reduction had. And,
with transitive trusts, that Administrator taking care of all the trusts
can be used somewhere else where he or she can be more productive.
You should be aware that there is not a dramatic
change in the Windows 2003 administration model if you are migrating
from Windows 2000. One area of increased complexity is Group Policy.
There are approximately 200 new Group Policy settings in Windows 2003
compared to Windows 2000. Windows NT had about 79 System Policies, which
are the equivalent of Group Policies in Windows NT. If you have an
Administrator who is responsible for Group Policy administration, he or
she should become familiar with the policy settings and analyze whether
they are going to impact your environment and whether you should take
advantage of them. Microsoft has made an obvious effort to implement
features and bug fixes through Group Policy and it is growing. Windows
XP included its own set of policies that can be uploaded to the Windows
2000 DC and managed from there. You might consider identifying a Group
Policy Administrator to keep track of these important settings.
During the assessment, you should review the existing
management and administration structure and note how Windows 2003 will
impact this structure. One of the biggest impacts will be migrating from
Windows NT to Windows 2003 and the reduction of domains. This will
reduce the number of domain Administrators needed and will change the
role of the ones who are retained as OU Admins. Again, making a chart
and listing the current administrative assignments as well as the
assignments needed for 2003 will easily show which changes need to be
made. Don't forget training for these new Admins—whether they are
Windows NT Admins or Windows 2000 veterans, Windows 2003 will require
Other management and administration areas to be included in the assessment are
Administration model:
Define whether the centralized or distributed administration model is
being used and whether there is need for change. This will affect how
you deploy software, manage Group Policy, and to some extent, how the OU
structure is designed.
In addition to the snap-ins that Microsoft provides out of the box,
there are some very powerful tools that you should explore. This is
especially true if you have a large environment, and you intend to do
some sort of AD health monitoring. Although the snap-ins will help to a
degree, they won't monitor the AD for you. Some excellent management and
monitoring tools are now available:
MOM (Microsoft Operation Management) tool is free and a better
alternative to the snap-ins.
Microsoft's new Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) is a free download from Microsoft's Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/gp.
OpenView Operations for Windows (OVOW) offers AD management, including
an excellent 3D graphical tool called the Active Directory Topology
Viewer (ADTV) that will make diagnosing difficult replication problems
Other third-party companies, such as NetIQ (http://www.netiq.com), Quest Software (http://www.quest.com), BindView (http://www.bindview.com), Aelita Software (http://www.aelita.com), and NetPRO, (http://www.netpro.com), offer suites of very sophisticated tools for monitoring and managing AD as well.
As part of the assessment, you should review these
tools and choose one or two to evaluate in the pilot. Take some time to
find one that will fulfill the needs of your environment at a cost you
can afford. This can result in cost savings by reducing administration
time and “cost to solution” by solving problems when they occur.
Regardless, ensure that some form of a management and monitoring system
is put in place as the robust fault-tolerant nature of Windows 2003
might let problems go unnoticed until it is too late.
Planning for growth is
important. Analyze the company's growth plans—note the possibility for
future acquisitions of other companies or business units, the stability
of the organizational model (affects how the AD will be designed), known
changes to the infrastructure, and current bottlenecks and limitations.