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Introduction to SQL Azure

6/13/2011 5:27:15 PM
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Because SQL Azure is implemented in a different way compared to on premise SQL Server, there are a number of differences regarding security. A complete overview of SQL Azure security is found in the MSDN documentation, available at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee336235.aspx.

First and foremost, only SQL Authentication can be used. This make sense, as there really is no Azure Active Directory a user account could be part of. Each time a connection is made, the SQL credentials must be supplied.

In SQL Azure, there is no "sa" account. Instead, the user account used to provision the instance becomes the equivalent of "sa". In SQL Server 2008, the roles securityadmin and dbcreator are both server-level roles, and are not present in SQL Azure loginmanager replaces securityadmin, whereas dbmanager replaces dbcreator.

For security reasons, several user names are "reserved". We cannot create user names that begin with:

  • Admin

  • Administrator

  • guest

  • root

  • sa

Connecting to SQL Azure is slightly different too. Encryption must always be supported, and only TCP/IP connections can be made. Before we connect to SQL Azure, the SQL Azure firewall needs an exception for our IP range, and the local computer may need a firewall exception for port 1433. If we are allowing Windows Azure applications to connect to SQL Azure, we need to whitelist Windows Azure by adding the IP address to the Azure firewall.

Development considerations

In ADO.NET, application should have retry logic to catch errors due to service closing. Because of failover and load balancing, we can't guarantee that a connection will always be available or even accessible.

Depending on how an application supports the tabular data stream (TDS), the login name in the connection string may need to be<login>@<server>.

All design and user administration must be performed using T-SQL scripts. This means if we're used to performing these functions via the GUI in SSMS, it's time to brush up on the command syntax.

Finally, there are two sizes of SQL Azure database. If our database reaches its maximum size, we'll receive the 40544 error code and we'll be unable to insert/update data (but read operations will continue as normal). We'll also be unable to create new database objects.

Managing maximum size

If we reach the maximum size limit set for a Web Edition database (5 GB), then it is not easy to migrate from a Web Edition database to a Business Edition database. If our database exceeds 5 GB in size and we want to allow further growth, we would need to create a Business Edition database and use the database copy to migrate our data. We can also remove data to free some space, but there can be a 15-minute delay before more data can be inserted.

If we reach the maximum size limit set for a Business Edition database (50 GB), our only option is to remove some data to free some space. Again, there can be a 15-minute delay before more data can be inserted.

To prevent issues in our live databases, it's important we have a good policy regarding data retention and storage. Instead of storing images and other binary objects in SQL Azure, use blob service and store a pointer in the database. Older data can be archived into other SQL Azure databases, or into an on premise database.

Management tools

Developers who are used to the GUI interface of SSMS, will find managing SQL Azure frustrating. A good grasp of DDL query commands is necessary to fully manage a SQL Azure database. Sometimes, creating and managing a SQL Azure database may involve two or more tools.

SQL Azure portal

The SQL Azure portal is the only place where databases can be created and firewall rules can be set. We can also retrieve connection strings from the SQL Azure portal.

SSMS 2008 R2

Because SQL Azure was released after SQL Server 2008, SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008 R2 or any higher version must be used to connect to SQL Azure. Only the client tools need to be installed, but this will upgrade any client tools and drivers currently installed on the system.

Unlike SQL Server, tables in SQL Azure cannot be created using the properties grid style of table designer. Instead, every configuration must be performed via SQL queries. And we do mean everything table creation, user creation, user permissions, setting foreign keys, and so on.

Project Houston

Project Houston is a Silverlight-based database editing tool provided by Microsoft. It can be found at http://www.sqlazurelabs.com/houston.aspx. At the time of writing, Project Houston was in CTP 1. Databases must be created in the SQL Azure portal; however, in Houston we can create tables using the more familiar properties grid. At the time of writing, alterations to tables (such as adding foreign keys) must still be done with DDL queries. We can also run queries, create stored procedures and views, and directly enter/edit data. Creating a new table is shown in the following screenshot:

One advantage of using Houston over SSMS is that we don't need to configure firewall rules for every client location. Because Houston is a Microsoft service, the rule allows access to our databases.

Access 2010

In an announcement that made a great number of enterprise developers weep, Microsoft added support for SQL Azure to Access 2010 via ODBC. Tables can be linked or users can use pass-through queries. Access 2010 support provides a database entry point business users are familiar with, but which can sometimes grow into an unmanageable mess.

The SQL Server Native Client 10.0 or higher is required for access to connect to SQL Azure. This driver is installed with any flavor of SQL Server 2008 R2, SSMS 2008 R2, or as a standalone driver in the SQL Server 2008 R2 Feature Pack at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=ceb4346f-657f-4d28-83f5-aae0c5c83d52&displaylang=en.

If we want to migrate an existing Access 2010 database to SQL Azure, the recommendation is to use the SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) rather than the Upsizing Wizard.

Managing databases, logins, and roles in SQL Azure

Managing databases and logins in SQL Azure is very similar to managing them in an on-site instance of SQL Server. Using T-SQL commands, you can create/alter/drop logins, create/drop databases, and create/alter/drop users, though some parameters are not supported. One thing to remember is that all server-level and database-level security must be applied to the "master" database that is created when your SQL Azure service has been provisioned. Also, the administrator username you selected when provisioning the service is similar to the "sa" user in an on-site instance of SQL Server.

There are also two new roles in SQL Azure: loginmanager and dbmanager. The loginmanager role is similar to the securityadmin role of SQL Server, whereas the dbmanager role is similar to the dbcreator role of SQL Server. You can add users to either of these roles if you want them to have the permissions to create/alter/drop logins and users (loginmanager), or create/alter/drop databases (dbmanager).
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- Overview of SQL Azure
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