Message Signatures
By default, Windows Phone 8 devices add the
phrase “Sent from my Windows Phone” to the end of each message that you
send. However, you can turn off this signature or customize it. To do
so, open your mailbox and follow these steps:
1. Tap the Menu icon.
2. Tap Settings.
3. If you want to customize the signature, tap it and type a new signature.
4. If you want to disable the signature, set the Signature slide bar to Off.
5. Tap the Done icon.
Blind CCing Yourself
Some people like to send a copy of every
message that they send to themselves. Windows Phone 8 includes an
automatic BCC option. If you want to always BCC yourself, you can do so
by opening your mailbox and following these steps:
1. Tap the Menu icon.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Select the Always BCC Myself check box.
4. Tap the Done icon.