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Cloud Services with Windows Azure : A Web Service in Windows Azure

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In this section example, we take a closer look at a Web service that is deployed to Windows Azure in order to better understand the code-level impacts of moving a service to a cloud.

Let’s assume we moved a service contact interface definition and a data contract into a custom C# project. We choose ServiceClient to test our service and ServiceDemo contains the Windows Azure application configuration and definition files.

We further opt to host this project in a Web role, which means that there is a little bit of bootstrapping that needs to be done. The WebRole class inherits from the RoleEntryPoint class, which contains methods that are used by Windows Azure to start or stop the role. You can optionally override those methods to manage the initialization or shutdown process of your role. Worker roles must extend RoleEntryPoint, but it is optional for Web roles. The Visual Studio tools will automatically extend this class for you, as you can see from the WebRole.cs code:

Example 1.
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ServiceDemo_WebRole
public class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
public override bool OnStart()
RoleEnvironment.Changing += RoleEnvironmentChanging;
Trace.TraceInformation("WebRole starting...");
return base.OnStart();
private void RoleEnvironmentChanging(object sender,
RoleEnvironmentChangingEventArgs e)
if (e.Changes.Any(change => change is
e.Cancel = true;

Our cloud service project includes two configuration files: ServiceDefinition.csdef and ServiceConfiguration.cscfg. These files are packaged together with the cloud service when it is deployed to Windows Azure.

The ServiceDefinition.csdef file contains the metadata needed by the Windows Azure environment to understand the requirements of the service, including the roles it contains. It also establishes configuration settings that will be applied to all specified service roles:

Example 2.
<ServiceDefinition name="ServiceDemo" xmlns=
<WebRole name="ServiceDemo_WebRole">
<InputEndpoint name=
"HttpIn" protocol="http" port="80" />
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString" />

The ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file sets values for the configuration settings defined in the service definition file and specifies the number of instances to run for each role. Here is the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg for the ServiceDemo service project:

Example 3.
<ServiceConfiguration serviceName="ServiceDemo"
<Role name="ServiceDemo_WebRole">
<Instances count="2" />
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString"
value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />

The Instances element tells the Windows Azure runtime fabric how many instances to spin up for the ServiceDemo_WebRole role. By default, Visual Studio tools set this to “1”, but this is generally not a good idea. If you only have one role running and it crashes, it could take a while before Windows Azure spins up another one. However, if you had multiple roles and one goes down, the application wouldn’t experience a work stop while a new instance is being generated. This is why it is a good practice to have at least two role instances per role.

In the ConfigurationSettings section, there is a statement worth singling out:

Example 4.
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString"
value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />

There is a set of logging and diagnostic APIs that you can use to instrument your code and provide better traceability. With these APIs, you can not only detect and troubleshoot problems, but you can also gain insight into the overall performance of an application.

This line of code passes in the configuration setting name that is equal to the connection string for the storage account that the Diagnostic Monitor needs to use to store the diagnostic data. By default, the setting name is DiagnosticsConnectionString, but you can name it whatever you like as long as the name matches up with the service definition and service configuration files.

In the WebRole.cs, you will see the following statement:

Example 5.

This line of code starts up the Diagnostic Monitor when the role starts. By default, the connection string is set to use development storage, such as the SQL table that was created when the SDK was installed. Before you deploy the service to the Windows Azure cloud, you will need to update this setting with the storage account name and account key information.

For example:

Example 6.
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString"

If we take a look at the Web role’s Web.Config file, we’ll also see that the project wizard automatically created the following:

Example 7.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
<filter type=""/>

This creates a tracing listener for the diagnostic monitor, which means that we continue to use the System.Diagnostics.Trace class for instrumentation. The diagnostic monitor will just hook into those calls and push them into storage.

The following examples show the IOrderService interface contract and the Order data contract, followed by the final output:

Example 8.
namespace Contract
public interface IOrderService
int CreateOrder(Order o);
void UpdateOrder(string id, Order o);
Order GetOrderByOrderId(string id);
List<Order> GetOrdersByCustomer(string custName);
List<Order> GetOrders();
void DeleteOrder(string id);

Example 9.
namespace Contract
public class Order
public int OrderId { get; set; }
public string OrderItem { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }

Example 10.
namespace ServiceDemo_WebRole
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode =
AddressFilterMode =
public class OrderService : Contract.IOrderService
int id = 0;
List<Order> Orders = new List<Order>();
#region IOrderService Members
int IOrderService.CreateOrder(Order o)
o.OrderId = ++id;
return o.OrderId;
void IOrderService.UpdateOrder(string id, Order o)
var first = Orders.First(order =>
order.OrderId ==
first = o;
List<Order> IOrderService.GetOrders()
return Orders;
void IOrderService.DeleteOrder(string orderId)
Orders.RemoveAll(order =>
Order IOrderService.GetOrderByOrderId(string orderId)
return Orders.First(o =>
public List<Order> GetOrdersByCustomer(string custName)
return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custName))?
Orders : Orders.FindAll(o =>

Note that the InstanceContextMode setting is set to to single because we want to use the same service object instance across the communication session established between the service and its consumer. In a real world scenario, you would choose a more robust solution like SQL Azure or Windows Azure table storage (covered later in this chapter).

Let’s briefly walk through the steps required to actually deploy the service to Windows Azure.

1. Create a Host Service and Storage Service

When you create a storage service, you have to create a globally unique storage account name, not to be confused with the overarching Windows Azure account that is mapped to your Windows LiveID. For our example, we chose juggercloud as the account name and received three storage endpoints. Two access keys are also generated.

Before we deploy our Web service, however, we will update the Web role service configuration *.cscfg file with the account name and account key information, as follows:

Example 11.
<ServiceConfiguration serviceName="StandardMoldHost"
<Role name="ServiceDemo_WebRole">
<Instances count="2" />
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString"
AccountName=standardmold;AccountKey=0lg82Oj...==" />

2. Create and Deploy a Service Package

We deploy the service by uploading a package through the Windows Azure portal. When using the Windows Azure UI, we can navigate to the host service to determine whether we are deploying to staging or production.

There’s really no difference in hardware resource configuration between these two settings. In fact, the separation between the two environments is managed through the network load balancer’s routing tables.

Once we click “Deploy,” the package and configuration file will be uploaded.


We could have also pulled these bits from a Windows Azure storage account. For example, we could create a custom MSBuild task leveraged within a Team Foundation Server Team Build definition file. Instead of dropping the package to a normal file drop, this would upload it into blob storage using the REST API, or perhaps even leverage Windows Azure Drive.

3. Promote the Service to Production

Let’s imagine the previous step initially deployed the service to staging so that we could test it before moving it into the production enviroment. The Windows Azure UI allows you to invoke the service by clicking “Run,” resulting in a page similar to Figure 1.

Figure 1.

After verifying that the Web service is performing as desired, it can be deployed to production (Figure 2).

Figure 2.
Other -----------------
- Cloud Services with Windows Azure : Hello World in Windows Azure
- Cloud Services with Windows Azure : Windows Azure Roles
- Cloud Services with Windows Azure : Windows Azure Platform Overview
- Cloud Services with Windows Azure : Cloud Computing 101
- SOA with .NET and Windows Azure : Orchestration Patterns with WF - Compensating Service Transaction
- SOA with .NET and Windows Azure : Orchestration Patterns with WF - State Repository
- SOA with .NET and Windows Azure : Orchestration Patterns with WF - Process Centralization
- SOA with .NET and Windows Azure : Process Abstraction and Orchestrated Task Services (part 4) - Publishing WF Workflows as REST Services
- SOA with .NET and Windows Azure : Process Abstraction and Orchestrated Task Services (part 3)
- SOA with .NET and Windows Azure : Process Abstraction and Orchestrated Task Services (part 2)
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Windows Azure
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