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SQL Azure and relational data : Migrating an application to SQL Azure

3/21/2011 6:15:42 PM
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One of the goals Microsoft had in delivering SQL Azure was to make it as easy as possible to migrate an existing application and its database to their Azure platform. Before SQL Azure was released, people were worried they would have to re-architect their systems in order for them to run in the cloud.

There are two basic ways to migrate your on-premises SQL Server data to the cloud. The first is to extract it, and copy it up. This is the same way you might move it from server A to server B in your own data center. The second way is to use an open source tool, SQL Azure Migration Wizard, that was created to help ease the migration process.

1. Migrating the traditional way

The easiest way to migrate a database to SQL Azure, and one that we have used ourselves, is to find a DBA who already knows how to do it and buy them lunch. Barring that, there are a few steps you can go through, following a traditional approach.

The first step is to make sure that you’ve created your SQL Azure server and know the administrative username and password. Once that’s done, you can create the database that will house your schema and data. Your goal is to script out the existing database, including both schema and data, and then run that script against your cloud server database to recreate it all.

For this example, you’ll use SQL Server Management Studio to script out your source database. Navigate to the database in SSMS, and right-click on it. Select Generate Scripts from the Tasks menu, and then walk through the wizard like normal. Make sure that you select the option to script all objects in the database. Then, on the options screen, make your selections according to this list:

  • Convert UDDTs to Base Types—True

  • Script Extended Properties—False

  • Script Logins—False

  • Script USE DATABASE—False

  • Script Data—True

Finish the wizard. When you’re done, the entire script will be loaded in a window.

You now need to remove some parts of the script to make sure it’ll work in the cloud:

  • Delete any occurrence of SET ANSI_NULLS ON.


  • Delete any occurrence of ON [PRIMARY] in a CREATE TABLE command.

Once you’ve made these changes to the script, you may connect to the destination database and execute the script. You can use SQLCMD for this, or SSMS.

This is a lot of work, and it can be tedious making sure you have modified the script to avoid anything SQL Azure might not support. Thankfully there is an open source tool that can help.

2. Migrating with the wizard

The previous section might have scared you away from ever trying to migrate data to SQL Azure. It wasn’t meant to, but there are a lot of little details to be considered. Fortunately, there’s an open source project hosted on CodePlex called SQL Azure Migration Wizard that can help you out with this process. The project URL is http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com.

The wizard can be used in several different scenarios. It can handle moving or analyzing a database from a SQL Server to SQL Azure, from SQL Azure to a SQL Server, or from SQL Azure to SQL Azure. When you run the tool, you can analyze the database for compatibility, generate a compatible script, and migrate the data. You can see the options available to you in figure 1.

Figure 1. The SQL Azure Migration Wizard is a great tool when migrating or planning to migrate data from SQL Server to SQL Azure. It can help in modifying your database so it’s compliant, and it also helps move the data.

When you start the tool, you’ll need to point it at the source database. You’ll be given the options to select the objects in the database you want to analyze and migrate.

The wizard is driven by a powerful rules engine with over 1,000 compatibility rules already programmed in. These rules are in an XML file, and it’s easy to modify them to meet your needs. The rules detect a condition that isn’t supported by SQL Azure, and specify how to fix it. This might be as simple as converting a data type to a type that’s supported, or something more intense.

Once the analysis is done, you’ll receive a report on the objects that need to be changed to become compatible with SQL Azure. You can stop here and use the report to make decisions, or you can keep going to migrate your data.

You’ll need to provide a destination database connection string and credentials if you want the wizard’s help in migrating your data. It’ll connect to SQL Azure and execute the new script. It’ll handle creating the tables and other objects, as well as migrating the data.

Migrating the data tends to be the most difficult part. If you’re doing this by hand, even after you sort out the changes you need to make to your script, you still need to worry about timeouts in the connection and batching your data during the upload. You don’t want all of your data thrown out because the connection was reset. The migration wizard handles all of this for you, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Because SQL Azure is running in the cloud, there are some limitations. Some of these are related to schemas, and some are related to functional capabilities.

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