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Managing Gestures from the Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 Toolkit

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8/1/2011 6:45:29 PM

1. Problem

You need to implement drag-and-drop in your Silverlight Windows Phone 7 application.

2. Solution

You have different options here, including using the gestures and techniques explained in the previous recipes. However, this time we suggest another solution to accomplish drag-and-drop or other gestures management: GestureListener, provided by the Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 toolkit.

3. How It Works

You can download the Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 toolkit from CodePlex at http://silverlight.codeplex.com. This toolkit provides the GestureService class, which exposes the GestureListener property. You can use this property to specify the gesture you want to manage in your application. Indeed, GestureListener provides a public event for each gesture supported by the phone, plus two more events indicating when the gesture begins and when the gesture is completed.

3.1. The Code

To demonstrate the drag-and-drop function in a Silverlight Windows Phone application, we have created the GesturesWithToolkit project. You are going to create an application in which a rectangle can be dragged around the screen. When the drag is completed, the code checks whether the rectangle has been dropped over another rectangle.

Create a new Visual Studio 2010 Silverlight Windows Phone application called GesturesWithToolkit. Add a reference to the Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Toolkit assembly. You should find it in the %Program%\ \Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Toolkit\Nov10\Bin directory.

In MainPage.xaml, you have to add a new namespace declaration to use the toolkit.

. . .

Then you have to add the GestureService tag between the tags of the control used to manage the gestures. For example, we added those tags to the Rectangle control defined inside Canvas. The GestureListener tag enables us to define which gestures can be managed by our application specifying which is the related event handler. We have specified to retrieve DragStarted, DragDelta, and DragComplete events.

The two rectangles are placed into a Canvas control at fixed positions. The dragable rectangle has the ZIndex property greater than the other rectangle, so it will not disappear under the dragged rectangle when they overlap.

. . .
<!--ContentPanel - place additional content here-->
<Canvas x:Name="ContentPanel" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<Rectangle Fill="Red" x:Name="rSource" Width="100" Height="100" Grid.Row="0"
Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="160" Canvas.ZIndex="1">
<toolkit:GestureListener DragStarted="GestureListener_DragStarted"
DragCompleted="GestureListener_DragCompleted" />
<Rectangle Fill="Yellow" x:Name="rTarget" Height="100" Width="460"
Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="660" Canvas.ZIndex="0" />
. . .

In the MainPage.xaml.cs file, we implemented the code to respond to the gesture events. In the GestureListener_DragStarted event handler, we simply inform the application that a drag operation has started. This is informs the other event handlers to accomplish their operation only when a drag is started. Despite the name, the CaptureMouse method is used to capture the tap on the control that uses it. So, the controls will receive tap and drag information whether or not the user's finger is in control's borders.

The GestureListener_DragDelta event handler is used to paint the rectangle to the newer coordinates. Those are calculated by adding the actual Left and Top rectangle positions in the Canvas to the VerticalChange and HorizontalChange values provided by the DragDeltaGestureEventArgs parameter.

private void GestureListener_DragStarted(object sender,
DragStartedGestureEventArgs e)
Rectangle rect = sender as Rectangle;
_isDrag = true;

private void GestureListener_DragDelta(object sender, DragDeltaGestureEventArgs e)
if (_isDrag)
Rectangle rect = sender as Rectangle;
(double)rect.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty) + e.VerticalChange);

(double)rect.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty) + e.HorizontalChange);

Finally, in the GestureListener_DragCompleted event handler, we inform the application that the drag operation has ended. Moreover, we check whether the two rectangles have collided by calling the CollisionDetected method. If the rectangles have collided, we will show a MessageBox message informing the user that a collision between rectangles has been detected.
private void GestureListener_DragCompleted(object sender,
DragCompletedGestureEventArgs e)
Rectangle rect = sender as Rectangle;
_isDrag = false;

if (CollisionDetected())
MessageBox.Show("Collision detected!");

The CollisionDetected method simply checks the vertical position of the rectangle adding to the position the rectangle's height. If this value is equal to or greater than the vertical position of the destination rectangle, then a collision is detected and the method returns a Boolean true value.
private bool CollisionDetected()
double rSourcePos = rSource.Height +
if (rSourcePos >= 660)
return true;
return false;

4. Usage

From Visual Studio 2010, press Ctrl+F5 and wait for the emulator to start. The application shown in Figure 1 displays.

Figure 1. The GestureWithToolkit application shows the red rectangle ready to be dragged over the yellow one.

Now you can press and hold the left mouse button and start to move it around the screen emulator. When you drop the red rectangle over the yellow one, you will see a message appear onscreen, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The collision between the red and yellow rectangle has been detected.
Other -----------------
- Windows Phone 7 : Handling Gestures in a Graphical Context Such as a Game Menu
- Developing for Windows Phone and Xbox Live : Modifying Avatar Lighting & Playing Multiple Animations
- Windows Phone 7 : Adding Gestures Management to Click-less Silverlight Controls
- Managing Gestures in a Silverlight Windows Phone 7 Application
- Developing for Windows Phone and Xbox Live : Introduction to Avatars (part 2) - Loading Avatar Animations with AvatarAnimation & Drawing the Avatar Using AvatarRenderer
- Developing for Windows Phone and Xbox Live : Introduction to Avatars (part 1) - Accessing Avatar Information Using AvatarDescription
- Windows Phone 7 : User Interface With Expression Blend - Customizing a Control
- Windows Phone 7 : User Interface With Expression Blend - Creating Some Cool Animation
- Windows Phone 7 : User Interface With Expression Blend - Changing the Skin of Your App
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