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The App Bar and Controls - TextBox and Keyboard Input

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3/18/2011 9:40:38 PM
The two types of text-entry controls available in Silverlight for Windows Phone are TextBox, which allows typing and editing single-line or multiline plain unformatted text, and PasswordBox, which briefly displays each letter you type but then replaces it with another character, by default an asterisk.

These are the only two ways your program can get input from the hardware keyboard of the phone (if it exists) or invoke the Software Input Panel (SIP), the virtual on-screen keyboard.

Let’s just jump right into a program. The OneTimeText program is designed to let you send an SMS (Short Message Service) text message to a particular phone number. The program requires you to type in that phone number but doesn’t save it anywhere. That’s why I called the program “one time” text.

Here’s the content area:

Example 1. Silverlight Project: OneTimeText File: MainPage.xaml (excerpt)
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<Grid Margin="24">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

<TextBlock Grid.Row="0"
Text="phone number"
Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextSmallStyle}" />

<TextBox Name="toTextBox"
TextChanged="OnTextBoxTextChanged" />

<TextBlock Grid.Row="2"
Text="text message"
Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextSmallStyle}" />

<TextBlock Name="charCountText"
Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextSmallStyle}" />

<TextBox Name="bodyTextBox"
TextChanged="OnTextBoxTextChanged" />

<Button Name="sendButton"
Click="OnSendButtonClick" />

The first TextBox control is for the phone number so it only needs a single line. The second TextBox is for the body of the message. It takes up the remainder of the Grid not used by any of the other siblings; the TextWrapping property set to Wrap turns on the multi-line feature, which is generally used in conjunction with vertical scrolling.

The Button labeled “send” is initially disabled because nothing is typed into either TextBox yet. That’s one reason why the TextChanged event is set on both.

The first TextBox has its InputScope property set to TelephoneNumber. When you press on that TextBox, a numeric keypad pops up:

The second doesn’t have its InputScope property set so a standard general-purpose keyboard comes up:

The MaxLength property is set on this second TextBox so you can’t enter more than 160 characters—the maximum for SMS.

The various names you can use with InputScope are documented in the InputScopeNameValue enumeration defined in the System.Windows.Input namespace. If you prefer to invoke Intellisense in Visual Studio for helping you out, you need to break out the InputScope as a property element and set it like this:

<TextBox Name="toTextBox"
<InputScopeName NameValue="TelephoneNumber" />

Once you type the equal sign after NameValue, you’ll get a list of the possible choices.

The XAML doesn’t show the most important property of the TextBox, which is the property named Text of type string. At any time, you can programmatically access the Text property to see what’s in there, or you can set the Text property to initialize the contents. It’s also possible to insert something into the existing contents of the TextBox, or delete something: Get the current Text property, use normal methods of the String class to create a new string containing the new text, and then set that string back to the Text property.

Here’s a good chunk of the MainPage code-behind file:

Example 2. Silverlight Project: OneTimeText File: MainPage.xaml.cs (excerpt)
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
PhoneApplicationService appService = PhoneApplicationService.Current;
SmsComposeTask smsTask;

public MainPage()

smsTask = new SmsComposeTask();

void OnTextBoxTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
if (sender == bodyTextBox)
charCountText.Text = String.Format("{0} chars", bodyTextBox.Text.Length);

sendButton.IsEnabled = toTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && bodyTextBox.Text.Length >

void OnSendButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
smsTask.To = toTextBox.Text;
smsTask.Body = bodyTextBox.Text;
. . .

The single TextChanged handler can differentiate between the two TextBox controls by comparing the sender argument with the names defined in the XAML file. For the second TextBox, a display is updated showing how many characters are typed. The “send” Button remains disabled if either TextBox is empty of text.

When that Button is pressed, the program invokes SmsComposeTask, which is the standard texting program on the phone. At this point, the user has a somewhat friendlier interface to send this text, to edit it, or to send other texts.

At some point the user might return to the OneTimeText program. The SmsComposeTask object doesn’t return anything to the program that invoked it—it’s a launcher rather than a chooser—but it would still be nice for the user to see the text previously entered. For this reason, the program overrides the OnNavigationFromOnNavigationTo methods to save and restore that program state: and

Example 3. Silverlight Project: OneTimeText File: MainPage.xaml.cs (excerpt)
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs args)
appService.State["toText"] = toTextBox.Text;
appService.State["bodyText"] = bodyTextBox.Text;


protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs args)
object text;

if (appService.State.TryGetValue("toText", out text))
toTextBox.Text = text as string;

if (appService.State.TryGetValue("bodyText", out text))
bodyTextBox.Text = text as string;


The last sample program in this article is called QuickNotes. It is intended to provide a quick way to type some notes and be assured that they’ll be retained without any explicit saving or loading. It’s basically a Windows Phone 7 version of Notepad but only capable of working with a single file.

The program also allows changing the font size, so the QuickNotesSettings class for the program’s application settings has two public properties named Text and FontSize, plus methods to save and load those properties in isolated storage:

Example 4. Silverlight Project: QuickNotes File: QuickNotesSettings.cs
public class QuickNotesSettings
public QuickNotesSettings()
this.Text = "";
this.FontSize = (double)Application.Current.Resources["PhoneFontSizeMediumLar

public string Text { set; get; }
public double FontSize { set; get; }

public static QuickNotesSettings Load()
IsolatedStorageSettings isoSettings = IsolatedStorageSettings.
QuickNotesSettings settings;

if (!isoSettings.TryGetValue<QuickNotesSettings>("settings", out settings))
settings = new QuickNotesSettings();

return settings;

public void Save()
IsolatedStorageSettings isoSettings = IsolatedStorageSettings.
isoSettings["settings"] = this;

As with the Jot program, these setting are saved, loaded, and exposed in the App class:

Example 5. Silverlight Project: QuickNotes File: App.xaml.cs
public partial class App : Application
// Application settings
public QuickNotesSettings AppSettings { set; get; }

. . .

private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
AppSettings = QuickNotesSettings.Load();

private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e)
AppSettings = QuickNotesSettings.Load();

private void Application_Deactivated(object sender, DeactivatedEventArgs e)

private void Application_Closing(object sender, ClosingEventArgs e)
. . .

The XAML file creates a multiline TextBox the size of the content area. Besides setting TextWrapping for multiline editing, the markup also sets AcceptsReturn to trueEnter key will go to a new line, which I thought was appropriate for this program. (In the context of a dialog box, you usually want the Enter key to instead invoke the OK button, even if a TextBox is currently getting input from the user.) so that the

Example 6. Silverlight Project: QuickNotes File: MainPage.xaml
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<TextBox Name="txtbox"
TextChanged="OnTextBoxTextChanged" />

The XAML file also contains an ApplicationBar with two buttons I designed myself for increasing and decreasing the size of the font:

Example 7. Silverlight Project: QuickNotes File: MainPage.xaml
<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton IconUri="/Images/littleletter.icon.png"
Text="smaller font"
Click="OnAppBarSmallerFontClick" />

<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton IconUri="/Images/bigletter.icon.png"
Text="larger font"
Click="OnAppBarLargerFontClick" />

With all this preparation, the actual code file for MainPage is rather short and straightforward:

Example 8. Silverlight Project: QuickNotes File: MainPage.xaml.cs
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
QuickNotesSettings appSettings = (Application.Current as App).AppSettings;

public MainPage()

txtbox.Text = appSettings.Text;
txtbox.FontSize = appSettings.FontSize;

void OnTextBoxTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
appSettings.Text = txtbox.Text;

void OnAppBarSmallerFontClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
txtbox.FontSize = Math.Max(12, txtbox.FontSize - 1);
appSettings.FontSize = txtbox.FontSize;

void OnAppBarLargerFontClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
txtbox.FontSize = Math.Min(48, txtbox.FontSize + 2);
appSettings.FontSize = txtbox.FontSize;

Whenever the text in the TextBox changes, the OnTextBoxChanged method saves the new version in application settings. The two methods to increase and decrease the font size similarly save the new setting but also use it to set the FontSize property of the TextBox. Here’s the program in action:

What the program does not do is save the text insertion point (visually indicated by the TextBox caret), so whenever the program starts up, you need to tap on the screen to indicate where you want to continue typing. It’s possible that you left off at the end of the file, but QuickNotes will always bring you back to the top.

I toyed around with fixing this problem. The insertion point is available as the SelectionStart, property, and as the name suggests, it’s used in conjunction with text selection. There’s also a SelectionLength property, which has a value of 0 if no text is selected. (You can also access or set the selected text using the SelectedText property.)

TextBox also has a SelectionChanged event, so it’s certainly possible for QuickNotes to save the new value of SelectionStart in application settings every time it changes. Then it would be a simple matter to set the SelectionStart property along with Text and FontSize in the constructor of MainPage.

But that doesn’t quite work. When you launch QuickNotes or return to it after navigating away, the TextBox doesn’t have input focus. You need to tap on the screen to give the TextBox focus and start typing something in. But by tapping on the screen, you’re also setting a new insertion point!

The solution to that little problem is to give input focus to the TextBox programmatically. It doesn’t work in the constructor to MainPage, but if you install a handler for the Loaded event, you can do it there:


But doing that creates quite a dramatic entrance to the program! As soon as the program starts up, the virtual keyboard pops up! I struggled with the propriety of doing that, and at last I decided it was just too intrusive.

But who knows? Maybe I’ll put that feature back in at a later time. That’s why they call it software.

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- The App Bar and Controls - Buttons and Styles
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- The App Bar and Controls - Theme Styles and Precedence
- The App Bar and Controls - The Concept of Content
- The App Bar and Controls - The Basic Button
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- The App Bar and Controls - Elements and Controls
- The App Bar and Controls - Jot and the ApplicationBar
- The App Bar and Controls - Jot and Touch
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