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BizTalk Server 2006 : Pipeline Component Best Practices and Examples - Using PGP (part 2) - PGP Decode Component

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PGP Decode Component

The following code example is the counterpart to the encoding component shown in the preceding subsection. The Decoding component is used on the receive side of BizTalk and is used when encrypted messages are received into BizTalk.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Reflection
Imports Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop
Imports ABC.BizTalk.PipelineComponents.PGPUtilities

Namespace Microsoft.Utility.PipelineGnuPG

System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid("AEE2E180-8E4F-426d-9E39-C314E09F977E")> _
     Public Class PGPDecodeComponent

     Implements IBaseComponent, Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IComponent,_
Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPersistPropertyBag, IComponentUI

     ' Component information
#Region "IBaseComponent"
     <Browsable(False)> _
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String
       Return "PGP decoder"
    End Get
End Property
<Browsable(False)> _
Public ReadOnly Property Version() As String
       Return "1.0"
    End Get
End Property


<Browsable(False)> _
Public ReadOnly Property Description() As String
       Return "PGG Decode Pipeline Component"
     End Get
End Property
<Browsable(False)> _
Public ReadOnly Property Icon() As System.IntPtr
       Return (CType(resourceManager.GetObject("IconBitmap"),_
     End Get
End Property
#End Region

       Private resourceManager As System.Resources.ResourceManager = New_
       ' Property: Passphrase
       Private _passphrase As String
       Public Property Passphrase() As String
              Return _passphrase
       End Get
       Set(ByVal value As String)
           _passphrase = value
       End Set
End Property

      ' Property: GnuPGBinDir
      Private _PGPBinDirectory As String
      Public Property PGPBinDirectory() As String
             Return _PGPBinDirectory
      End Get
      Set(ByVal value As String)
          _PGPBinDirectory = value
      End Set
End Property

Private Function Decode(ByVal inStream As System.IO.Stream) As Stream
    Dim inFile As String = Path.GetTempFileName()
    Dim outFile As String = Path.ChangeExtension(inFile, "txt")


    DumpStreamToFile(inStream, inFile)
    Dim GPG As GnuPGWrapper = New GnuPGWrapper(_PGPBinDirectory)
    Dim GPGCommand As GnuPGCommand = GPG.Command
    GPGCommand.Command = Commands.Decrypt
    GPGCommand.InputFile = inFile
    GPGCommand.OutputFile = outFile
    GPGCommand.Passphrase = _passphrase
    'TODO: support encrypted passphrase, no passphrase is a security


    outStream = ReadFileToMemoryStream(outFile)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
         If File.Exists(inFile) Then
    End If

    If File.Exists(outFile) Then
    End If
End Try

    Return outStream
End Function

#Region "IPersistPropertyBag Members"

Public Sub InitNew()
End Sub

Public Sub GetClassID(<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef _
classID As Guid)

     classID = New Guid("4FC12033-D0BD-4298-BB31-FBDBA72F5961")
End Sub

Public Sub Load(ByVal propertyBag As IPropertyBag, ByVal _
errorLog As Integer)
    Dim text As String


text = CStr(ReadPropertyBag(propertyBag, "Passphrase"))
    If Not text Is Nothing Then
          _passphrase = text
       End If
text = CStr(ReadPropertyBag(propertyBag, "PGPBinDirectory"))
If Not text Is Nothing Then
          _PGPBinDirectory = text
       End If
   End Sub

   Public Sub Save(ByVal propertyBag As IPropertyBag, ByVal clearDirty As_
Boolean, ByVal saveAllProperties As Boolean)
       Dim val As Object
       val = CObj(_passphrase)
       WritePropertyBag(propertyBag, "Passphrase", val)

       val = CObj(_PGPBinDirectory)

       WritePropertyBag(propertyBag, "PGPBinDirectory", val)
End Sub

#End Region

#Region "IComponent Members"

         Public Function Execute(ByVal pContext As IPipelineContext, ByVal pInMsg As_
Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage) As_
                If Not pInMsg Is Nothing Then
                   Dim originalStream As Stream =_
                   pInMsg.BodyPart.Data = Decode(originalStream)
               End If
       Catch ex As Exception
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception caught in_
ABC.BizTalk.PipelineComponents.PGPDecodeComponent::Execute:"& ex.Message)
            Throw ex
       End Try
       Return pInMsg
   End Function

#End Region


#Region "IComponentUI Members"

        'The Validate method is called by the BizTalk Editor during the build
        'of a BizTalk project.
        '<param name="obj">An Object containing the configuration
        '<returns>The IEnumerator enables the caller to enumerate through a_
        'collection of strings containing error messages. These error messages

        'as compiler error messages. To report successful property validation, the
        'method should return an empty enumerator.</returns>
        Public Function Validate(ByVal projectSystem As Object) As IEnumerator
        ' example implementation:
        ' ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList();
        ' errorList.Add("This is a compiler error");
        ' return errorList.GetEnumerator();
        Return Nothing
    End Function

#End Region

#Region "Utility Functions"
         Public Shared Sub DumpStreamToFile(ByVal fromStream As Stream, ByVal_
toFilename As String)
         Dim file As FileStream = Nothing
            file = New FileStream(toFilename, System.IO.FileMode.Create)
            Dim tmpBuff As Byte() = New Byte(4095) {}
            Dim bytesRead As Integer = 0
            bytesRead = file.Read(tmpBuff, 0, tmpBuff.Length)
            memStream.Write(tmpBuff, 0, bytesRead)

            Do While bytesRead <> 0
                  bytesRead = fromStream.Read(tmpBuff, 0, tmpBuff.Length)
                  file.Write(tmpBuff, 0, bytesRead)

            file = Nothing
            If Not file Is Nothing Then
             End If
         End Try
     End Sub


Public Shared Function ReadFileToMemoryStream(ByVal fromFilename _
As String) As MemoryStream
      Dim file As FileStream = Nothing
          file = New FileStream(fromFilename, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
          Dim memStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
          Dim tmpBuff As Byte() = New Byte(4095) {}
          Dim bytesRead As Integer = 0
          bytesRead = file.Read(tmpBuff, 0, tmpBuff.Length)
          memStream.Write(tmpBuff, 0, bytesRead)

          Do While bytesRead <> 0
             bytesRead = file.Read(tmpBuff, 0, tmpBuff.Length)
             memStream.Write(tmpBuff, 0, bytesRead)

         file = Nothing

         memStream.Position = 0
         Return memStream
          If Not file Is Nothing Then
          End If
      End Try
  End Function

Public Shared Function ReadPropertyBag(ByVal pb As_
Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBag, ByVal propName As String) _
As Object

             Dim val As Object = Nothing

                pb.Read(propName, val, 0)
             Catch e1 As ArgumentException
                Return val
             Catch ex As Exception
                 Throw New ApplicationException(ex.Message)
                 End Try

             Return val
         End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' Writes property values into a property bag.
        ''' </summary>


''' <param name="pb">Property bag.</param>
        ''' <param name="propName">Name of property.</param>
        ''' <param name="val">Value of property.</param>
        Public Shared Sub WritePropertyBag(ByVal pb As_
Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBag, ByVal propName As String, ByVal _
val As Object)
                pb.Write(propName, val)
             Catch ex As Exception
                Throw New ApplicationException(ex.Message)
             End Try
         End Sub

#End Region
    End Class
End Namespace				  
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