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Designing Active Directory for Exchange Server 2010

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3/19/2011 3:47:12 PM
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), often referred to simply as Active Directory (AD), is a necessary and fundamental component of any Exchange Server 2010 implementation. That said, organizations do not necessarily need to panic about setting up Active Directory in addition to Exchange Server, as long as a few straightforward design steps are followed. The following areas of Active Directory must be addressed to properly design and deploy Exchange Server 2010:
  • Forest and domain design

  • AD site and replication topology layout

  • Domain controller and global catalog placement

  • Domain name system (DNS) configuration

Understanding Forest and Domain Design

Because Exchange Server 2007 uses Active Directory for its underlying directory structure, it is necessary to link Exchange Server with a unique Active Directory forest.

In many cases, an existing Active Directory forest and domain structure is already in place in organizations considering Exchange Server 2010 deployment. In these cases, Exchange Server can be installed on top of the existing AD environment, and no additional AD design decisions need to be made. It is important to note that Exchange Server 2010 requires that the AD forest be at least at Windows Server 2003 functional level and also requires that at least one Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows Server 2008 RTM/R2 Global Catalog is installed in each AD site in which Exchange servers reside. Finally, the schema master for the forest must be either a Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows Server 2008 (RTM or R2) domain controller.

In some cases, there might not be an existing AD infrastructure in place, and one needs to be deployed to support Exchange Server. In these scenarios, design decisions need to be made for the AD structure in which Exchange Server will be installed. In some specific cases, Exchange Server might be deployed as part of a separate forest by itself, as illustrated in Figure 1. This model is known as the Exchange Resource Forest model. This is often the case in an organization with multiple existing AD forests.

Figure 1. Understanding the Exchange Resource Forest model.

In any case, AD should be designed with simplicity in mind. A single-forest, single-domain model, for example, solves the needs of many organizations. If Exchange Server itself is all that is required of AD, this type of deployment is the best practice to consider.


The addition of Exchange Server 2010 into an Active Directory forest requires an extension of the AD forest’s Active Directory schema.

Considerations for this factor must be taken into account when deploying Exchange Server onto an existing AD forest.

Microsoft has gotten serious recently about support for Exchange Server across multiple forests. This was previously an onerous task to set up, but the ability to synchronize between separate Exchange Server organizations has been simplified through the use of Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007. ILM now comes with a series of preconfigured scripts to replicate between Exchange Server forests, enabling organizations that, for one reason or another, cannot use a common forest to unite the email structure through object replication.

Outlining AD Site and Replication Topology Layout

Active Directory sites should mirror existing network topology. Where there are pools of highly connected AD domain controllers, for example, Active Directory sites should be created to optimize replication. Smaller organizations have the luxury of a simplified AD site design. In general, the number of sites is small—or, in most cases, composed of a single physical location. Midsize and larger organizations might require the creation of multiple Active Directory sites to mirror the wide area network (WAN) connectivity of the organization.

Exchange Server 2010 no longer uses a separate replication mechanism (routing groups) from Active Directory, and Exchange Server replication takes place within the context of Active Directory sites. This makes proper AD site topology creation a critical component of an Exchange Server deployment.

Reviewing Domain Controller and Global Catalog Placement Concepts

In small or midsize organizations, you have effectively two options regarding domain controller placement. The first option involves using the same physical server for domain controller and Exchange Server duties. This option is feasible, though not recommended, for smaller organizations if budget constraints preclude the addition of more than one server. This type of deployment strategy is not feasible for mid-sized and enterprise organizations, however, and the domain controller functions should be separated onto dedicated systems.

Configuring DNS

Because AD and Exchange Server are completely dependent on DNS for lookups and overall functionality, configuring DNS is an important factor to consider. As a common AD best practice, DNS is installed on the domain controller(s), which enables the creation of Active Directory–integrated DNS zones. AD–integrated zones enable DNS data to be stored in AD with multiple read/write copies of the zone available for redundancy purposes. Although using other non-Microsoft DNS for AD is supported, it is not recommended.

The main decision regarding DNS layout is the decision about the namespace to be used within the organization. The DNS namespace is the same as the AD domain information, and it is difficult to change later. The two options in this case are to configure DNS to use either a published, external namespace that is easy to understand, such as cco.com, or an internal, secure namespace that is difficult to hack into, such as cconet.internal. In general, the more security-conscious an organization, the more often the internal namespace will be chosen.

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