To increase the flexibility of stored
procedures and perform more complex processing, you can pass parameters
to procedures. The parameters can be used anywhere that local variables
can be used within the procedure code.
The following example is a stored procedure that requires three parameters:
@parm1 int, @parm2 int, @parm3 int
-- Processing goes here
If you want to help identify the data values for
which the parameters are defined, it is recommended that you give your
parameters meaningful names. Parameter names, like local variables, can
be up to 128 characters in length, including the @ sign, and they must follow SQL Server rules for identifiers. Up to 2,100 parameters can be defined for a stored procedure.
When you execute a procedure, you can pass the parameters by position or by name:
--Passing parameters by position
EXEC myproc 1, 2, 3
--Passing parameters by name
EXEC myproc @parm2 = 2, @parm2 = 1, @parm3 =3
--Passing parameters by position and name
EXEC myproc 1, @parm3 =3, @parm2 = 2
After you specify one parameter by name, you must pass all subsequent parameters for the procedure in that EXECUTE
statement by name as well. You cannot pass any of the subsequent
parameters by position. If you want to skip parameters that are not the
last parameter(s) in the procedure and have them take default values (as
described in the next section), you also need to pass parameters by
name or use the DEFAULT keyword in place of the parameter value.
When you are embedding calls to stored procedures in
client applications and script files, it is advisable to pass parameters
by name. Reviewing and debugging the code becomes easier that way. One
time we spent half a day debugging a set of nested stored procedures to
figure out why they weren’t working correctly, only to find the problem
was due to a missed parameter; all the parameter values were shifted
over one place and the wrong values ended up being passed to the wrong
parameters. This resulted in the queries not finding any matching
values. Had the parameters been passed by name, this issue would not
have occurred. This was a lesson learned the hard way!
Input parameter values passed in can be only explicit
constant values, local variables, parameters, or, new for SQL Server
2008, table-valued parameters. However, you cannot specify a function or
another expression as an input parameter value. You would have to store
a return value from the function or expression value in a local
variable and pass the local variable as the input parameter. Likewise,
you cannot use a function or another expression as a default value for a
Setting Default Values for Parameters
You can assign a default value to a parameter by specifying a value in the definition of the parameter, as shown in Listing 1.
Listing 1. Assigning a Default Value for a Parameter in a Stored Procedure
ALTER PROCEDURE title_authors @state char(2) = '%'
SELECT a.au_lname, a.au_fname, t.title
FROM titles t
INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON t.title_id = ta.title_id
RIGHT OUTER JOIN authors a ON ta.au_id = a.au_id
WHERE a.state like @state
You can have SQL Server apply the default value for a parameter during execution by not specifying a value or by specifying the DEFAULT keyword in the position of the parameter, as shown in Listing 2.
Listing 2. Applying a Default Value for a Parameter When Executing a Stored Procedure
EXEC title_authors
EXEC title_authors DEFAULT
EXEC title_authors @state = DEFAULT
If you are involved in creating stored procedures
that other people will use, you probably want to make the stored
procedures as easy to use as possible.
If you leave out a parameter that is required, SQL Server presents an error message. The myproc procedure, shown earlier in this section, requires three parameters: @parm1, @parm2, and @parm3:
EXEC myproc
Server: Msg 201, Level 16, State 4, Procedure myproc, Line 0
Procedure 'myproc' expects parameter '@parm1', which was not
Note that SQL Server complains only about the first
missing parameter. The programmer passes the first parameter, only to
find out that more parameters are required. This is a good way to annoy a
programmer or an end user.
When you execute a command-line program, you probably expect that you can use /? to obtain a list of the parameters the program expects. You can program stored procedures in a similar manner by assigning NULL
(or some other special value) as a default value to the parameters and
checking for that value inside the procedure. The following is an
outline of a stored procedure that presents the user with information
about the parameters expected if the user doesn’t pass parameters:
@parm1 int = NULL, @parm2 int = 32, @parm3 int = NULL
IF (@parm1 IS NULL or @parm1 NOT BETWEEN 1 and 10) OR
@parm3 IS NULL
PRINT 'Usage:
EXEC MyProc2
@parm1 int, (Required: Can be between 1 and 10)
@parm2 = 32, (Optional: Default value of 32)
@parm3 int, (Required: Any number within range)'
-- Processing goes here
EXEC MyProc2
EXEC MyProc2
@parm1 int, (Required: Can be between 1 and 10)
@parm2 = 32, (Optional: Default value of 32)
@parm3 int, (Required: Any number within range)
You can develop your own standards for the way the
message is presented to the user, but what is important is that the
information is presented at all.
To display the parameters defined for a stored procedure, you can view them in the SSMS Object Explorer (see Figure 1) or by executing the sp_help stored procedure, as shown in Listing 3. (Note that the output has been edited to fit the page.)
Listing 3. Displaying Stored Procedure Parameters by Using sp_help
exec sp_help title_authors
Name Owner Type Created_datetime
-------------- ----- ------ ---- ------- ----------- ---------------------------
title_authors dbo stored procedure 2008-09-15 21:15:06.540
Parameter_name Type Length Prec Scale Param_order Collation
-------------- ----- ------ ---- ------- ----------- ---------------------------
@state char 2 2 NULL 1 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
You can also display the stored procedure parameters by running a query against the INFORMATION_SCHEMA view parameters:
select substring(Parameter_NAME,1, 30) as Parameter_name,
substring (DATA_TYPE, 1, 20) as Data_Type,
ordinal_position as param_order,
from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.parameters
where specific_name = 'title_authors'
and specific_schema = 'dbo'
order by ordinal_position
Parameter_name Data_Type Length param_order Collation_name
---------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -----------------------------
@state char 2 1 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
You can view parameter information for a stored procedure as well using the sys.parameters catalog view:
select substring(,1, 30) as Parameter_name,
substring (, 1, 20) as Data_Type,
p.max_length as Length,
parameter_id as param_order,
from sys.parameters p
inner join sys.types t
on p.user_type_id = t.user_type_id
where p.object_id = object_id('title_authors')
order by parameter_id
Parameter_name Data_Type Length param_order default_value
--------------- ---------- ------ ------------ --------------
@state char 2 1 NULL
Passing Object Names as Parameters
In SQL Server 2008, if you pass an object name as a
parameter to a stored procedure, SQL Server attempts to treat it as a
table-valued parameter unless the object name is used either as an
argument in a WHERE clause or in a dynamic SQL query. For example, the code in Listing 4 generates an error message when you try to create the stored procedure.
Listing 4. Attempting to Create a Stored Procedure by Using a Parameter to Pass in a Table Name
CREATE proc find_data @table varchar(128)
select * from @table
Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Procedure find_data, Line 4
Must declare the table variable "@table".
As you can see, when the parameter is used in the FROM clause, SQL Server expects it to be defined as a table variable. To use the value in the parameter as a table name, you can build a dynamic SQL query similar to the example shown in Listing 5.
Listing 5. Passing a Table as a Parameter to a Stored Procedure for Dynamic SQL Execution
CREATE proc find_data @table varchar(128)
exec ('select * from ' + @table)
exec find_data @table = 'publishers'
pub_id pub_name city state country
------ ------------------------ ---------------- ----- ---------
0736 New Moon Books Boston MA USA
0877 Binnet & Hardley Washington DC USA
1389 Algodata Infosystems Berkeley CA USA
1622 Five Lakes Publishing Chicago IL USA
1756 Ramona Publishers Dallas TX USA
9952 Scootney Books New York NY USA
9999 Lucerne Publishing Paris NULL France
Using Wildcards in Parameters
Wildcards can be included in varchar-based input parameters and used in a LIKE clause in a query to perform pattern matching. However, you should not use the char
data type for parameters that will contain wildcard characters because
SQL Server pads spaces onto the value passed in to the parameter to
expand it to the specified size of the char data type. For example, if you declared an @lastname parameter as char(40) and passed in 'S%', SQL Server would search not for a string starting with 'S' but for a string starting with 'S', any characters, and ending with up to 38 spaces. This would likely not match any actual data values.
Also, to increase the flexibility of a stored procedure that searches for character strings, you can default the parameter to '%', as in the following example:
IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.procedures
WHERE schema_id = schema_id('dbo')
AND name = N'find_authors')
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.find_authors
create proc find_authors @lastname varchar(40) = '%'
select au_id, au_lname, au_fname
from authors
where au_lname like @lastname
order by au_lname, au_fname
This procedure, if passed no parameter, returns data for all authors in the authors
table. If passed a string containing wildcard characters, this
procedure returns data for all authors matching the search pattern
specified. If a string containing no wildcards is passed, the query
performs a search for exact matches against the string value.
Unfortunately, wildcard searches can be performed
only against character strings. If you want to have similar flexibility
searching against a numeric value, such as an integer, you can default
the value to NULL and when the parameter is NULL, compare the column with itself, as shown in the following example:
IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.procedures
WHERE schema_id = schema_id('dbo')
AND name = N'find_titles_by_sales')
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.find_titles_by_sales
create proc find_titles_by_sales @ytd_sales int = null
select title_id, title, ytd_sales
from titles
where ytd_sales = isnull(@ytd_sales, ytd_sales)
However, the problem with this approach is that the procedure returns all rows from the titles table except those in which ytd_sales contains a NULL value. The reason is that NULL is never considered equal to NULL; you cannot compare an unknown value with another unknown value. To return all rows, including those in which ytd_sales is NULL, you need to implement a dual-query solution, as in the following example:
IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.procedures
WHERE schema_id = schema_id('dbo')
AND name = N'find_titles_by_sales')
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.find_titles_by_sales
create proc find_titles_by_sales @ytd_sales int = null
if @ytd_sales is null
select title_id, title, ytd_sales
from titles
select title_id, title, ytd_sales
from titles
where ytd_sales= @ytd_sales
Using Table-Valued Parameters
previous versions of SQL Server, it was not possible to share the
contents of table variables between stored procedures. SQL Server 2008
changes that with the introduction of table-valued parameters, which
allow you to pass table variables to stored procedures. Table-valued
parameters provide more flexibility and, in many cases, better
performance than temporary tables as a means to pass result sets between
stored procedures.
Table-valued parameters provide many of the same
performance advantages as table data types. Table-valued parameters also
share some of the same restrictions as table variables, such as SQL
Server not maintaining statistics on table-valued parameters and
table-valued parameters not permitted as the target of a SELECT INTO or INSERT EXEC statement. In addition, table-valued parameters can be passed only as READONLY input parameters to stored procedures. DML operations, such as UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE, cannot be performed on table-valued parameters within the body of a stored procedure.
To create and use table-valued parameters, you must
first create a user-defined table type and define the table structure.
You do so using the CREATE TYPE command, as in the following example:
if exists (select * from sys.systypes t where = 'ytdsales_tabletype'
and t.uid = USER_ID('dbo'))
drop type ytdsales_tabletype
CREATE TYPE ytdsales_tabletype AS TABLE
(title_id char(6),
title varchar(50),
pubdate date,
ytd_sales int)
After the table data type is created, you can use it
for declaring local table variables and for stored procedure parameters.
To use the table-valued parameter in a procedure, you create a
procedure to receive and access data through a table-valued parameter:
/* Create a procedure to receive data for the table-valued parameter. */
if OBJECT_ID('tab_parm_test') is not null
drop proc tab_parm_test
create proc tab_parm_test
@pubdate datetime = null,
@sales_minimum int = 0,
@ytd_sales_tab ytdsales_tabletype READONLY
set nocount on
if @pubdate is null
-- if no date is specified, set date to last year
set @pubdate = dateadd(month, -12, getdate())
select * from @ytd_sales_tab
where pubdate > @pubdate
and ytd_sales >= @sales_minimum
when calling that stored procedure, you declare a local table variable
using the table data type defined previously, populate the table
variable with data, and then pass the table variable to the stored
/* Declare a variable that references the type. */
declare @ytd_sales_tab ytdsales_tabletype
/* Add data to the table variable. */
insert @ytd_sales_tab
select title_id, convert(varchar(50), title), pubdate, ytd_sales
from titles
/* Pass the table variable populated with data to a stored procedure. */
exec tab_parm_test '6/1/2001', 10000, @ytd_sales_tab
title_id title ytd_sales
-------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------
BU2075 You Can Combat Computer Stress! 18722
MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave 22246
TC4203 Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens 15096