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SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services : Examining Decomposition Tree Reports

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4/9/2011 4:38:08 PM
The decomposition tree (decomp tree) report enables you to visualize how child hierarchy members contribute to a parent. This is most useful when trying to understand the underlying data for a particular value. With the decomp tree, you can “decompose” the parent value into its constituent values and view them broken out by dimensions.


Although this report is automatic in the analytic report types, some configuration is necessary to make this report available on a scorecard. The calculation for the KPI row needs to be set to Source Data. If the KPI row on the scorecard is configured in this way, the Show Details option will appear when you right-click the data cell.

The decomp tree report is only accessible from a context menu and will not show up with other report types in Dashboard Designer,

To access the context menu, begin with the Viewers and Potential Viewers Analytic Chart for Season 1, as shown in Figure 1. The high point in the graph is the data point for “episode 109. You can see more information about why this particular show was more successful than the other shows. To do this, right-click the point, and then select Decomposition Tree from the context menu that appears.

Figure 1. The Decomposition Tree option is available from the context menu on analytical charts, grids, or scorecards.

The decomp tree for this episode appears first with only “episode 109 (see Figure 2). To drill down and find out which region had the most viewers, left-click the 109 element, and then select Affiliate—Region. From here, it is possible to continue drilling down through to the Affiliate city and then into the Calendar to see the month. Eventually, you will locate the day with the highest number of viewers.

Figure 2. Browse the decomp tree for detail information.

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