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Windows Server 2008 R2 : Understanding the PowerShell Basics (part 4) - The Pipeline, Modules and Snap-Ins & Remoting

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The Pipeline

In the past, data was transferred from one command to the next by using the pipeline, which makes it possible to string a series of commands together to gather information from a system. However, as mentioned previously, most shells have a major disadvantage: The information gathered from commands is text based. Raw text needs to be parsed (transformed) into a format the next command can understand before being piped.

The point is that although most UNIX and Linux shell commands are powerful, using them can be complicated and frustrating. Because these shells are text based, often commands lack functionality or require using additional commands or tools to perform tasks. To address the differences in text output from shell commands, many utilities and scripting languages have been developed to parse text.

The result of all this parsing is a tree of commands and tools that make working with shells unwieldy and time consuming, which is one reason for the proliferation of management interfaces that rely on GUIs. This trend can be seen among tools Windows administrators use, too; as Microsoft has focused on enhancing the management GUI at the expense of the CLI.

Windows administrators now have access to the same automation capabilities as their UNIX and Linux counterparts. However, PowerShell and its use of objects fill the automation need Windows administrators have had since the days of batch scripting and WSH in a more usable and less parsing-intense manner. To see how the PowerShell pipeline works, take a look at the following PowerShell example:

PS C:\> get-process powershell | format-table id -autosize


PS C:\>


All pipelines end with the Out-Default cmdlet. This cmdlet selects a set of properties and their values and then displays those values in a list or table.

Modules and Snap-Ins

One of the main design goals behind PowerShell was to make extending the default functionality in PowerShell and sharing those extensions easy enough that anyone could do it. In PowerShell 1.0, part of this design goal was realized through the use of snap-ins. PowerShell snap-ins (PSSnapins) are dynamic-link library (DLL) files that can be used to provide access to additional cmdlets or providers. By default, a number of PSSnapins are loaded into every PowerShell session. These default sets of PSSnapins contain the built-in cmdlets and providers that are used by PowerShell. You can display a list of these cmdlets by entering the command Get-PSSnapin at the PowerShell command prompt, as follows:

PS C:\> get-pssnapin

Name : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core
PSVersion : 2.0
Description : This Windows PowerShell snap-in contains Windows PowerShell manage-
ment cmdlets used to manage components
of Windows PowerShell.

Name : Microsoft.PowerShell.Host
PSVersion : 2.0
Description : This Windows PowerShell snap-in contains cmdlets used by the Windows
PowerShell host.

PS C:\>

In theory, PowerShell snap-ins were a great way to share and reuse a set of cmdlets and providers. However, snap-ins by definition must be written and then compiled, which often placed snap-in creation out of reach for many IT professionals. Additionally, snap-ins can conflict, which meant that attempting to run a set of snap-ins within the same PowerShell session might not always be feasible.

That is why in PowerShell 2.0, the product team decided to introduce a new feature, called modules, which are designed to make extending PowerShell and sharing those extensions significantly easier. In its simplest form, a module is just a collection of items that can be used in a PowerShell session. These items can be cmdlets, providers, functions, aliases, utilities, and so on. The intent with modules, however, was to allow “anyone” (developers and administrators) to take and bundle together a collection of items. These items can then be executed in a self-contained context, which will not affect the state outside of the module, thus increasing portability when being shared across disparate environments.


With PowerShell 1.0, one of its major disadvantages was the lack of an interface to execute commands on a remote machine. Granted, you could use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to accomplish this and some cmdlets like Get-Process and Get-Service, which enable you to connect to remote machines. But, the concept of a native-based “remoting” interface was sorely missing when PowerShell was first released. In fact, the lack of remote command execution was a glaring lack of functionality that needed to be addressed. Naturally, the PowerShell product team took this functionality limitation to heart and addressed it by introducing a new feature in PowerShell 2.0, called “remoting.”

Remoting, as its name suggests, is a new feature that is designed to facilitate command (or script) execution on remote machines. This could mean execution of a command or commands on one remote machine or thousands of remote machines (provided you have the infrastructure to support this). Additionally, commands can be issued synchronously or asynchronously, one at time or through a persistent connection called a runspace, and even scheduled or throttled.

To use remoting, you must have the appropriate permissions to connect to a remote machine, execute PowerShell, and execute the desired command(s). In addition, the remote machine must have PowerShell 2.0 and Windows Remote Management (WinRM) installed, and PowerShell must be configured for remoting.

Additionally, when using remoting, the remote PowerShell session that is used to execute commands determines execution environment. As such, the commands you attempt to execute are subject to a remote machine’s execution policies, profiles, and preferences.


Commands that are executed against a remote machine do not have access to information defined within your local profile. As such, commands that use a function or alias defined in your local profile will fail unless they are defined on the remote machine as well.

How Remoting Works

In its most basic form, PowerShell remoting works using the following conversation flow between “a client” (most likely the machine with your PowerShell session) and “a server” (remote host) that you want to execute command(s) against:

A command is executed on the client.

That command is transmitted to the server.

The server executes the command and then returns the output to the client.

The client displays or uses the returned output.

At a deeper level, PowerShell remoting is very dependent on WinRM for facilitating the command and output exchange between a “client” and “server.” WinRM, which is a component of Windows Hardware Management, is a web-based service that enables administrators to enumerate information on and manipulate a remote machine. To handle remote sessions, WinRM was built around a SOAP-based standards protocol called WS-Management. This protocol is firewall-friendly, and was primarily developed for the exchange of management information between systems that might be based on a variety of operating systems on various hardware platforms.

When PowerShell uses WinRM to ship commands and output between a client and server, that exchange is done using a series of XML messages. The first XML message that is exchanged is a request to the server, which contains the desired command to be executed. This message is submitted to the server using the SOAP protocol. The server, in return, executes the command using a new instance of PowerShell called a runspace. Once execution of the command is complete, the output from the command is returned to the requesting client as the second XML message. This second message, like the first, is also communicated using the SOAP protocol.

This translation into an XML message is performed because you cannot ship “live” .NET objects (how PowerShell relates to programs or system components) across the network. So, to perform the transmission, objects are serialized into a series of XML (CliXML) data elements. When the server or client receives the transmission, it converts the received XML message into a deserialized object type. The resulting object is no longer live. Instead, it is a record of properties based on a point in time and, as such, no longer possesses any methods.

Remoting Requirements

To use remoting, both the local and remote computers must have the following:

  • Windows PowerShell 2.0 or later

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later

  • Windows Remote Management 2.0


Windows Remote Management 2.0 is part of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. For down-level versions of Windows, an integrated installation package must be installed, which includes PowerShell 2.0.

Configuring Remoting

By default, WinRM is installed on all Windows Server 2008 R2 machines as part of the default operating system installation. However, for security purposes, PowerShell remoting and WinRM are, by default, configured to not allow remote connections. You can use several methods to configure remoting, as described in the following sections.

Method One

The first and easiest method to enable PowerShell remoting is to execute the Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet. For example:

PS C:\> enable-pssremoting

Once executed, the following tasks are performed by the Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet:

  • Runs the Set-WSManQuickConfig cmdlet, which performs the following tasks:

    • Starts the WinRM service.

    • Sets the startup type on the WinRM service to Automatic.

    • Creates a listener to accept requests on any IP address.

    • Enables a firewall exception for WS-Management communications.

  • Enables all registered Windows PowerShell session configurations to receive instructions from a remote computer.

  • Registers the “Microsoft.PowerShell” session configuration, if it is not already registered.

  • Registers the “Microsoft.PowerShell32” session configuration on 64-bit computers, if it is not already registered.

  • Removes the “Deny Everyone” setting from the security descriptor for all the registered session configurations.

  • Restarts the WinRM service to make the preceding changes effective.


To configure PowerShell remoting, the Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet must be executed using the Run As Administrator option.

Method Two

The second method to configure remoting is to use Server Manager. Use the following steps to use this method:

Open Server Manager.

In the Server Summary area of the Server Manager home page, click Configure Server Manager Remote Management.

Next, select Enable Remote Management of This Server from Other Computers.

Click OK.

Method Three

Finally, the third method to configure remoting is to use GPO. Use the following steps to use this method:

Create a new GPO, or edit an existing one.

Expand Computer Configuration, Policies, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Remote Management, and then select WinRM Service.

Open the Allow Automatic Configuration of Listeners Policy, select Enabled, and then define the IPv4 filter and IPv6 filter as *.

Click OK.

Next, expand Computer Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Security Settings, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, and then Inbound Rules.

Right-click Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule.

In the New Inbound Rule Wizard, on the Rule Type page, select Predefined.

On the Predefined pull-down menu, select Remote Event Log Management. Click Next.

On the Predefined Rules page, click Next to accept the new rules.

On the Action page, select Allow the Connection, and then click Finish. Allow the Connection is the default selection.

Repeat steps 6 through 10 and create inbound rules for the following predefined rule types:

  • Remote Service Management

  • Windows Firewall Remote Management

Background Jobs

Another new feature that was introduced in PowerShell 2.0 is the ability to use background jobs. By definition, a background job is a command that is executed asynchronously without interacting with the current PowerShell session. However, once the background job has finished execution, the results from these jobs can then be retrieved and manipulated based on the task at hand. In other words, by using a background job, you can complete automation tasks that take an extended period of time to run without impacting the usability of your PowerShell session.

By default, background jobs can be executed on the local computer. But, background jobs can also be used in conjunction with remoting to execute jobs on a remote machine.


To use background jobs (local or remote), PowerShell must be configured for remoting.

Other -----------------
- Windows Server 2008 R2 : Using Windows PowerShell (part 5) - Using Remoting & Using the New-Object Cmdlet
- Windows Server 2008 R2 : Using Windows PowerShell (part 4) - Using Snap-Ins & Using Modules
- Windows Server 2008 R2 : Using Windows PowerShell (part 3) - Managing Processes
- Windows Server 2008 R2 : Using Windows PowerShell (part 2) - Gathering Event Log Information
- Windows Server 2008 R2 : Using Windows PowerShell (part 1) - Exploring PowerShell
- Windows Server 2008 R2 : Automating Tasks Using PowerShell Scripting - Introduction to PowerShell
- Windows Server 2008 R2 : Automating Tasks Using PowerShell Scripting - Understanding Shells
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