Use the DISMOUNT mode to remove media from service. This mode uses the following syntax:
RSM DISMOUNT /L[G|F]<LogicalMediaID> | /P[G|F]<PartitionID> [/O[DEFERRED]]
The following list describes each of the command line arguments.
LogicalMediaIDDefines the logical media to dismount as a GUID.
LogicalMediaIDDefines the logical media to dismount as a friendly name.
PartitionIDDefines the partition to dismount as a GUID.
PartitionIDDefines the partition to dismount as a friendly name.
Defines the removable storage allocation options. The DEFERRED
option marks the media as dismountable, but keeps the media in the
drive. The default setting dismounts the media immediately and ejects it
from the drive.
Use the EJECT mode to
eject media from the device. When the media is virtual, then the utility
performs the equivalent of ejecting the media from the device; the
bottom line is that the media is no longer available for use. This mode
uses the following syntax:
RSM EJECT /P[G|F]<PhysicalMediaID> [/A[{START | STOP | QUEUE}]]
[/O<EjectOperation>] [/B]
RSM EJECT /S[G|F]<SlotID> /L[G|F]<LibraryID> [/A[{START | STOP |
QUEUE}]] [/O<EjectOperation>] [/B]
RSM EJECT /D[G|F]<DriveID> /L[G|F]<LibraryID> [/A[{START | STOP |
QUEUE}]] [/O<EjectOperation>] [/B]
The following list describes each of the command line arguments.
PhysicalMediaIDDefines the physical media identifier to eject as a GUID.
PhysicalMediaIDDefines the physical media identifier to eject as a friendly name.
SlotIDDefines the slot identifier to eject as a GUID.
SlotIDDefines the slot identifier to eject as a friendly name.
DriveIDDefines the drive identifier to eject as a GUID.
DriveIDDefines the drive identifier to eject as a friendly name.
LibraryIDSpecifies the library to eject as a GUID. Use a GUID with the /SG and /DG options. The library identifier is the specific media to eject from the drive.
LibraryIDSpecifies the library to eject as a friendly name. Use a friendly name with the /SF and /DF options. The library identifier is the specific media to eject from the drive.
Defines the
ejection action to perform. The default action is START. The START
action begins the ejection process. The system ejects the media until a
timeout occurs (the timeout value appears as part of the library object
for all ejects in the library) or you call this command with a STOP
action. The STOP action terminates the eject operation. You must use the
GUID returned when you start the ejection to perform a STOP action. The
QUEUE action queues the media for ejection. The system ejects the media
in turn. You can use this action to group media for multi-slot
Inputs/Exports (IEPorts).
EjectOperationObtains the GUID
when you use eject with the START action (or switch). Use the resulting
GUID with the STOP action (or switch) to stop the eject process.
Specifies the bare option that you can use with scripts. You can redirect this output to another utility to perform additional media processing.
Use the EJECTATAPI mode to
eject media from an Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
(ATAPI) device. This mode uses the following syntax:
RSM EJECTATAPI /N<AtapiChangerNumber>
The following describes the command line argument.
AtapiChangerNumberSpecifies the number found at the end of the device name for the changer. For example, CdChanger0 has a changer number of 0. The number uniquely identifies the device.
Use the CREATEPOOL mode to create a new media pool. This mode uses the following syntax:
RSM CREATEPOOL /M<MediaPoolName> [/T[G|F]<MediaPoolTypeID>]
The following list describes each of the command line arguments.
MediaPoolNameSpecifies the name of the media pool that you want to create.
MediaPoolTypeIDDefines the media pool type identifier as a GUID.
MediaPoolTypeIDDefines the media pool type identifier as a friendly name.
Defines the
pool creation action to perform. The EXISTING action opens an existing
media pool. It returns an error when an existing media pool doesn't
exist. The ALWAYS action opens an existing media pool or creates a new
media pool when one doesn't exist. The NEW action always creates a new
media pool. It returns an error when a media pool already exists.
Specifies that the media pool can draw media from the free pool.
Specifies that the media pool can return media to the free pool.