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Exchange Server 2010 : Address List Configuration (part 1) - Creating and Configuring an Address List

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1. Creating and Configuring an Address List

You need to be assigned to the Organization Management role group to create an address list. You can create an address list using either the EMC or the EMS.

The procedure to create an address list in the EMC is as follows:

  1. In the console tree, click Mailbox under Organization Configuration.

  2. In the Action pane, click New Address List.

  3. On the Introduction page of the New Address List Wizard, shown in Figure 1, type the name for the new address list in the Name box. The name can contain up to 64 characters, including wildcard characters, but cannot contain the backslash character (\).

    Figure 1. The New Address List Wizard Introduction page

  4. In the Display Name box, type the display name for the address list. This is the name displayed to users when they view the address list from, for example, a Microsoft Outlook 2010 client. This field is automatically populated with the name you type in the Name box, but you can modify it if you want to.

  5. In the Container box, you can type the path to the container for the address list, but typically you click Browse and select it. If you want to add the address list as a child to an existing address list, click the existing address list and then click OK. To create a new parent address list, click All Address Lists and then click OK. Note that if you specify All Address Lists as the container, the default (\) symbol is shown in the Container box.

  6. Click Next. On the Filter Settings page, shown in Figure , select the recipient container where you want to apply the filter. The recipient container defines the OU filter for an address list. Click Browse to open the Select Organizational Unit dialog box. Use this dialog box to specify the OU from which to select the recipients.

    Figure 2. The Filter Settings page

  7. You can select All Recipient Types or The Following Specific Types. If you select The Following Specific Types, you can select one or more of the following:

    • Users With Exchange Mailboxes You should select this check box if you want the address list to apply to users that have a user domain account and a mailbox in the Exchange organization.

    • Users With External E-Mail Addresses You should select this check box if you want the address list to apply to users that have user domain accounts in Active Directory but use email accounts that are external to the organization. This enables them to be included in the global address list (GAL) and added to distribution lists.

    • Resource Mailboxes You should select this check box if you want the address list to apply to Exchange resource mailboxes, which allow you to administer company resources, such as a conference room or video equipment, through a mailbox.

    • Contacts With External E-Mail Addresses You should select this check box if you want the address list to apply to contacts that have external email addresses. These contacts do not have user domain accounts in AD DS, but their external e-mail address is available in the GAL.

    • Mail-Enabled Groups You should select this check box if you want the address list to apply to security groups or distribution groups that have been mail-enabled. Note that you must convert any nonuniversal distribution groups to universal distribution groups to ensure that all distribution groups are displayed. Email messages that are sent to a mail-enabled group account are delivered to several recipients.

  8. Click Next. The Conditions page is shown in Figure 3. Complete the following fields:

    • Step 1: Select Condition(s) You can use this section to select one or more conditions for your address list. If you do not want to set a list condition, you do not need to select any of the following check boxes:

      • Recipient is in a State or Province Select this check box if you want the address list to include only recipients from specific states or provinces.

      • Recipient is in a Department Select this check box if you want the address list to include only recipients in specific departments.

      • Recipient is in a Company Select this check box if you want the address list to include only recipients in specific companies.

      • Custom Attribute equals Value You can specify up to 15 custom attributes for each recipient. If you want the address list to include only recipients that have a specific value set for a specific custom attribute, select the check box that corresponds to that custom attribute.



      The State or Province, Department, and Company conditions are based on attributes that are applicable only to mailboxes, mail users, and mail contacts and do not apply to mail-enabled distribution groups. If you configure any of these conditions for an address list, you will in effect be excluding all mail-enabled distribution groups from that address list.

    • Step 2: Edit the Conditions by Selecting an Underlined Value If you select any conditions in step 1, each condition you select will append to the definition of the address list. For example, if you select the Recipient Is In A State Or Province check box in step 1, you will see Address List Contains: All Recipient Types In The Specified State Or Province(s) condition in step 2. You click the underlined term (in this case Specified) to define the condition. You can add a new value, edit an existing value, or remove a value. You cannot specify a duplicate value. You can specify only one value for a custom attribute condition.

    Figure 3. The Conditions page



    The values you enter must exactly match those that appear in the recipient properties. For example, if you enter Pennsylvania in the Specify State Or Province dialog box but the Address and Phone tab in the recipient properties lists the state as PA, the condition will not be met.

  9. Optionally, click Preview to view the recipients that will be contained in the address list.

  10. Click Next. On the Schedule page, shown in Figure 4, you can specify whether you want to create the address list but do not want to apply it to recipients, whether you want to apply the address list immediately, or whether you want to apply it at a specified time. You can also specify that tasks that are still running after a configurable amount of time (by default eight hours) will be canceled.

    Figure 4. The Schedule page



    If you choose not to apply an address list to the selected recipients, you can then use the Update-AddressList cmdlet in the EMS or the Apply Address List Wizard to do so retrospectively. For more information, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa996375.aspx.

  11. Click Next and review your configuration settings on the New Address List page. Click New to create the address list or click Back to make configuration changes.

  12. Click Next. A status of Completed on the Completion page indicates that the wizard completed the task successfully. In this case, click Finish. If the status is Failed, review the summary for an explanation and then click Back to make the required configuration changes.

You use the New-AddressList cmdlet in the EMS to create an address list. For example, the following command creates the address list PennsylvaniaAddressList by using the RecipientFilter parameter and includes recipients that are mailbox users and have StateOrProvince set to Pennsylvania:

New-AddressList -Name PennsylvaniaAddressList -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq
'UserMailbox') -and (StateOrProvince -eq 'Pennsylvania'))}

The following command creates the child address list PittsburghAddressList in the PennsylvaniaAddressList parent container:

New-AddressList -Name "PittsburghAddressList" -Container "\PennsylvaniaAddressList"
-ConditionalCustomAttribute1 "Pittsburgh"

If you create an address list in the EMS, you need to apply it using the Update-AddressList cmdlet in the EMS or the Apply Address List Wizard in the EMC.



For more information about the New-AddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa996912.aspx. For more information about the Update-AddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa997982.aspx.

1.1. Removing an Address List

You can use the EMC or the EMS to remove an address list. To use the EMC, click Mailbox under Organization Configuration. In the Result pane, on the Address List tab, click the address list that you want to remove. If you want to remove an address list that has one or more child address lists, you need to hold down the Ctrl key and select the parent list and all its children. Next, click Remove in the Action pane. A warning appears, asking if you are sure that you want to remove the address list. Click Yes.

To remove an address list through the EMS, you use the Remove-AddressList cmdlet. For example, the following command removes an address list named Marketing Department that does not contain child address lists:

Remove-AddressList -Identity "Marketing Department"

The following command removes an address list named Sales Department and all of the child address lists it contains:

Remove-AddressList -Identity "Sales Department" -Recursive

In both cases, you need to enter Y to confirm that you want to remove the address list.



For more information about the Remove-AddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb124342.aspx.

1.2. Configuring Address List Properties

You can use either the EMC or the EMS to configure the properties of an address list. There are, however, limitations to using the EMC. You cannot use it to edit GALs or to move an address list from its container. Nor can you use the EMC to edit the conditions or recipient types of the default address lists All Contacts, All Groups, All Rooms, All Users, and Public Folders.

Editing an address list using the EMC uses wizard pages that are very similar to those described earlier in this lesson when you were creating the address list. You click on Mailbox under Organization Configuration in the Console tree, click the Address List tab in the Result pane, select the address list you want to configure, and then click Edit in the Action pane.

The Edit Address List Wizard has the same Introduction, Filter Settings, Conditions, and Schedule pages as does the Create Address List Wizard. The settings configured for the address list appear on these pages, and you can modify them. On the Edit Address List page, you review your configuration settings and click Edit to apply these changes or click Back if you are not satisfied with them. On the Completion page, you can click Finish to close the wizard.

You can use the Set-AddressList cmdlet in the EMS to configure an address list. Commands that use this cmdlet can have a lengthy syntax, principally because of the multiple custom attributes you can define. The syntax is as follows:

Set-AddressList -Identity <AddressListIdParameter> [-ConditionalCompany
<MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute1 <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-ConditionalCustomAttribute10 <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute11
<MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute12 <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-ConditionalCustomAttribute13 <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute14
<MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute15 <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-ConditionalCustomAttribute2 <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute3
<MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute4 <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-ConditionalCustomAttribute5 <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute6
<MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute7 <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-ConditionalCustomAttribute8 <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalCustomAttribute9
<MultiValuedProperty>] [-ConditionalDepartment <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-ConditionalStateOrProvince <MultiValuedProperty>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DisplayName <String>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-ForceUpgrade <SwitchParameter>]
[-IncludedRecipients <Nullable>] [-Name <String>] [-RecipientContainer
<OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>] [-RecipientFilter <String>] [-WhatIf

In practice, the commands are seldom as complex as the syntax suggests. For example, the following command configures the address list Adatum Miami Branch to include recipients that work in Adatum’s Miami office:

Set-AddressList -Identity "Adatum Miami Branch" -ConditionalCompany Adatum
-ConditionalStateorProvince Miami

As previously stated, if you want to reconfigure the properties of one of the default address lists, you need to use the Set-AddressList cmdlet and cannot use the EMC. However, you seldom need to reconfigure a default address list.



For more information about the Set-AddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998847.aspx.

You also cannot use the EMC to move an address list. Instead, you should use the Move-AddressList cmdlet in the EMS. For example, the following command moves the address list with GUID c3ffed6e-028a-22b6-88a4-8c21697bb8ad to a new location under the parent address list \All Users\Sales\:

Move-AddressList -Identity c3ffed6e-028a-22b6-88a4-8c21697bb8ad -Target "\All Users\Sales\



For more information about the Move-AddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb124520.aspx.

1.3. Creating and Configuring Global Address Lists

A global address list (GAL) is a directory that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization’s implementation of Microsoft Exchange. You cannot use the EMC to create or configure a GAL but must instead use EMS cmdlets.

To create a GAL, you use the New-GlobalAddressList cmdlet. For example, the following command creates a GAL named Adatum Global for recipients who are mailbox users and have their company listed as Adatum:

New-GlobalAddressList -Name "Adatum Global" -IncludedRecipients MailboxUsers
-ConditionalCompany Adatum



For more information about the New-GlobalAddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb123785.aspx.

You can modify GAL properties by using the Set-GlobalAddressList cmdlet in the EMS. You cannot, however, change the settings of the default GAL. For example, the following command assigns the name Contoso to the GAL that has the GUID 98d0c625-eba8-6203-be4f-687a1ee4ad7b:

Set-GlobalAddressList -Identity 98d0c625-eba8-6203-be4f-687a1ee4ad7b -Name Contoso

The following command changes the recipients who will be included in the Contoso GAL to mailbox users whose company is set to Contoso:

Set-GlobalAddressList -Identity Contoso -RecipientFilter {Company -eq "Contoso"}

It may be necessary to start the update process if additional recipients that conform to the defined filter conditions are added. It can take considerable time for an update to complete, but you can start the process by using the Update-GlobalAddressList cmdlet, for example:

Update-GlobalAddressList -Identity "Contoso"

You remove a GAL by using the Remove-GlobalAddressList cmdlet, for example:

Remove-GlobalAddressList -Identity MyGAL



For more information about the Set-GlobalAddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb123877.aspx. For more information about the Update-GlobalAddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998806.aspx. For more information about the Remove-GlobalAddressList cmdlet, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb124368.aspx.

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