Scenario/Problem: Your company has a group that was named incorrectly.
Solution: Rename the group by using the Windows interface or the command line.
To rename a group object by using the Windows interface, perform the following steps:
To rename a group object by using the command line, perform the following steps:
Renaming a group object by using the command line is a two phase process. The first step uses the dsmod command to modify the applicable name attributes for the object. The second step uses the dsmove command to modify the distinguished name of the object.
Dsmod group "CN=ApplicationA Group,CN=Users,DC=WS08DOMAIN01,DC=LOCAL" -samid "ApplicationB Group"
For a full list of dsmod group parameters, go to
Dsmove "CN=ApplicationA Group,CN=Users,DC=WS08DOMAIN01,DC=LOCAL" -newname "ApplicationB Group"
For a full list of dsmove parameters, go to