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Architecting an Enterprise-Level Exchange Server Environment : Determining Hardware and Software Components

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3/19/2011 3:47:45 PM
Justifying hardware and software purchases is often a difficult task for organizations of any size. It is, therefore, important to balance the need for performance and redundancy with the available funds in the budget, and, thus, deploy the optimal Exchange Server hardware and software configuration.

Unlike versions of Exchange Server prior to Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010 requires the use of 64-bit capable systems, so it is critical to order the appropriate equipment when deploying Exchange Server 2010 systems.

Designing Server Number and Placement

Exchange Server scales very well to a large number of mailboxes on a single machine, depending on the hardware chosen for the Exchange server. Subsequently, Exchange Server 2010 is optimal for organizations that want to limit the amount of servers that are deployed and supported in an environment.

Exchange 2000 Server previously had one major exception to this concept, however. If multiple sites required high-speed access to an Exchange server, multiple servers were necessary for deployment. Exchange Server 2010, on the other hand, expands upon the concept of site consolidation, introduced in Exchange Server 2003. This concept enables smaller sites to use the Exchange servers in the larger sites through the more efficient bandwidth usage present in Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2003 and other mobile technologies.

Providing for Server Redundancy and Optimization

The ability of the Exchange server to recover from hardware failures is more than just a “nice-to-have” feature. Many server models come with an array of redundancy features, such as multiple fans and power supplies and mirrored disk capabilities. These features incur additional costs, however, so it is wise to perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine what redundancy features are required. Midsize and larger organizations should seriously consider robust redundancy options, however, because the increased reliability and uptime is often well worth the up-front costs.

Exchange Server 2010 further expands the redundancy options with the concept of Database Availability Groups (DAGs), which enable for a mailbox database to reside in up to 16 different locations at one time. This enables for unprecedented levels of redundancy and frees the architect from the requirement to focus heavily on server level redundancy because the loss of a single server is no longer a catastrophic event.

One of the most critical but overlooked performance strategies for Exchange Server is the concept of separating the Exchange Server logs and database onto separate physical drive sets. Because Exchange Server logs are very write-intensive, and the database is read-intensive, having these components on the same disk set would degrade performance. Separating these components onto different disk sets, however, is the best way to get the most out of Exchange Server.

Reviewing Server Memory and Processor Recommendations

Exchange Server is a resource-hungry application that, left to its own devices, will consume a good portion of any amount of processor or memory that is given to it. The amount of processors and random access memory (RAM) required should reflect the budgetary needs of the organization. In general, midsize and larger organizations should consider multiprocessor servers and greater amounts of RAM—8GB or 16GB or more. This helps increase the amount of mailboxes that can be homed to any particular server.


The rule of thumb when sizing an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox server is to start with 2GB of RAM for a server; then add 5MB of RAM for each mailbox that will be homed on it. For example, on a server with 3,000 mailboxes, at least 17GB of RAM would be required (2GB + (3000*.005GB)).

Outlining Server Operating System Considerations

The base operating system (OS) for Exchange Server, Windows Server, comes in two versions, Enterprise and Standard. Some midsize and larger organizations could deploy the Enterprise Edition of the Windows Server product, namely for clustering support. If this functionality is not required, the Standard Edition of the OS is sufficient.

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