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BizTalk 2010 Recipes : Business Activity Monitoring - Creating a BAM Service Request

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5/28/2011 11:41:11 AM

1. Problem

You have a deployed BizTalk solution and associated BAM artifacts. You have users viewing the BAM views and associated activities. The user would like additional information about one of the activity line items. Specifically, the user notices the process has terminated with an exception and would like the technical support team to investigate the exception. For this recipe, the sample BizTalk solution and BAM artifacts demonstrated are from the BAMEndToEnd sample project included in the SDK\BAM\Samples folder created with the BizTalk software installation.

2. Solution

This solution outlines how to use the BAM portal to view an activity line item and issue a technical assistance request for that activity line item. The following instructions assume you have deployed a BizTalk solution and the associated BAM artifacts and that the BizTalk solution has processed transactions. This solution outlines the steps required for creating a technical assistance service request from the BAM portal:

  1. From the Start menu, select All Program Files => Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 => BAM Portal Web Site.

  2. Locate the view, and perform the activity search on the activity in which you would like to request technical assistance. Figure 1 displays a sample activity search.

    Figure 1. Activity search example
  3. Click the activity line item in which you would like to request technical assistance. The Activity Status screen will display and detail information about the chosen line item as well as the Assistance button. You should see a screen similar to Figure 2.

    Figure 2. Activity status example
  4. Click the Assistance button to open the Request Technical Assistance – Web Page Dialog dialog box, as shown in Figure 3. Enter the appropriate information for the technical request, and click the Send Report button.

    Figure 3. Request Technical Assistance – Web Page Dialog dialog box
  5. Open the Event Viewer to verify that an event log entry has been created for the submitted request. Figure 4 demonstrates the generated event log entry for the submitted technical assistance request. The entry will be displayed in the Event Viewer as a success audit.

Figure 4. Event Viewer entry

3. How It Works

The Request Technical Assistance functionality included with the BAM portal allows the user to request additional information about a specific activity instance without having context to the business artifacts or the team supporting the solution. To take the greatest advantage of the Request Technical Assistance functionality, the support team should implement an automated solution to monitor Event Viewer entries or exceptions (such as the Microsoft Operations Manager). Via an automated tool, the support team could receive an e-mail or perform some automated action once receiving the technical assistance request.

By default, the Request Technical Assistance functionality creates an entry only in the Event Viewer of the BizTalk Server. For more advanced functionality, investigate how to use a tool that monitors the Event Viewer for new events and performs action based on those events.

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