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BizTalk 2010 Recipes : Business Activity Monitoring - Creating a Tracking Profile

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1. Problem

You have deployed a BAM workbook and the associated BizTalk artifacts. You need to map the BizTalk artifacts to the deployed BAM workbook milestones, data items, and key performance indicators. Additionally, you need to save the mapped profile for deployment to other environments.

2. Solution

The example reviewed as part of this recipe outlines how to use BizTalk's Tracking Profile Editor to map BizTalk artifacts to an Excel BAM workbook. The following sections outline the category of steps required for creating a tracking profile, mapping BizTalk artifacts to the deployed workbook activities within the Tracking Profile Editor, and finally applying the tracking profile to the deployed BizTalk artifacts. The three main categories of steps are as follows:

  • Select the activity and artifacts.

  • Map events and data items.

  • Save and apply the tracking profile.

2.1. Select the Activity and Artifacts

To select the activity and artifacts, follow these specific steps:

  1. From the Start menu, open the Tracking Profile Editor by selecting Start => All Programs => Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 => Tracking Profile Editor. You will see an application screen that looks similar to Figure 1.


    This solution assumes you have deployed a BAM workbook and BizTalk artifacts.

    Figure 1. Tracking Profile Editor
  2. Click the Click Here to Import BAM Activity Definition link to load the deployed BAM workbook and associated activity:

    1. The BAM Import Activity dialog box will ask you to choose the activity to use in the Tracking Profile Editor.

    2. Leave the Retrieve the Current Tracking Settings for This Activity Definition box unchecked, and click the OK button to select the activity.


    If you have already applied a tracking profile to the selected activity, you can retrieve the results by selecting the Retrieve the Current Tracking Settings for This Activity Definition box.

  3. Click the Click Here to Select an Event Source to load the BizTalk artifacts that will be used during the mapping activity. Identify the assembly that contains the orchestration to map, and identify the specific orchestration that contains data for mapping.


    In this example, a basic orchestration has been created that performs a message receive and send and that implements a catch block for any exceptions. In this example, the name of the assembly is BizTalk Server BAM Test, and the name of the orchestration is BizTalk_Orchestration_BAM.

    1. On the Select Event Source Parent Assembly page, locate the assembly that contains the orchestration you would like to map to the activity. Click the Next button to continue and to select the orchestration to map.

    2. On the Select Orchestration page, select the name of the orchestration you would like to map to the activity. Click the OK button to complete the Event Source Wizard. Figure 2 displays the example with a sample orchestration.

Figure 2. Completed Event Source Wizard

2.2. Map Events and Data Items

To map events and data items, follow these steps:

  1. Drag the orchestration shapes to the Activity nodes listed in Table 1.

    Table 1. Sample Orchestration Step Mapping
    Activity NodeOrchestration StepDescription
    BeginDrag the Receive_Msg shape to the Begin activity node.Captures the successful receipt of a message, which indicates that the process began successfully
    EndSuccessDrag the Send_Msg shape to the End activity node.Captures the successful sending of a message, which indicates that the process completed successfully
    EndExceptionDrag the LogException shape to the EndException activity node.Logs an exception occurred in the process

  2. Right-click the Receive_Msg shape, and choose Message Payload Schema.

    1. Expand the <Schema> folder icon, and navigate to the data items that are to be reported in BAM.

    2. Drag each reportable data item to the correct Activity node. Table 2 outlines the mapping of sample orchestrations to the deployed BAM activities.

Table 2. Sample Orchestration Data Item Mapping
Activity NodeOrchestration StepDescription
Transaction IDDrag the Customer.MessageID node to the Transaction ID node.MessageID is the unique identifier for the message received.
Transaction TypeDrag the Customer.TransactionType node to the TransactionType activity node.TransactionType is the transaction identifier indicating the type of message received.

Figure 3 demonstrates the completed mapping between the sample orchestration and activity.

Figure 3. Completed mapped activity

2.3. Save and Apply the Tracking Profile

To save and apply the tracking profile, follow these steps:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Apply Tracking Profile. Applying the tracking profile immediately sets the mapping to start recording data the next time the orchestration or process executes.

  2. If you plan on deploying the tracking profile in other environments or would like to save a copy of the profile, then choose File => Save As.

3. How It Works

BAM is a powerful tool and architecture for monitoring predetermined milestones and business data. Implementing BAM requires identifying the milestones and business data to report and then mapping those data points to the physical BizTalk solution artifacts. You can map milestones and business data to physical solution artifacts via the Tracking Profile Editor or via the BAM APIs and custom code.

This recipe outlined how to use the BizTalk Tracking Profile Editor to map between a deployed BAM workbook and physical BizTalk solution artifacts. This example outlined a simple scenario involving the mapping of a deployed activity to a single orchestration and data points contained within the message processed by the single orchestration. However, the Tracking Profile Editor can map multiple BizTalk artifacts to a single BizTalk activity or multiple activities. When using the Tracking Profile Editor, keep in mind the three categories of steps that were completed in this recipe, as outlined in the following sections.

3.1. Select the Activity and Artifacts

Before mapping an activity to a BizTalk solution artifact, you must choose the activity and the BizTalk artifact(s) that will be mapped. When you open the Tracking Profile Editor, you first select the activity from the list of deployed activities that will be receiving data. Once the activity loads, it will display each of the defined milestones and data items that were previously defined in the activity. The list of the milestones and data items is referred to as the activity tree. An activity tree lists the stages and business data items tracked in the deployed activity. When you load an activity in the Tracking Profile Editor, the stages identified in the activity and the business data items appear in the tree.

The basic premise of the Tracking Profile Editor is the ability to map from the deployed activity (which is a conceptual view of a business process) to the physical BizTalk solution. When loading an activity, in the Tracking Profile Editor the activity tree will list all the items created in the deployed activity.


In addition to the list of activity items displayed in the activity tree, you can create four additional items. Please review the "Considerations" section of this recipe for more information about the additional items you can create.

After selecting the activity, the next step is to select the BizTalk artifacts that will be contributing data to the items listed in the activity tree.

3.2. Map Events and Data Items

The next category of steps involves the physical mapping between the BizTalk artifacts and the activity items listed in the activity tree. You map between a BizTalk artifact and an activity item by dragging the BizTalk artifact to the activity item. After dragging the BizTalk artifact to the activity item tree, the artifact will be listed in the activity tree.

3.3. Save and Apply the Tracking Profile

The final category of steps applies the tracking profile to the deployed BizTalk artifacts and allows you to save the tracking profile for deploying in other environments or making adjustments later.

3.3.1. Activity Tree Items

The activity tree typically lists the milestones and data items defined in an activity. However, you can also create four other types of items in the activity tree to further enrich your BAM solution. Table 3 outlines the items that are included as part of the deployed activity as well as the additional possible items available in the Tracking Profile Editor to help you map activity items to the solution artifacts.

Table 3. Activity Tree Items
Tracking ProfileDescriptionNotesEditor Item Icon
StageAutomatically created in the activity tree when defining a milestone within an activity. The stages are listed when an activity is loaded.Orchestration steps are mapped to this shape. Some orchestration steps cannot be mapped to this shape including Termination shapes and any steps included within a Loop shape.
Data ItemAutomatically created in the activity tree when defining a data item within an activity. The data items are listed when an activity is loadedYou can specify data items from messages in orchestrations or pipelines. Additionally, you can specify context property information for those messages.
Activity IDUniquely identifies the instance of an activity that has executed and is automatically included within the activity tree.This value can be user generated and identified from a message. However, the field must be unique, because it is a key in a SQL Server table. If no value is mapped in the Tracking Profile Editor, BAM will automatically generate this value.
ContinuationInserts a new continuation folder within the activity tree.Used in conjunction with ContinuationID to allow multiple components to populate the same activity. For example, if Orchestration A depends on Orchestration B and both contribute data to the same activity, then a continuation folder would be created and mapped to a data item in Orchestration A that is carried over to Orchestration B.
ContinuationIDInserts a new continuation ID folder within the activity tree.ContinuationID is mapped to the data item in Orchestration B that was passed from Orchestration A.
RelationshipRelationship folders are used to imply a relationship between one or more activities.Relationships are especially useful in relating two activities for a single orchestration. For example, if you have an orchestration with a Loop shape, the orchestration and the Loop shape must be represented by separate activities. Via the relationship folder, you can create a relationship between the two activities.
Document Reference URLAllows the linking of a document related to this instance of the activity.The file name can be mapped from either a schema value or a context property on the message.

3.3.2. Activity Continuation

Activity continuation is the process of taking multiple BizTalk physical artifacts and combining data from those artifacts into a single activity. Combining data is a useful option when a business process spans multiple BizTalk solution artifacts. Think of the process of creating an activity as defining a database table structure with multiple columns representing the containers for the business data and milestones. When a process executes, it creates a new row in the activity database table recording the data as mapped in the Tracking Profile Editor. Multiple BizTalk artifacts reporting data to the same activity results in multiple rows created in the activity database table. For those artifacts to contribute to a single row in the activity, you need a continuation between the artifacts indicating their relationship.

A common business scenario where activity continuation is useful is the scenario of a life cycle of a purchase order. One company sends a purchase order to another company to purchase goods. The entity shipping the goods will typically send a shipment notice after receiving the purchase order. Additionally, the entity shipping the goods will usually send an invoice for payment of the shipped goods. Managing the sending a purchase order and the receipt of a shipment notice and invoice typically involves many BizTalk artifacts. However, it may be useful to have an end-to-end view of the purchase order life cycle (once issued to the receipt of an invoice) versus each artifact reporting independently. With activity continuation, all the artifacts involved in the life cycle of a purchase order can report information to a single activity, allowing for an end-to-end view of the purchase order life cycle.

Consider the following example: Orchestration A processes a message and transmits that message to Orchestration B for processing. When Orchestration B is finished, it sends a response message back to Orchestration A. When Orchestration A receives the response from Orchestration B, it completes processing. Figure 4 demonstrates the sample relationship between Orchestration A and B.

Figure 4. Continuation sample

Both Orchestration A and Orchestration B can be mapped to the sample activity. However, when the orchestrations execute, two data rows will be created in the activity table to record the information from the orchestrations (one for Orchestration A and one for Orchestration B). If both orchestrations need to contribute data to the same row in the activity, you must create a continuation in the activity tree to indicate the continuation of activity between Orchestration A and Orchestration B.

The following items are required to create an activity continuation between two orchestrations:

  • A data item that relates the two orchestrations (or other BizTalk artifacts) and that can be an attribute in a message shared between the two orchestrations

  • A continuation folder that specifies the data item in a parent orchestration that relates the two orchestrations

  • A continuation ID folder identifies the data item in the child orchestration that relates the two orchestrations


The name of continuation folder and the name of continuation ID folder must be identical in the activity tree. For example, if you create a continuation folder with the name of Continuation, you must create a continuation ID folder with the name of Continuation. You will receive an exception message if the continuation folder and continuation ID folder do not share the same name.

In the Orchestration A and Orchestration B example, the message ID in Orchestration A from the Send shape is mapped to the continuation folder. The same message ID in the Orchestration B Receive shape is mapped to the continuation ID folder. The message ID is the data item that links the two orchestrations and is also the data item in the continuation and continuation ID folders. The BAM end-to-end SDK sample included with the standard BizTalk installation provides a sample implementation of a continuation.

3.3.3. Activity Relationships

Activity relationships are different from activity continuations in that they allow implicit linking between multiple activities. Consider the Orchestration A and Orchestration B example. If both orchestrations represented different business processes, then it may not make sense to have them report to the same activity. If they report to different activities, it may be useful to represent that the activities have a relationship but are disparate. A real-world example of an activity relationship may be how a single purchase order represents multiple shipments. Each activity (purchase order and shipment) is a different activity but is related to the others.

Activity relationships are also necessary when needing to report on BizTalk orchestrations that contain the Loop shape. You can define the parent orchestration as one activity and the looping activity as a separate activity and still accurately report on the activity of the entire process.

When creating activity relationships, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Related activities should belong to the same BAM view.

  • A relationship item must be created in each activity in the Tracking Profile Editor and must be given the appropriate name of the related activity.

Consider that Activity A reports on the activity in Orchestration A and Activity B reports on the activity in Orchestration B; you would create the relationships activity items listed in Table 4.

Table 4. Example Relationship
Orchestration NameActivity NameRelationship Item Name
Orchestration AActivity AActivity B
Orchestration BActivity BActivity A

After specifying the activity items in each activity, the data item that represents the relationship between the activities must be mapped to each activity item. After creating the relationship item in Activity A, a data item (for example, the message ID) that is shared between the activities would need to be mapped to Activity A. The same data item (that is, the message ID) is then mapped to the ActivityID item of Activity B. Mapping the data item to the ActivityID creates the relationship between the first and second activity.

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