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SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services : Web Part Connections

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4/12/2011 5:54:49 PM
Dashboards are implemented by putting Web Parts together on a Web Part page and configuring the connections between the Web Parts so that they interact. The connections function as a mechanism that passes values between the Web Parts, letting other Web Parts know what values to filter on.

A connection consists of four different pieces:

  • Get Values From: This is the Web Part sending the specified parameter to another Web Part. Filters are usually source Web Parts as the user usually directly interacts with filters to select desired filter values.

  • Send Values To: This is the Web Part receiving parameters from another Web Part. Reports are usually target Web Parts as they typically display different data based on what was selected in the Filter Value Web Part.

  • Source Value: These are the types of values sent to the Send Values To Web Part. For instance, a member selection filter has two possible source values: Display Name and Member Unique Name

  • Connect To: These are the ways in which a Web Part can receive the source values. For example, there are several different options applicable to a Scorecard Web Part, such dimensions on rows, columns, or page (both rows and columns).


The terminology varies between Dashboard Designer, SharePoint Designer, and SharePoint in the browser. The terminology here is based on Dashboard Designer terminology. The concepts are the same for all three editors.

A connection must have all four of the pieces defined earlier to be valid. In addition, there is no error-checking on invalid-connection combinations. For instance, you will not receive an error when connecting a member selection filter’s display name source value to a row dimension connect to value for an analytic report. After the Dashboard has been deployed, viewing this in the browser will result in an error.


There is also a special type of connection available called Display Condition. This does not pass a value like the other connections; instead, it toggles this display of the Send Values to Web Part based on selections in the Get Values from Web Part. One typical configuration that takes advantage of this feature is a scorecard that, depending on which KPI is selected by the user, displays different reports in a stacked zone in the dashboard.

Source Values

This is a list of the major source values available in Get Values from Web Parts (see Table 1). The two typical Get Value from Web Parts are filters and scorecards.

Table 1. Source Values and Applicable PPS Objects
Source ValuesApplicable PPS ObjectsDescription
Member unique nameFilters ScorecardsA fully qualified dimension member name. This is the source value to use when applying filters to scorecards or reports.
Display valueFilters ScorecardsThe display text associated with the dimension member.
Time formulaTI filtersThe Time Intelligence formula.
Date timeTI filtersThe date and time.
Property valueScorecardCustom properties defined in Dashboard Designer for the KPI that was selected.
Cell contextScorecardAn XML blob containing information on the KPI currently selected in a scorecard. Primarily useful when connecting to a KPI Details report.

Connect To Values

This is a list of the major Connect To values received by a Send Values to Web Part (see Table 9.2). Scorecards and reports are typical kinds of Send Values to Web Parts.

Table 9.2. Filter Source Values and Begin Points
Source ValuesBegin PointDescription
ColumnMember unique nameApplies the specified dimension filter to all dimensions on the columns of a scorecard.
RowMember unique nameApplies the specified dimension filter to all dimensions on the rows of a scorecard.
Page/backgroundMember unique nameApplies the specified dimension filter to all dimensions on the entire scorecard, regardless of whether they have been placed on rows or columns.
HierarchyMember unique nameReplaces the dimension currently on the scorecard with the dimension selected in the filter. The dimension is completely replaced; so if an entirely different dimension is sent as a source value other than what it is connecting to, the original connect to value will no longer apply to the scorecard.
Named valueDisplay nameThis is a value that shows up in many different nonanalytic reports. Often, it is used for showing the currently selected filter values for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) or Web page reports without incurring an extra round trip to the database.
FormulaTime formulaThe Time Intelligence formula currently selected in the filter. Note that this uses the formula, not the member unique names returned by the formula, and the formula will then be reevaluated. This is especially useful when many members are returned in a TI formula and performance is a concern.
Date timeDate timeSets the current date for Time Intelligence features. Used with the Time Intelligence Connection Formula filter.
ContextCell ContextAccepts a cell context source value from a scorecard. Applies only to the KPI Details report.
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