Exploring DNS
DNS allows people and
programs to connect to IP hosts by specifying a name such as
ftp.lucernepublishing.com. In doing so, DNS provides a standard both for
naming hosts and for locating IP hosts specified by name.
DNS Namespace
The naming system on which DNS is based is a hierarchical and logical tree structure called the DNS namespace.
The DNS namespace has a unique root that can have any number of
subdomains. In turn, each subdomain can have more subdomains. For
example, the root “” (empty string) in the Internet namespace has many
top-level domain names, one of which is com. The domain com can, for
example, have a subdomain for the Lucerne Publishing company,
lucernepublishing.com, which in turn can have a further subdomain for
manufacturing, called mfg.lucernepublishing.com. Organizations can also
create private networks and use their own private DNS namespaces that
are not visible on the Internet.
Domain Names
node in the DNS domain tree can be identified by an FQDN. The FQDN is a
DNS domain name that has been stated unambiguously to indicate its
location relative to the root of the DNS domain tree. For example, the
FQDN for the manufacturing server in the lucernepublishing.com domain is
constructed as mfgserver.lucernepublishing.com., which is the
concatenation of the host name (mfgserver) with the primary DNS suffix
(lucernepublishing.com), and the trailing dot (.). The trailing dot is a
standard separator between the top-level domain label and the empty
string label corresponding to the root. (In everyday usage, the trailing
dot is usually dropped, but it is added by the DNS Client service
during actual queries.)
Internet Domain Namespace
The DNS root (the
topmost level) of the Internet domain namespace is managed by the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). ICANN
coordinates the assignment of identifiers that must be globally unique
for the Internet to function, including Internet domain names, IP
address numbers, and protocol parameter and port numbers.
Beneath the root DNS domain lie the top-level domains, also managed by ICANN. Three types of top-level domains exist:
Organizational domains
These domains are named using a three-character code that indicates the
primary function or activity of the organizations contained within the
DNS domain. Some organizational domains can be used globally, although
others are used only for organizations within the United States. Most
organizations located in the United States are contained within one of
these organizational domains.
Geographical domains
These domains are named using the two-character country and region
codes established by the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) 3166, such as uk (United Kingdom) or it (Italy). These domains are
generally used by organizations outside the United States, but this is
not a requirement.
Reverse domains These are special domains, named in-addr.arpa, that are used for IP-address-to-name mappings (referred to as reverse lookups).
In November 2000, ICANN announced seven additional top-level domains:
Beneath the top-level
domains, ICANN and other Internet naming authorities, such as Network
Solutions or Nominet (in the United Kingdom), delegate domains to
various organizations such as Microsoft (microsoft.com) or Carnegie
Mellon University (cmu.edu). These organizations connect to the
Internet, assign names to hosts within their domains, and use DNS
servers to manage the name-to-IP-address mappings within their portion
of the namespace. These organizations can also delegate subdomains to
other users or customers. ISPs, for example, receive a delegation from
ICANN and can delegate subdomains to their customers.
Private Domain Namespace
In addition to the top-level domains on the Internet, organizations can also have a private namespace:
a DNS namespace based on a private set of root servers independent of
the Internet’s DNS namespace. Within a private namespace, you can name
and create your own root server or servers and any subdomains as needed.
Private names cannot be seen or resolved on the Internet. An example of
a private domain name is mycompany.local.
DNS Components
DNS relies on the proper configuration of DNS servers, zones, resolvers, and resource records.
DNS Servers
A DNS server
is a computer that runs a DNS server program, such as the DNS Server
service or Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). DNS servers contain DNS
database information about some portion of the DNS domain tree
structure and resolve name resolution queries issued by DNS clients.
When queried, DNS servers can provide the requested information, provide
a pointer to another server that can help resolve the query, or respond
that the information is unavailable or does not exist.
A DNS server is
authoritative for a zone if it hosts the zone, either as a primary or
secondary DNS server. A server is authoritative for a domain when that
server relies on locally configured resource records, as opposed to
cached information, to answer queries about hosts within that domain.
Such servers define their portion of the DNS namespace.
can be authoritative for one or more levels of the domain hierarchy.
For example, the root DNS servers on the Internet are authoritative only
for the top-level domain names such as .com and not for subdomains such
as lucernepublishing.com. The servers authoritative for .com are
authoritative only for names such as lucernepublishing.com, and not for
third-level domains such as example.lucernepublishing.com. However,
within the Lucerne Publishing namespace, the server or servers
authoritative for example.lucernepublishing.com can also be
authoritative for widgets.example.lucernepublishing.com.
DNS Zones
A DNS zone
is a contiguous portion of a namespace for which a server is
authoritative. A server can be authoritative for one or more zones, and a
zone can contain one or more contiguous domains. For example, one
server can be authoritative for both microsoft.com and
lucernepublishing.com zones, and each of these zones can include two or
more domains.
Contiguous domains
such as .com, lucernepublishing.com, and example.lucernepublishing.com
can become separate zones through the process of delegation, by which
the responsibility for a subdomain within the DNS namespace is assigned
to a separate entity.
Zone files
contain resource records for the zones for which a server is
authoritative. In many DNS server implementations, zone data is stored
in text files; however, DNS servers running on Windows 2000 or Windows
Server 2003 domain controllers can also store zone information in Active
DNS Resolvers
A DNS resolver
is a service that uses the DNS protocol to query for information from
DNS servers. DNS resolvers communicate with either remote DNS servers or
the DNS server program running on the local computer. In Windows Server
2003, the function of the DNS resolver is performed by the DNS Client
service. Besides acting as a DNS resolver, the DNS Client service
provides the added function of caching DNS mappings.
Resource Records
Resource records
are DNS database entries that are used to answer DNS client queries.
Each DNS server contains the resource records it needs to answer queries
for its portion of the DNS namespace. Resource records are each
described as a specific record type, such as host address (A), alias
(CNAME), and mail exchanger (MX).
Understanding How a DNS Query Works
a DNS client needs to look up a name used by an application, it queries
DNS servers to resolve the name. Each query message the client sends
contains the following three pieces of information:
A DNS domain name,
stated as an FQDN. (The DNS Client service adds the suffixes necessary
to generate an FQDN if they are not provided by the original client
A specified query type, which can specify either a resource record by type or a specialized type of query operation.
specified class for the DNS domain name. (For the DNS Client service,
this class is always specified as the Internet [IN] class.)
For example, the name
could be specified as the FQDN for a particular host computer, such as
host-a.example.microsoft.com., and the query type could be specified as a
search for an A resource record by that name. You can think of a DNS
query as a client asking a server a two-part question, such as, “Do you
have any A resource records for a computer named
hostname.example.microsoft.com?” When the client receives an answer from
the server, the client reads the received A resource record and learns
the IP address of the computer name originally queried for.
DNS Resolution Methods
DNS queries resolve in a
number of different ways. In a basic scenario, the DNS client contacts a
DNS server, which then uses its own database of resource records to
answer a query. However, by referring to its cache first, a DNS client
can sometimes answer a query without contacting a server at all. Another
way that DNS queries are often resolved is through recursion. (See the
section “Understanding Recursion”
later in this lesson for more information.) Using this process, a DNS
server can query other DNS servers on behalf of the requesting client in
order to resolve the FQDN. When the DNS server receives the answer to
the query, it then sends an answer back to the client. A final method by
which DNS queries are resolved is through iteration (also explained in
more detail in the “Understanding Recursion”
section). Through this process, the client itself attempts to contact
additional DNS servers to resolve a name. When a client does so, it uses
separate and additional queries based on referral answers from DNS
DNS Query Steps
In general, the DNS query process occurs in two parts:
A name query begins at a client computer and is passed to the DNS Client service for resolution.
When the query cannot be resolved locally, DNS servers can be queried as needed to resolve the name.
Both of these processes are explained in more detail in the following sections.
Part 1: The Local Resolver
Figure 1
presents an overview of the default DNS query process, in which a
client is configured to make recursive queries to a server. In this
scenario, if the DNS Client service cannot resolve the query from
locally cached information, the client makes only a single query to a
DNS server, which is then responsible for answering the query on behalf
of the client.

In the figure,
queries and answers are represented by Qs and As, respectively. The
higher numbered queries are made only when the previous query is
unsuccessful. For example, Q2 is performed only when Q1 is unsuccessful.
The query process begins when a DNS domain name is used in a program on the local computer. In the example shown in Figure 4-1, a Web browser calls the FQDN www.microsoft.com.
The request is then passed to the DNS Client service (the DNS resolver
cache) to resolve this name by using locally cached information. If the
queried name can be resolved, the query is answered and the process is
The local resolver cache can include name information obtained from two possible sources:
If a Hosts file
is configured locally, any host-name-to-address mappings from that file
are loaded into the cache when the DNS Client service is started and
after the Hosts file is updated.
Resource records obtained in answered responses from previous DNS queries are added to the cache and kept for a period of time.
If the query does not
match an entry in the cache, the resolution process continues with the
client querying a DNS server to resolve the name.
Part 2: Querying a DNS Server
The DNS Client service
uses a server search list ordered by preference. This list includes all
preferred and alternate DNS servers configured for each of the active
network connections on the system. The client first queries the DNS
server specified as the preferred DNS server in the connection’s
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box. If no preferred DNS
servers are available, alternate DNS servers are used. Figure 2 shows a sample list of preferred and alternate DNS servers, as configured in Windows Server 2003.

When a DNS server
receives a query, it first checks to see whether it can answer the query
authoritatively—that is, on the basis of information contained in a
locally configured zone on the server. If the queried name matches a
corresponding resource record in local zone information, the server
answers authoritatively, using this information to resolve the queried
no zone information exists for the queried name, the server then checks
to see whether it can resolve the name by using locally cached
information from previous queries. If a match is found here, the server
answers with this information. Again, if the preferred server can answer
with a positive matched response from its cache to the requesting
client, the query is completed.
Understanding Recursion
If the queried
name does not find a matched answer at its preferred server—either from
its cache or zone information—the query process continues in a manner
dependent on the DNS server configuration. In the default configuration,
the DNS server performs recursion to resolve the name. In general, recursion
in DNS refers to the process of a DNS server querying other DNS servers
on behalf of an original querying client. This process, in effect,
turns the original DNS server into a DNS client.
If recursion is
disabled on the DNS server, the client performs iterative queries by
using root hint referrals from the DNS server. Iteration refers to the process of a DNS client making repeated queries to different DNS servers.
On the exam, you should understand the term recursion
to mean simply that a DNS server is contacting other servers when it
cannot by itself answer a query. You will not be asked about iteration
on the exam. |
Root Hints
To perform recursion
properly, the DNS server first needs to know where to begin searching
for names in the DNS domain namespace. This information is provided in
the form of root hints,
a list of preliminary resource records used by the DNS service to
locate servers authoritative for the root of the DNS domain namespace
By default, DNS
servers running Windows Server 2003 use a preconfigured root hints file,
Cache.dns, that is stored in the WINDOWS\System32\Dns folder on the
server computer. The contents of this file are preloaded into server
memory when the service is started and contain pointer information to
root servers for the DNS namespace. Figure 3 shows the default root hints file.
Windows Server 2003, the root hints file already contains addresses of
root servers in the Internet DNS namespace. Therefore, if you are using
the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2003 to resolve Internet-based
DNS names, the root hints file needs no manual configuration. If,
however, you are using the DNS service on a private network, you can
edit or replace this file with similar records that point to your own
internal root DNS servers. Furthermore, for a computer that is hosting a
root DNS server, you should not use root hints at all. In this
scenario, Windows Server 2003 automatically deletes the Cache.dns file
used for root hints.
Query Example
The following example
illustrates default DNS query behavior. In the example, the client
queries its preferred DNS server, which then performs recursion by
querying hierarchically superior DNS servers. In the example, the DNS
client and all DNS servers are assumed to have empty caches.
In the example shown in Figure 4, a client somewhere on the Internet needs to resolve the name example.lucernepublishing.com to an IP address.

When the DNS Client service on the client computer begins the query process, the following events take place:
The client contacts NameServer1 with a query for example.lucernepublishing.com.
checks its cache and zones for the answer but does not find it, so it
contacts a server authoritative for the Internet (that is, a root
server) with a query for example.lucernepublishing.com.
server at the root of the Internet does not know the answer, so it
responds with a referral to a server authoritative for the .com domain.
NameServer1 contacts a server authoritative for the .com domain with a query for example.lucernepublishing.com.
server authoritative for the .com domain does not know the exact
answer, so it responds with a referral to a server authoritative for the
lucernepublishing.com domain.
contacts the server authoritative for the lucernepublishing.com domain
with a query for example.lucernepublishing.com.
The server authoritative for the lucernepublishing.com domain does know the answer. It responds with the requested IP address.
NameServer1 responds to the client query with the IP address for example.lucernepublishing.com.
Query Response Types
Queries can return a variety of answers to the client, including these, which are the most common:
An authoritative answer
A positive answer
A referral answer
A negative answer
An authoritative answer
is a positive answer returned to the client and delivered with the
authority bit set in the DNS message. This authority bit indicates that
the answer was obtained from a server with direct authority for the
queried name.
A positive answer contains the queried resource record matching the queried name and record type specified in the original query message.
A referral answer
contains additional resource records not specified by name or type in
the query. This type of answer is returned to the client if the
recursion process is not supported by the DNS server. These records are
meant to act as helpful reference answers that the client can use to
continue the query by using iteration. For example, if the queried host
name is “www” and no A resource record but only a CNAME resource record
for this name is found in the zone, the DNS server can include this
CNAME information when responding to the client. If the client is able
to perform iteration, it can make additional queries using this referral
information in an attempt to fully resolve the name for itself.
A negative answer
from the server can indicate that one of two possible results was
encountered while the server attempted to process and recursively
resolve the query fully and authoritatively:
An authoritative server reported that the queried name does not exist in the DNS namespace.
An authoritative server reported that the queried name exists but no records of the specified type exist for that name.
After the response is
made to the query, the resolver passes the results of the query, in the
form of either a positive or negative response, back to the requesting
program and caches the response.
Understanding How Caching Works
Both the DNS Client
service and the DNS Server service maintain caches. Caching provides a
way to improve DNS performance and to substantially reduce DNS-related
query traffic on the network.
DNS Client Cache
DNS client cache is also called the DNS resolver cache. Whenever the
DNS Client service starts, all host-name-to-IP-address mappings
contained in a static file named Hosts are preloaded into the DNS
resolver cache. The Hosts file can be found in WINDOWS
Whenever you add an entry to the Hosts file, that entry is immediately loaded into the DNS resolver cache. |
In addition to the
entries in the Hosts file, the DNS resolver cache also includes entries
the client has received in response to a query from DNS servers. The DNS
resolver cache is emptied whenever the DNS Client service is stopped.
DNS Server Cache
As DNS servers make
recursive queries on behalf of clients, they temporarily cache resource
records. These cached records contain information acquired in the
process of answering queries on behalf of a client. Later, when other
clients place new queries that request information matching cached
resource records, the DNS server can use the cached information to
answer these queries.
The DNS server cache is
cleared whenever the DNS Server service is stopped. In addition, you can
clear the DNS server cache manually in the DNS console—the
administrative tool used for DNS administration—by right-clicking the
server icon in the console tree and then clicking Clear Cache. Finally,
if you have installed Windows Support Tools, you can clear the server
cache at the command line by entering the command Dnscmd /clearcache at a command prompt.
Time to Live Values
A Time to Live (TTL) value
applies to all cached resource records, whether in the DNS resolver
cache or the DNS server cache. As long as the TTL for a cached resource
record does not expire, a DNS resolver or server can continue to use
that record to answer queries. By default, the TTL is 3600 seconds (1
hour), but this parameter can be adjusted at both the zone and record
uses multiple levels of caching to improve efficiency and performance.
The downside is that, when queries are resolved by means of cached
information, clients will not see the effects of a change in DNS
immediately. On the public Internet, it can take as long as four hours
for users to have access to the new information—regardless of how the
TTL is configured. |