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Windows Server 2003 : Understanding How Clients Obtain Configuration (part 4) - DHCP ACK & DHCP NACK

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The DHCP server normally responds to the DHCP Request message with a DHCP ACK, thus completing the initialization cycle. This message contains a committed IP address for the client to use for a stated period of time, along with other optional client parameters.

The source address in the following capture is the DHCP server IP address, and the destination address is still The DHCP section identifies the packet as an ACK. The DHCP: Your IP Address (Yiaddr) field contains the client’s address, and the DHCP: Client Ethernet Address (Chaddr) field contains the physical address of the network card in the requesting client.

IP: ID = 0x3D30; Proto = UDP; Len: 328
IP: Version = 4 (0x4)
IP: Header Length = 20 (0x14)
IP: Service Type = 0 (0x0)
IP: Precedence = Routine
IP: ...0.... = Normal Delay
IP: ....0... = Normal Throughput
IP: .....0.. = Normal Reliability
IP: Total Length = 328 (0x148)
IP: Identification = 15664 (0x3D30)
IP: Flags Summary = 0 (0x0)
IP: .......0 = Last fragment in datagram
IP: ......0. = May fragment datagram if necessary
IP: Fragment Offset = 0 (0x0) bytes
IP: Time to Live = 128 (0x80)
IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram
IP: Checksum = 0x2EA8
IP: Source Address =
IP: Destination Address =
IP: Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 308 (0x0134)

DHCP: ACK (xid=21274A1D)
DHCP: Op Code (op) = 2 (0x2)
DHCP: Hardware Type (htype) = 1 (0x1) 10Mb Ethernet
DHCP: Hardware Address Length (hlen) = 6 (0x6)
DHCP: Hops (hops) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: Transaction ID (xid) = 556223005 (0x21274A1D)
DHCP: Seconds (secs) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: Flags (flags) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: 0............... = No Broadcast
DHCP: Client IP Address (ciaddr) =
DHCP: Your IP Address (yiaddr) =
DHCP: Server IP Address (siaddr) =
DHCP: Relay IP Address (giaddr) =
DHCP: Client Ethernet Address (chaddr) = 08002B2ED85E
DHCP: Server Host Name (sname) = <Blank>
DHCP: Boot File Name (file) = <Blank>
DHCP: Magic Cookie = [OK]
DHCP: Option Field (options)
DHCP: DHCP Message Type = DHCP ACK
DHCP: Renewal Time Value (T1) = 8 Days, 0:00:00
DHCP: Rebinding Time Value (T2) = 14 Days, 0:00:00
DHCP: IP Address Lease Time = 16 Days, 0:00:00
DHCP: Server Identifier =
DHCP: Subnet Mask =
DHCP: Router =
DHCP: NetBIOS Name Service =
DHCP: NetBIOS Node Type = (Length: 1) 04
DHCP: End of this option field


DHCP NACK messages are most often used when the client computer has been moved to a new location. However, the message can also indicate that the client’s lease with the server has expired. The following capture provides an example.

IP: ID = 0x3F1A; Proto = UDP; Len: 328
IP: Version = 4 (0x4)
IP: Header Length = 20 (0x14)
IP: Service Type = 0 (0x0)
IP: Precedence = Routine
IP: ...0.... = Normal Delay
IP: ....0... = Normal Throughput
IP: .....0.. = Normal Reliability
IP: Total Length = 328 (0x148)
IP: Identification = 16154 (0x3F1A)
IP: Flags Summary = 0 (0x0)
IP: .......0 = Last fragment in datagram
IP: ......0. = May fragment datagram if necessary
IP: Fragment Offset = 0 (0x0) bytes
IP: Time to Live = 128 (0x80)
IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram
IP: Checksum = 0x2CBE
IP: Source Address =
IP: Destination Address =
IP: Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 308 (0x0134)

DHCP: NACK (xid=74A005CE)
DHCP: Op Code (op) = 2 (0x2)
DHCP: Hardware Type (htype) = 1 (0x1) 10Mb Ethernet
DHCP: Hardware Address Length (hlen) = 6 (0x6)
DHCP: Hops (hops) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: Transaction ID (xid) = 1956644302 (0x74A005CE)
DHCP: Seconds (secs) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: Flags (flags) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: 0............... = No Broadcast
DHCP: Client IP Address (ciaddr) =
DHCP: Your IP Address (yiaddr) =
DHCP: Server IP Address (siaddr) =
DHCP: Relay IP Address (giaddr) =
DHCP: Client Ethernet Address (chaddr) = 08002B2ED85E
DHCP: Server Host Name (sname) = <Blank>
DHCP: Boot File Name (file) = <Blank>
DHCP: Magic Cookie = [OK]
DHCP: Option Field (options)
DHCP: Server Identifier =
DHCP: End of this option field

After receiving the NACK, the client then begins the discover process again. However, this time, the DHCP Discover packet attempts to lease the same address for which the client has just received the NACK. This process can be seen in the DHCP: Requested Address field within the following DHCP Discover message. The DHCP Offer message that follows this DHCP Discover message includes an offer that might or might not correspond to this requested address.

DHCP: Discover                (xid=3ED14752)
DHCP: Op Code (op) = 1 (0x1)
DHCP: Hardware Type (htype) = 1 (0x1) 10Mb Ethernet
DHCP: Hardware Address Length (hlen) = 6 (0x6)
DHCP: Hops (hops) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: Transaction ID (xid) = 1053902674 (0x3ED14752)
DHCP: Seconds (secs) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: Flags (flags) = 0 (0x0)
DHCP: 0............... = No Broadcast
DHCP: Client IP Address (ciaddr) =
DHCP: Your IP Address (yiaddr) =
DHCP: Server IP Address (siaddr) =
DHCP: Relay IP Address (giaddr) =
DHCP: Client Ethernet Address (chaddr) = 08002B2ED85E
DHCP: Server Host Name (sname) = <Blank>
DHCP: Boot File Name (file) = <Blank>
DHCP: Magic Cookie = [OK]
DHCP: Option Field (options)
DHCP: DHCP Message Type = DHCP Discover
DHCP: Client Identifier = (Type: 1) 08 00 2b 2e d8 5e
DHCP: Requested Address =
DHCP: Host Name = CLIENT1
DHCP: Parameter Request List = (Length: 7) 01 0f 03 2c 2e 2f 06
DHCP: End of this option field
Other -----------------
- Windows Server 2003 : Understanding How Clients Obtain Configuration (part 3) - DHCP Offer & DHCP Request
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