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XNA Game Studio 4.0 : Storage - Isolated Storage

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8/10/2012 4:19:52 PM
In the majority of games that are made these days, it is rare that the entirety of the game can be completed in a single sitting of a reasonable length. Some games can last beyond 40 hours, and although sitting around playing games nonstop for that amount of time sounds fun, everyone needs a break sometime! The majority of games now have a concept of saving state for you to continue where you left off.

What Is Storage?

XNA Game Studio 4.0 comes with two separate storage solutions: one for the Reach profile that runs on the platforms XNA runs on and another for the HiDef profile that runs only on Xbox and Windows and gives you extra control for your Xbox storage needs.

Isolated Storage

The first type of storage you learn about here has actually been around for a while, and it is called Isolated Storage. As the name implies, things stored here are isolated from other things—in this case, other applications. You are safe in the knowledge that anything you write in your store, no other applications can read or write. Let’s start off by creating a new Windows Phone Game project to show some of the features that this storage API has.

Before you can store anything, though, you need something interesting to save. You can imagine that this could be some state of a level such as where the player is, the amount of health they have, and fun stuff like that; however, for this example, you need something simple to show the concepts.

First, add a SpriteFont object called Font to your project because you use this to render the data you will save. Next, you need to add a new using statement to the top of your game1.cs code file because the default template that is used for creating new projects doesn’t actually have the namespace that the isolated storage constructs live in. Add this to the top of your code file:

using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;

What this example does is to allow a user to plot points for the game, and then save those points for later. You need a few variables for this, so go ahead and add these to your game now:

SpriteFont font;
List<Vector2> points;

As you see, the points are just their positions stored in a vector. You need an easy way for the user to add new points, though, so in your Initialize method, add the following to tell the system that you will listen for a Tap gesture from the touch panel (which is simulated with the mouse on the emulator):

// Support tap gestures to map points
TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.Tap;
points = new List<Vector2>();

Also notice that you initialize the points list. Because you need to render these points somehow, you also need to create your SpriteFont object in the LoadContent method:

font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font");

Of course, you need to draw these points. You can use a simple x character to show the position of the points, so add the following code to your Draw overload before the call to base.Draw:

foreach (Vector2 position in points)
    spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "x", position, Color.White);

You don’t need anything super fancy here; you simply draw a white x at every position in the points list. All that is left now is to add points to the list, luckily that’s quite easy! Just add this code to your Update overload:

while (TouchPanel.IsGestureAvailable)
    GestureSample gesture = TouchPanel.ReadGesture();

This is extremely simple stuff here. Simply read all gestures while any are available and add the position of that tap to your list. Running the game now lets you tap on the screen to get a bunch of white X’s drawn everywhere, much like you’d see in Figure 1.

Figure 1. A bunch of white X on the emulator

As you’d probably guess, if you stop and restart the application, all of your wonderful x marks get lost. What if you designed a great work of art using small x marks? This situation needs to be rectified.

Saving and Loading Data

First, you need a good spot in your game to save the data. In a real game, this would probably be at the end of a level or at a defined save point in the game. Because this is just an example, though, you can instead pick an arbitrary point, in this case, when the game exits. Add the following override to your game:

protected override void OnExiting(object sender, EventArgs args)
    // Save our data
    using (IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
        using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(file.CreateFile("pointData")))
            foreach (Vector2 v in points)
    base.OnExiting(sender, args);


The first thing to notice is the creation of an IsolatedStorageFile object via the GetUserStoreForApplication method. You can think of this object as the root of any storage facilities you need. It can contain files, directories, and all kinds of things you see in a few moments. Next, you want to use the CreateFile method to create a new file in your isolated store. The name of this file can be any valid filename you would like; for this example, choose pointData.

Because the CreateFile method returns a stream, you can use the BinaryWriter helper object to allow you to easily write data into your store. You simply enumerate over each of the points in your list and write out the X and Y components to the stream. These statements are wrapped in the using keyword, so the objects are disposed (and closed) immediately when you’re done with them.

Running the game now lets you continue to add new x marks and save the current state of the marks when you exit; however, you never read them back in, so you need to fix that. Add this override to your code (this happens when your game first starts up).

protected override void OnActivated(object sender, EventArgs args)
    // Load the data
    using (IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(file.OpenFile("pointData",
            for(int i = 0; i < reader.BaseStream.Length / 8; i++)
                points.Add(new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()));
    base.OnActivated(sender, args);


In this call, you essentially reverse what you did when you saved the data. You once again create your IsolatedStorageFile object, but instead of creating a new file, you open an existing file. Naturally, you use the same name you used earlier when you saved the data. If you notice, in this example, you use the FileMode.OpenOrCreate option when opening the file. This opens the file if it exists or creates a new one if it does not, and you do this so you don’t have to worry about an exception trying to open a file that doesn’t exist. If you use the FileMode.Open option instead, the method throws an exception if that file does not exist.

Instead of using the BinaryWriter helper class you used during the save operation, you can instead use the BinaryReader helper class to get that data out. Because you know that you are writing pairs of floats from your vectors, you can calculate how many points are in this file by taking the total length (in bytes) and dividing by eight (two floats that are four bytes each). You then add each new point into your point list.

With that, when you start up the application, all of the points you had drawn on the screen before you exited appear back where you left them!

The IsolatedStorageFile Object

At a basic level, this small example actually covers everything you need to do in a game to save state. However, it doesn’t give a great in-depth discussion of the features of the IsolatedStorageFile object.

You’ve seen the OpenFile method and the CreateFile method, although the CreateFile method is simply a helper method that calls OpenFile with the FileMode.CreateNew option passed in. These methods each return a Stream object that you can use however you want. Well, that’s not entirely true. One of the overloads of OpenFile enables you to pass in a FileAccess enumeration that enables you to specify whether you want the file to be opened for Read, Write, or ReadWrite. If you’ve passed in FileAccess.Read to your OpenFile method, you cannot write to the stream that is returned, for example.

There are other things you can get from this object. If you need to know the amount of available space remaining for your files, you can use the AvailableFreeSpace property. If you want to completely delete everything in the store for your game, use the Remove method. That’s a dangerous operation, though, so make sure you want to delete everything!

If you want to delete a single file rather than your entire store, use the DeleteFile method. For example, if you want to delete the file you created during the previous example, call file.DeleteFile("pointsData").

You might notice that this store looks much like a file system. There are methods such as CreateDirectory and CreateFile. Having the isolated store mirror a file system enables you to store your data in a hierarchy if you have the need to do so. For example, if you store a high-score list for every level in your game, you might envision a list of directories for each level with each directory containing a file called highscore.txt that contains the high scores for that level. There’s nothing stopping you from creating a bunch of files called level1highscore.txt, level2highscore.txt, and so on, but the option to have directories is there if you want to use it. With the ability to create a directory, the ability to remove it via the DeleteDirectory also exists.

If you imagine a scenario where you save the data for a particular character in your game and that character can be named by the player, you might be tempted to store the data in a file of that user-defined name. Because you don’t know what that name is, you need a way to enumerate files (and directories) within your store, and luckily you can do that with the GetDirectoryNames and GetFileNames methods.

Although the isolated storage functionality exists on all the platforms that XNA runs on (and is part of the Reach profile), it lacks some of the features users have come to expect when running on some platforms, such as Xbox 360. Next, you’ll learn how to access those features!

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