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BizTalk 2010 Recipes : Business Activity Monitoring - Deploying BAM Activities and Views

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5/22/2011 5:05:17 PM

1. Problem

You have created a BAM activity and view within a BAM Excel workbook and must deploy the BAM artifacts within your environment.

2. Solution

Successfully deploying a BAM activity and view involves a number of steps, typically performed by a few different users. After a business analyst creates the BAM activity and view within the BAM Excel workbook, an administrator deploys the artifacts to the BizTalk environment. The first set of steps to use the BAM Management Utility to deploy the activity and view defined in the BAM Excel workbook is as follows:

  1. Open a command prompt by navigating to Start→Run, typing CMD, and clicking OK.

  2. Navigate to the folder containing the BAM Management Utility by typing the path similar to the following line at the command prompt, and pressing Enter:

    cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010\Tracking\"

  3. Use the deploy-all command to deploy the BAM activity and view defined in your BAM Excel workbook. For this solution, type the following line at the prompt, and press Enter:

    bm deploy-all -DefinitionFile:"C:\BAMWorkbook\BAMWorkbook.xls"

  4. The status of the deploy operation appears in the console, as shown in Figure 1.


    If you get an error at this stage stating that the BAM Star Schema database has not been configured, this means that the Analysis Services has not been installed on SQL Server. To enable tracking and use of the BAM Portal, Analysis Services must be installed.

    Figure 1. Deploying the BAM Excel workbook
  5. The next set of steps is for either a developer or an administrator to use the Tracking Profile Editor to define and deploy the mappings between the activities defined in the BAM Excel workbook and actual BizTalk artifacts, such as orchestrations and schemas. (BizTalk Server 2010 also allows pure messaging solutions to feed BAM.)

  6. Open the Tracking Profile Editor by navigating to StartPrograms => Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 => Tracking Profile Editor.

  7. Import your BAM Excel workbook by clicking the Click Here to Import a BAM Activity Definition link. This link launches the Import BAM Activity Definition dialog box. Select the appropriate activity definition from the list. In this solution, select the activity definition named Process Activity, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. Import BAM Activity Definition dialog box
  8. Select the BizTalk artifacts you need to map the activity definitions to by clicking the Click Here to Select an Event Source link. This link launches the Select Event Source Parent Assembly dialog box. Select the appropriate BizTalk assembly containing the artifacts you will map to the activity definitions; in this solution, select the assembly named BAMProject, as shown in Figure 3. Click Next to proceed.

    Figure 3. Selecting the BizTalk assembly


    The list of assemblies contains all those BizTalk assemblies that have been deployed within your BizTalk environment.

  9. In the Select Orchestration dialog box displayed next, select the orchestration containing the workflow and the links to the schemas that define the activity definitions. In this solution, select the orchestration named BAMProject.Process, as shown in Figure 4. Click OK.

    Figure 4. Selecting the BizTalk orchestration
  10. Now, map the orchestration steps in the right pane to the activity definition milestones in the left pane. Drag and drop the orchestration shapes to the activity definition milestones, as outlined in Table 1. Figure 5 shows how the Tracking Profile Editor looks after the orchestration steps have been mapped to the activity definition milestones.

    Table 1. Activity Definition Milestone Mapping
    Activity Definition MilestoneOrchestration Step (Shape)
    BeginBegin Process (Receive Shape)
    EndSuccessEnd Process (Send Shape)
    ExceptionFailure (Expression Shape)

    Figure 5. Activity definition milestone mapping
  11. Next, map the appropriate schema fields to the activity definition business data. Since the message containing the schema data fields you need to map is received by the Begin Process shape in the orchestration, right-click this shape, and select Message Payload Schema, as shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Selecting the Message Payload Schema option
  12. Map the appropriate schema fields in the right pane to the activity definition business data fields in the left pane. Drag and drop the schema fields to the activity definition business data fields as outlined in Table 2. Figure 7 shows how the Tracking Profile Editor looks after the orchestration steps and business data have been mapped to the activity definition milestones.

    Table 11.9. Activity Definition Business Data Mapping
    Activity Definition Business DataSchema Field
    Transaction IDID
    Transaction TypeType

    Figure 7. Activity definition business data mapping
  13. Save the tracking profile by selecting File => Save. Save the file as C:\BAMWorkbook\BAMTrackingProfile.btt.

  14. Deploy the tracking profile by selecting Tools => Apply Tracking Profile. Click OK to confirm the successful deployment of the tracking profile.

3. How It Works

Deploying BAM activities and views involves two BizTalk tools: the BAM Management Utility and the Tracking Profile Editor. The BAM Management Utility is a command-line tool used for managing your BAM environment. It includes a number of commands, but the one we'll focus on is deploy-all. The deploy-all command takes the following parameters:

  • DefinitionFile: Path and file name of the BAM Excel workbook (or the exported XML file that can be generated from the BAM Excel workbook) containing the activities to deploy.

  • Server: Name of the server to which to deploy the activities. If this parameter is not specified, the local server is used.

  • Database: Name of the database to which to deploy the activities. If this parameter is not specified, the BAMPrimaryImport database is used.

This command reads the BAM Excel workbook specified in the DefinitionFile parameter and creates SQL Server database artifacts based on the activities and view defined in the spreadsheet. Specifically, this command creates the following:

  • Tables within the BAM primary import database for capturing activity data in the live BizTalk environment.

  • SQL Server Integration Services packages for transferring data between the live BizTalk databases and the SQL Server Analysis Services cubes.

  • SQL Server Analysis Services OLAP cubes.

  • A live data copy of the Excel workbook in the same folder as the original spreadsheet. Use the live data workbook to view up-to-date data within BizTalk Server after completing the deployment steps (including those involving the Tracking Profile Editor).


The BAM Management Utility has no update capabilities for BAM artifacts. You must first remove the old artifacts and then deploy the updated ones.

Use the Tracking Profile Editor to map the activities defined by the business analyst in the BAM Excel workbook to actual BizTalk artifacts, such as orchestration shapes and schema data fields. This task is absolutely critical in ensuring that the deployed BAM artifacts communicate the appropriate information. Although it is common to have a developer or administrator perform this task, this user should have a strong understanding of the business process. Applying the tracking profile places the hooks into the BizTalk Server environment used to record the necessary milestones and data fields, which map to the activities defined by the business analyst. The Tracking Profile Editor in BizTalk Server 2010 also provides functionality to feed BAM via pure-messaging scenarios (those that do not use orchestrations). To access schemas directly, click the Select Event Source drop-down list, and click Select Messaging Payload. This launches the Select Event Source Parent Assembly dialog box. Select the appropriate BizTalk assembly and then the appropriate schema.

Once the deployment steps have executed, you can see the activity data either through the live data copy of the BAM Excel workbook or through the BAM portal.

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