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Windows Server 2008 : Overview of Physical Requirements and Physical Topology

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With just about everything involving computers, there are two stages: planning and implementing. So far, I have discussed some of the more basic aspects of planning, a fair share of which you may already be familiar with. The following sections will address some of the concerns you'll face with topological implementation in the modern-day workplace—issues relating to where you put the servers and how you connect them to each other.

The Microsoft MCITP enterprise administrator exam will test two things: your knowledge of both design logic and your ability to make the right decision at the right time. With regard to physical topology decisions, it usually means choosing the right type of server to be connected at the right place, running the right services and features. Accordingly, I'll start with a brief discussion of the physical characteristics of the environment that you have to consider, then discuss WAN considerations, and finally discuss specific server roles that require attention by administrators, such as the global catalog.

1. Restrictions

When an administrator says that they have a "restriction," it doesn't mean they're bound by the rules of emissions or dumping waste (although that beast does wander into our backyards occasionally). Instead, it usually means that something about the campus design imposes a physical limitation that hinders the speed of the data. These limitations are usually the result of geography, obstructions, or inherited design.

1.1. Geography

If parts of your environment are separated by great distances, you will most likely have a slow WAN link that connects your offices. Today this is less of a problem. As of 2008, even home users can purchase 20-megabit up and down connections for their own personal use. That is an astonishing amount of data. However, even with the fastest WAN connections, the rule of thumb when it comes to distance still applies. If it's far away, it's probably going to be slow. Consider Figure 1. In this example, you have three offices; two are located in the same building in Seattle, and one is located in San Antonio. Obviously, the connection in San Antonio is going to be limited by its T1 connection.

Figure 1. Geographic concerns

1.2. Obstructions

Have you ever been asked to install a server in one location and connect to another and then been blocked by a giant wall that is 8-feet thick? If you haven't, you're the single luckiest administrator on the planet, or you simply haven't been in IT long enough to know the joys of dealing with the other kind of architecture. This is usually more of a building administration problem than an IT problem; however, it's good to note this, because it is a physical limitation.

1.3. Inherited Design

This is, by far, the most frustrating of all limitations. The dreaded inherited design occurs when you are trying to either upgrade an environment or reassign the topology of an environment around a preexisting wiring system or topology design that has a serious bottleneck.

Here's a simple example of this: the last network engineer to work on the environment decided it would be a good idea to use only 100Mb switches instead of gigabit ones. After all, they're cheaper. But what happens when you have 100 users trying to access the same file? You're then extremely limited by how fast the server can communicate. Even though it might be capable of gigabit (or even 10Gb) performance, you're still stuck at 100Mb.

On the exam, this might sneak by you if you're not careful. Consider Figure 2, which shows a simple campus design. If you aren't paying close attention, it looks like a simple star topology design. However, the bottleneck of this entire environment is a relatively ancient switch. This small element can affect the entire network.

Figure 2. Inherited design concerns: the network is centered around a 10Mb switch that is slower than the rest of the network switches.

2. Placing Domain Controllers

The domain controller is the heart of your entire organization. It's the main location from which your users log in, and it also usually contains a copy of the global catalog, operations master, or other vital information that makes the domain controller not only the heart of your organization but several other very important organs as well.

In choosing the location for a domain controller, you should keep in mind several criteria:


Security is your primary concern. Since a domain controller contains so much information, you have to make sure it is not just secure regarding software but also is physically secure. Generally, this means you want to make sure the domain controller is in a safe location, such as a data center, and that a hostile intruder couldn't easily compromise your server.


In terms of accessibility, you want to make sure this server can be accessed by your staff in terms of administration but also possesses adequate remote accessibility. Can it easily be accessed by all administrators? Are there any conflicts with the firewall or the router?


Reliability by now is probably a given. Best practices for domain controllers indicate you should always have at least one backup domain controller in an environment, and the backup controller should be ready to take over at a moment's notice. Performance, likewise, is very important. Microsoft likes to test candidates on the specific hardware requirements of Windows Server 2008 in more ways than one. In addition to requiring you to know the basic requirements, they want you to know how much memory and disk space a domain controller will require based on the number of users. Table 1 breaks memory usage down into an easy-to-read format, and Table 2 shows how to calculate the recommended disk space, according to Microsoft.

Table 1. Domain Controller Memory Requirements
Users per Domain ControllerMemory Requirements
More than 1,0002GB

Table 2. Domain Controller Space Requirements
Server RequirementSpace Requirement
Active Directory transaction logs500MB
Sysvol share500MB
Windows Server 2008 operating system1.5 to 2GB; 2GB recommended
Intervals of 1,000 users0.4GB per 1,000 users for the drive with NTDS.dit

You will have to plan for the number of domain controllers your environment will require according to the number of users, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Domain Controller Processor Requirements
Number of UsersProcessor Requirements
1–499One single processor
500–999One dual processor
1,000–2,999Two dual processors
3,000–10,000Two quad processors

3. The Global Catalog

As you may remember from the 70-640 MCTS Windows Server 2008 Active Directory exam, a global catalog server is a server that contains a master list of all the objects in a domain or forest. The global catalog itself is the master list, and it is transmitted across servers for the purpose of informing individual machines throughout the environment of what objects actually exist and, more importantly, where they can be found. The Sybex 70-640 book Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration Study Guide calls this list the "universal phone book" of Active Directory. Not only is that pretty clever, it's also very accurate.

The global catalog serves two more functions. First, it enables users to log on because it informs a domain controller of the universal group membership of the rest of the servers. Second, it resolves user principal names of which a particular domain controller may not be aware.

3.1. Global Catalog Server Locations

Deciding which server is going to contain your global catalog is one of the most important decisions you will make when you are beginning to design a network. Depending on its location, it can directly affect the speed of your site replication, the amount of time your servers spend updating themselves with the latest objects, and how quickly the rest of the environment becomes aware of changes.

By default, the first tree (domain) in a forest is always a global catalog server. This is because if a forest didn't have a copy of the global catalog, it really wouldn't achieve much, because no credentials would be cached and it wouldn't have a list of what user accounts existed. Beyond the initial global catalog servers, here are a couple of other reasons you might want to add a global catalog server: users of custom applications, unavailable WAN links, and roaming users.

4. Operations Master Location

Just like the global catalog server location, the operations master location is one of the most important design decisions you will have to make when creating your network infrastructure. However, unlike the global catalog server, the operations master server is broken down into five separate roles that have to be considered.

4.1. Schema Master

If you have a choice in the matter, the best decision for the schema master is to use it as little as possible. Modifying the schema isn't something you want to do very often, because it tends to be very heavy handed and can cause a lot of problems if you aren't careful. When placing the schema master, the main thing you have to keep in mind is the location of your schema administrators. They will be the sole benefactors of this location, and therefore you need to plan accordingly.

4.2. Domain Naming Master

In the old days of computing (the Windows 2000 era), the domain naming master was always placed on the global catalog server. With Windows Server 2008, this is no longer a requirement, but it's still considered a very good practice. The domain naming master is responsible for making sure that every domain is uniquely named and usually communicates when domains are added and then removed.

4.3. Relative Identifier Master (RID Master)

If you'll recall from your earlier study, the relative identifier (RID) and security identifier (SID) are used to distinguish uniqueness within Active Directory. Whenever an account or group of accounts is created, the RID will have to be contacted. Therefore, it's a good design practice to place the RID in an area that has access to domain controllers and can be easily communicated with whenever an administrator needs to make a new account.

4.4. Infrastructure Master

You can think of the infrastructure master in your environment as the person who makes sure everyone has everything named right. The best example of this is when someone gets married or has their name legally changed. Say a user changes her name from Maria Dammen to Maria Anderson. If she has her name changed in domain A, there is a chance that domain B may not be aware of this change and may need to be informed about it. Accordingly, something in the infrastructure has to search through everything (including network entities as well as users) and check the names and consistency.

The primary rule for placing an infrastructure master is to not place it on any machine that is a global catalog server. This is because when the global catalog server checks with other domains, it will not notice the inconsistencies between the two domains, because it's already aware of what they should be. Instead, you should try to place a domain controller in an area that is not a global catalog server but has access to a domain controller from another domain.

4.5. Primary Domain Controller

Maybe it's just a holdover from the days of old, but to this day when certain administrators hear the phrases primary domain controller and backup domain controller from their friend Windows NT 4, they shiver a little bit. This is because the world of Windows administration was nowhere near as friendly in the early days as it is now. You don't necessarily need a lecture on how things used to be, though. Instead, as a Windows Server 2008 administrator, you just need to know how to handle old equipment.

The only reason to use this role is if you have a machine running Windows NT 4 that doesn't understand Active Directory. In this situation, the primary domain controller can ensure that all older machines can change passwords as Windows Server 2008 emulates the older authentication process. Additionally, a primary domain controller makes sure that all machines with pre–Active Directory installations can keep their times synchronized.

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