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Exchange Server 2010 : Synchronizing Directory Information with Forefront Identity Manager (FIM)

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3/19/2011 9:01:55 PM
In most enterprises today, each individual application or system has its own user database or directory to track who is permitted to use that resource. Identity and access control data reside in different directories as well as applications such as specialized network resource directories, mail servers, human resource, voice mail, payroll, and many other applications.

Each has its own definition of the user’s “identity” (for example, name, title, ID numbers, roles, membership in groups). Many have their own password and process for authenticating users. Each has its own tool for managing user accounts and, sometimes, its own dedicated administrator responsible for this task. In addition, most enterprises have multiple processes for requesting resources and for granting and changing access rights. Some of these are automated, but many are paper-based. Many differ from business unit to business unit, even when performing the same function.

Administration of these multiple repositories often leads to time-consuming and redundant efforts in administration and provisioning. It also causes frustration for users, requiring them to remember multiple IDs and passwords for different applications and systems. The larger the organization, the greater the potential variety of these repositories and the effort required to keep them updated.

In response to this problem, Microsoft developed Microsoft Metadirectory Services (MMS) to provide for identity synchronization between different directories. As the product improved, it was rereleased under the new name Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS). For a third time, the tool was renamed, this time as Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007. The latest and fourth rename of this tool took place shortly before the release of Exchange Server 2010; Microsoft has now incorporated this tool into its Forefront security line and named it Forefront Identity Manager (FIM).

The use of FIM for Exchange Server 2010 is particularly useful because it can synchronize information between the AD forest that contains Exchange Server and the other messaging systems in use within the organization.

Understanding FIM

FIM is a system that manages and coordinates identity information from multiple data sources in an organization, enabling you to combine that information into a single logical view that represents all of the identity information for a given user or resource.

FIM enables a company to synchronize identity information across a wide variety of heterogeneous directory and nondirectory identity stores. This enables customers to automate the process of updating identity information across heterogeneous platforms while maintaining the integrity and ownership of that data across the enterprise.

Password management capabilities enable end users or help desk staff to easily reset passwords across multiple systems from one easy-to-use web interface. End users and help desk staff no longer have to use multiple tools to change their passwords across multiple systems.

Understanding FIM Concepts

It is important to understand some key terms used with FIM before comprehending how it can be used to integrate various directories. Keep in mind that the following terms are used to describe FIM concepts but might also help give you a broader understanding of how metadirectories function in general:

  • Management agent (MA)— A FIM MA is a tool used to communicate with a specific type of directory. For example, an Active Directory MA enables FIM to import or export data and perform tasks within Active Directory.

  • Connected directory (CD)— A connected directory is a directory that FIM communicates with using a configured MA. An example of a connected directory is an Active Directory forest.

  • Connector namespace (CS)— The connector namespace is the replicated information and container hierarchy extracted from or destined to the respective connected directory.

  • Metaverse namespace (MV)— The metaverse namespace is the authoritative directory data created from the information gathered from each of the respective connector namespaces.

  • Metadirectory— Within FIM, the metadirectory is made up of all the connector namespaces plus the authoritative metaverse namespace.

  • Attributes— Attributes are the fields of information that are exported from or imported to directory entries. Common directory entry attributes are name, alias, email address, phone number, employee ID, or other information.

FIM can be used for many tasks, but is most commonly used for managing directory entry identity information. The intention here is to manage user accounts by synchronizing attributes, such as logon ID, first name, last name, telephone number, title, and department. For example, if a user named Jane Doe is promoted and her title is changed from manager to vice president, the title change could first be entered in the HR or Payroll databases; then through FIM MAs, the change could be replicated to other directories within the organization. This ensures that when someone looks up the title attribute for Jane Doe, it is the same in all the directories synchronized with FIM. This is a common and basic use of FIM referred to as identity management. Other common uses of FIM include account provisioning and group management.


FIM is a versatile and powerful directory synchronization tool that can be used to simplify and automate some directory management tasks. Because of the nature of FIM, it can also be a very dangerous tool as MAs can have full access to the connected directories. Misconfiguration of FIM MAs could result in data loss, so careful planning and extensive lab testing should be performed before FIM is released to the production directories of any organization. In many cases, it might be prudent to contact Microsoft consulting services and certified Microsoft solution provider/partners to help an organization decide whether FIM is right for its environment, or even to design and facilitate the implementation.

Exploring FIM Account Provisioning

FIM enables administrators to easily provision and deprovision users’ accounts and identity information, such as distribution, email and security groups across systems, and platforms. Administrators will be able to quickly create new accounts for employees based on events or changes in authoritative stores such as the human resources system. In addition, as employees leave a company, they can be immediately deprovisioned from those same systems.

Account provisioning in FIM enables advanced configurations of directory MAs, along with special provisioning agents, to be used to automate account creation and deletion in several directories. For example, if a new user account is created in Active Directory, the Active Directory MA could tag this account. Then, when the respective MAs are run for other connected directories, a new user account could be automatically generated.

One enhancement of FIM over previous versions is that password synchronization is now supported for specific directories that manage passwords within the directory. FIM provides an application programming interface (API) accessed through the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). For connected directories that manage passwords in the directory’s store, password management is activated when an MA is configured in MA Designer. In addition to enabling password management for each MA, Management Agent Designer returns a system name attribute using the WMI interface for each connector space object.

Outlining the Role of Management Agents (MAs) in FIM

An MA links a specific connected data source to the metadirectory. The MA is responsible for moving data from the connected data source and the metadirectory. When data in the metadirectory is modified, the MA can also export the data to the connected data source to keep the connected data source synchronized with the metadirectory. Generally, there is at least one MA for each connected directory. FIM includes MAs for multiple directory sources, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Potential management agents for FIM.


FIM includes integrated support for synchronization with additional directories such as Oracle, SAP, Lotus Notes, and more. In addition, it also introduced the ability for end users to reset their own passwords via a web management interface.

MAs contain rules that govern how an object’s attributes are mapped, how connected directory objects are found in the metaverse, and when connected directory objects should be created or deleted.

These agents are used to configure how FIM will communicate and interact with the connected directories when the agent is run. When an MA is first created, all the configuration of that agent can be performed during that instance. The elements that can be configured include which type of directory objects will be replicated to the connector namespace, which attributes will be replicated, directory entry join and projection rules, attribute flow rules between the connector namespace and the metaverse namespace, plus more. If a necessary configuration is unknown during the MA creation, it can be revisited and modified later.

Defining FIM and Group Management

Just as FIM can perform identity management for user accounts, it also can perform management tasks for groups. When a group is projected into the metaverse namespace, the group membership attribute can be replicated to other connected directories through their MAs. This enables a group membership change to occur in one directory and be replicated to other directories automatically.

Installing FIM with SQL Server

Both versions of FIM require a licensed version of SQL Server 2005 or 2008 to run, and an install of the product will prompt for the location of a SQL server.

It is not necessarily required to install a new instance of SQL because an existing SQL instance can be used as well. If an existing SQL 2005/2008 server is not available, SQL can be installed on the same system as FIM.

Deploying FIM for Identity Management with Novell eDirectory

FIM can be an effective tool for managing identities between Novell eDirectory environments and Active Directory. Identity information could include names, email and physical addresses, titles, department affiliations, and much more. Generally speaking, identity information is the type of data commonly found in corporate phone books or intranets. To use FIM for identity management between Active Directory and Novell eDirectory, follow these high-level steps:

Install FIM and the latest service packs and patches.

Create an MA for each of the directories, including an Active Directory MA and a Novell eDirectory MA.

Configure the MAs to import directory object types into their respective connector namespaces.

Configure one of the MAs—for example, the Active Directory MA—to project the connector space directory objects and directory hierarchy into the metaverse namespace.

Within each of the MAs, a function can be configured called attribute flow, which defines which directory object attributes from each directory will be projected into the respective metaverse directory objects. Configure the attribute flow rules for each MA.

Configure the account-joining properties for directory objects. This is the most crucial step because it determines how the objects in each directory are related to one another within the metaverse namespace. To configure the account join, certain criteria can be used, such as employee ID or first name and last name combination. The key is to find the most unique combination to avoid problems when two objects with similar names are located—for example, if two users named Tom Jones exist in Active Directory.

After completely configuring the MAs and account joins, configure MA run profiles to tell the MA what to perform with the connected directory and connector namespace. For example, perform a full import or export of data. The first time the MA is run, the connected directory information is imported to create the initial connector namespace.

After running the MAs once, you can run them a second time to propagate the authoritative metaverse data to the respective connector namespaces and out to the connected directories.

These steps outline the most common use of FIM; these steps can be used to simplify account maintenance tasks when several directories need to be managed simultaneously. When more sophisticated functionality using FIM is needed, such as the automatic creation and deletion of directory entries, extensive scripting and customization of FIM can be done to create a more complete enterprise account provisioning system.

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