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Migrating from Active Directory 2000/2003 to Active Directory 2008 : Beginning the Migration Process

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Any migration procedure should define the reasons for migration, steps involved, fallback precautions, and other important factors that can influence the migration process. After finalizing these items, the migration can begin.

Identifying Migration Objectives

Two underlying philosophies influence technology upgrades, each philosophy working against the other. The first is the expression “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Obviously, if an organization has a functional, easy-to-use, and well-designed Active Directory 2003 infrastructure, popping in a Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 DVD and upgrading the domain might not be so appealing. The second philosophy is something along the lines of “Those who fail to upgrade their technologies perish.” Eventually, all technologies become outdated and unsupported, and a planned and staged update to the latest technologies keeps the organization’s network current.

Choosing a pragmatic middle ground between these two philosophies effectively depends on the factors that drive an organization to upgrade. If the organization has critical business needs that can be satisfied by an upgrade, such an upgrade might be in the works. If, however, no critical need exists, it might be wise for an organization already on Active Directory 2003 to remain on Active Directory 2003 and not advance to Active Directory 2008 if they don’t want to migrate since Exchange Server 2010 works fine in an Active Directory 2003 environment.

Establishing Migration Project Phases

After the decision is made to upgrade, a detailed plan of the resources, timeline, scope, and objectives of the project should be outlined. Part of any migration plan requires establishing either an ad-hoc project plan or a professionally drawn-up project plan. The migration plan assists the project managers of the migration project to accomplish the planned objectives in a timely manner with the correct application of resources.

The following is a condensed description of the standard phases for a migration project:

  • Discovery— The first portion of a design project should be a discovery, or fact-finding, portion. This section focuses on the analysis of the current environment and documentation of the analysis results. Current network diagrams, server locations, wide area network (WAN) throughputs, server application dependencies, and all other networking components should be detailed as part of the Discovery phase.

  • Design— The Design portion of a project is straightforward. All key components of the actual migration plan should be documented, and key data from the Discovery phase should be used to draw up design and migration documents. The project plan itself would normally be drafted during this phase. Because Active Directory 2008 is not dramatically different from Active Directory 2000 or 2003, significant reengineering of an existing Active Directory environment is not necessary. However, other issues such as server placement, new feature utilization, and changes in AD DS replication models should be outlined.

  • Prototype— The Prototype phase of a project involves the essential lab work to test the design assumptions made during the Design phase. The ideal prototype would involve a mock production environment that is migrated from Active Directory 2000/2003 to Active Directory 2008. For Active Directory, this means creating a production domain controller (DC) and then isolating it in the lab and promoting it to the Operations Master (OM) server in the lab. The Active Directory migration can then be performed without affecting the production environment. Step-by-step procedures for the migration can also be outlined and produced as deliverables for this phase.

  • Pilot— The Pilot phase, or Proof-of-Concept phase, involves a production “test” of the migration steps, on a limited scale. For example, a single server could be upgraded to Active Directory 2008 in advance of the migration of all other global catalog servers. In a slower, phased migration, the Pilot phase would essentially spill into Implementation, as upgrades of global catalog and domain controller servers are performed slowly, one by one.

  • Implementation— The Implementation portion of the project is the full-blown migration of network functionality or upgrades to the operating system. As previously mentioned, this process can be performed quickly or slowly over time, depending on an organization’s needs. It is, subsequently, important to make the timeline decisions in the Design phase and incorporate them into the project plan.

  • Training and Support— Learning the ins and outs of the new functionality that Active Directory 2008 can bring to an environment is essential in realizing the increased productivity and reduced administration that the OS can bring to the environment. Consequently, it is important to include a Training portion into a migration project so that the design objectives can be fully realized.

Comparing the In-Place Upgrade Versus New Hardware Migration Methods

Because the fundamental differences between Active Directory 2000/2003 and Active Directory 2008 are not significant, the possibility of simply upgrading an existing Active Directory 2000/2003 infrastructure is an option. Depending on the type of hardware currently in use in a Windows 2000/2003 network, this type of migration strategy becomes an option. Often, however, it is more appealing to simply introduce newer systems into an existing environment and retire the current servers from production. This technique normally has less impact on current environments and can also support fallback more easily.


Windows 2000 domain controllers cannot be upgraded directly to Windows 2008. Migrating a Windows 2000 domain controller to be a Windows 2008 domain controller requires the Windows 2000 domain controller to be replaced, rather than upgraded.

Determining which migration strategy to use depends on one major factor: the condition of the current hardware environment. If Windows 2000/2003 is taxing the limitations of the hardware in use, it might be preferable to introduce new servers into an environment and simply retire the old Windows 2000/2003 servers. This is particularly true if the existing servers are veterans of previous upgrades, maybe transitioning from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000 to Windows Server 2003. If, however, the hardware in use is newer and more robust, and could conceivably last for another two to three years, it might be easier to simply perform in-place upgrades of the systems in an environment.

In most cases, organizations take a hybrid approach to migration. Older hardware or Windows 2000 domain controllers are replaced by new hardware running Windows 2003 or 2008. Newer Windows 2003 systems can more easily be upgraded in place to Windows 2008. Consequently, auditing all systems to be migrated and determining which ones will be upgraded and which ones will be retired are important steps in the migration process.

Identifying Migration Strategies: “Big Bang” Versus Phased Coexistence

As with most technology implementations, there are essentially two approaches in regard to deployment: a quick “Big Bang” approach or a slower phased coexistence approach. The Big Bang option involves the entire Windows 2000/2003 infrastructure being quickly replaced, often over the course of a weekend, with the new Windows 2008 environment; whereas the phased approach involves a slow, server-by-server replacement of Windows 2000/2003.

Each approach has its particular advantages and disadvantages, and key factors to Windows 2008 should be taken into account before a decision is made. Few Windows 2008 components require a redesign of current Windows 2000/2003 design elements. Because the arguments for the Big Bang approach largely revolve around not maintaining two conflicting systems for long periods of time, the similarities between Windows 2000/2003 and Windows 2008 make many of these arguments moot. Windows 2008 domain controllers can easily coexist with Windows 2003 and Windows 2000 domain controllers. With this point in mind, while coexistence of mixed domain controllers is possible, the quicker the organization migrates to a common platform, the less likelihood that domain controller version differences will create problems in domain controller replication and operations.

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