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SharePoint 2010 Disaster Recovery for End Users : Versioning

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Versioning is another SharePoint feature that is relatively easy to grasp. Simply put, versioning is a feature that allows you to store multiple revisions or copies of a particular item within a document library or list. An example can illustrate how exceptionally useful this is for end users.

Types of Versioning

Versioning is a central feature of the SharePoint platform that you can use with any document library or list. Versioning is enabled for some of the out-of-the-box document libraries, such as the Pages library that is created in the top-level site where the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure is active. With most document libraries and lists, though, you must explicitly enable versioning.

Although “versioning” has been used as a singular term thus far, versioning actually exists in two different forms within SharePoint:

  • Major versioning. This type of versioning is available for use on both document libraries and lists. Each time an item in a list or document library is edited, updated, or changed in some way, a new version of that item is created when it is put back into the list or document library. Version numbers begin at 1 and increment by 1 for each new version that is stored in the list or document library. The initial version of an item is version 1, the second is version 2, the third is version 3, and so on.

  • Major and minor (draft) versioning. This type of versioning is available only on document libraries and other libraries based on them, such as Picture Libraries. It is not available on lists. This type of versioning extends the major versioning approach just described with the addition of draft versions that are denoted by a “point” version number. For example, a document may be initially uploaded into a document library as version 1.0. As changes are made to the document, drafts of the document may accumulate as minor versions: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on. Once the revision process is complete and another version is ready for general viewing or usage, the version number is incremented to 2.0. Major version numbers (1.0, 2.0, and so on) denote published versions, whereas minor versions (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, and so on) denote minor or draft versions.

Versioning Benefits

Figure 1 illustrates a document library for which major and minor versioning is active. In the figure. Selecting the Version History menu item from the drop-down selection menu opens the Version History dialog box shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. An item’s drop-down menu in a document library where versioning is enabled.

Figure 2. The Version History dialog box for a selected document library item.

Several benefits are afforded by versioning regardless of the type of versioning that is in use or whether versioning is enabled on a list or library:

  • Version history. The Version History dialog box is the primary point of interaction when viewing and working with item versions. Each time an item is changed, a new version is created. As demonstrated in Figure 12.10, each of the versions that are available for a given document or list item is clearly shown.

  • Auditing and change tracking. Along with the version numbers, the Version History dialog box makes it clear when an item was modified and by whom. The size of the item is also noted, along with any comments that were supplied by the individual creating the version. As long as good comments were supplied when the version was created, it can be a snap to locate a version or revision of interest.

  • Management of versions. The Version History dialog box also affords you the means to manage the current item version and those that are historical, either individually or as a group. As shown in the open drop-down menu for version 1.2 in Figure 12.10, you can view the item as it existed in version 1.2 or delete that version of the item altogether. You can also replace the current version (2.0, in this case) with a historical version, although the term “replace” is a bit inaccurate. If you elected to replace version 2.0 with the selected version (1.2) shown in Figure 12.10, a version 2.1 would be created with the contents of version 1.2. Version 2.0 would not actually be replaced or overwritten. Figure 3 illustrates the results of such a replacement operation.

    Figure 3. Replacement of the current item version with a previous version.

From an end user disaster recovery perspective, the biggest benefit that versioning gives users is the ability to “roll back” to a previous version of a document if the current version includes changes or differences that aren’t desired. When a user can roll back to a previous document or item version, it is one less call that he’s placing to you for an item-level recovery.

Administrative Concerns

Versioning is controlled on a per-list/library basis. Because lists and libraries are managed within the confines of a site collection, there isn’t a whole lot that you, as a SharePoint administrator, need to worry about in terms of farm-wide impact as long as you employ site collection quotas to limit the consumption of content database storage.

As you might imagine, though, the use of versioning does increase storage consumption. Each time a new major or minor item version is added to a list or library, another copy of that item is created.  A total of six versions for the document exist: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, and 2.1. Each of the versions consumes roughly 185KB, so even though the active 2.1 version is only 184KB in size, the total storage space consumed by all versions is more than 1MB.

For lists and libraries in which collaboration activities are used heavily, the overhead of multiple versions can quickly add up, consume storage, and push a site collection size toward its allocation limit on storage space as defined by its quota. Fortunately, SharePoint provides a “maximum number of versions retained” mechanism that provides some degree of control over the extent to which item and document versions may impact your overall site collection storage profile.

Configuring Versioning

The example that follows demonstrates how to enable versioning on a document library called Book Chapters at the root of a fictitious SharePoint team site with a URL of http://spdev:18480/. In addition to enabling versioning, the maximum number of versions that can be stored for each document in the library are specified.

If you attempt this walk-through on a SharePoint site of your own, ensure that your account possesses a minimum permission level of Contribute within the site housing the document library.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the site’s URL of http://spdev:18480/. If you intend to follow along in your own environment, substitute this URL with the URL of a team site in your environment.

  2. Depending on the configuration of your client browser and the Web application housing the site, you may be prompted to log in. If you are so prompted, supply both your username and password. In most cases, your username and password are your domain login credentials.

  3. When the team site loads, you are greeted with the default page. Under the Libraries heading in the quick launch menu along the left side of the screen is a Book Chapters link. Click the link to take you to the Book Chapters document library shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4. The Book Chapters document library in a sample team site.
  4. By default, the Browse tab is selected near the top of the document library. Before you can begin configuration, click the Library tab under the Library Tools grouping. This displays the Documents Library Settings ribbon shown in Figure 5.

    Figure 5. The ribbon for Documents Library Settings.
  5. The actual contents of the ribbon and how they are presented depend on the width of your browser window. The link of interest on the ribbon is near the right side, though, and it is called Library Settings. When you have located it, click the link to bring up the Document Library Settings page for the library.

  6. Under the General Settings category along the left side of the main area is a link titled Versioning Settings. Click the link to display the Versioning Settings page shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6. The Versioning Settings page for a document library.
  7. By default, the Document Version History indicates that No Versioning is in use. To begin using versioning within the document library, select either Create Major Versions or Create Major and Minor (Draft) Versions. The latter tends to be the more useful form of versioning when tracking documents, so select it.

  8. Once you select the Create Major and Minor (Draft) Versions option button, the version retention check boxes and text boxes just below it become active. The check boxes and text boxes provide a way to control the total number of retained versions. Set the first check box and text box for major version retention to appear, as shown in Figure 7. With these values in effect, ten major versions (1.0, 2.0, and so on) are available at any given time. Once version 11.0 is placed into the document library, version 1.0 is dropped from the available version history. When version 12.0 is placed into the document library, version 2.0 is dropped. This pattern repeats to ensure that only ten major versions are available at any given time.

    Figure 7. Specifying major version and draft retention settings.

  9. Set the second check box and text box, as shown in Figure 7. Specifying that three major versions’ worth of drafts are retained results in all drafts other than those belonging to the current major version and the two previous ones being discarded. If the most recent major version is 8.0, for example, only the draft (point) versions for versions 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 are available. Any drafts that existed for previous versions (such as 5.1 and 5.2) are discarded. When version 9.0 is made available, all existing drafts for version 6.0 are dropped with these settings. When version 10.0 is made available, drafts for version 7.0 are dropped. You get the idea.

  10. Scroll to the bottom of the Versioning Settings page and click the OK button to place your changes into effect.

As an administrator, you should be happy to hear that Recycle Bins and versioning work together and complement one another quite well. When a list item is deleted from a document library or list, the version history for the item goes with it to the Recycle Bin. By the same token, recovering an item from either the first or second stage Recycle Bins also restores that list item’s version history.

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