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Windows Server 2008 Server Core : Managing Disk Performance with the DiskPerf Utility, Managing RAID Setups Using the DiskRAID Utility & Managing the File System with the FltMC Utility

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6/20/2012 4:19:19 PM

1. Managing Disk Performance with the DiskPerf Utility

The original purpose of the DiskPerf utility was to help you control monitoring of disk performance on your computer. However, systems later than Windows 2000 keep the counters used to monitor performance enabled permanently. Consequently, the main purpose this utility serves on later systems is to let you see which performance counters Windows provides, which is still a useful function when you want to monitor these counters at the command line.

The DiskPerf utility can also temporarily disable the performance counters. You can use this feature with older applications that rely on the Windows Application Programming Interface (API) IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE() function to retrieve raw counter information (see the description of this function at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365183.aspx). Don't reboot the system when you disable the counters because the effect is temporary; rebooting the machine simply removes the effect. This utility uses the following syntax:

DISKPERF [-Y[D|V] | -N[D|V]] [\\computername]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Sets the system to start all performance counters when you start the system on older systems. This command line switch restarts all of the disk performance counters on Windows 2000 and above systems. The performance counters always start automatically on these systems after a reboot.


Enables the disk performance counters for physical drives when you start the system.


Enables the disk performance counters for logical drives or storage volumes when you start the system.


Sets the system to disable all performance counters when you start the system on older systems. This command temporarily disables all of the disk performance counters on Windows 2000 and later systems.


Disables the performance counters for physical drives.


Disables the disk performance counters for logical drives.


Specifies the name of the computer. Using this argument alone lets you see the list of disk performance counters. Adding a command line switch changes the performance counter setting.

2. Managing RAID Setups Using the DiskRAID Utility

The DiskRAID utility helps you work with any Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) hardware on your system. However, there are some caveats for using this utility. The biggest problem is that your system must have the appropriate Virtual Disk Service (VDS) drivers installed—something not all vendors support. In addition, except for the command line syntax, the VDS software apparently has vendor-specific commands. Consequently, you'll need to refer to the vendor documentation to use this utility fully. This utility uses the following syntax:

DISKRAID [/? | [/s <file-path>] [/v]]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Displays the DiskRAID usage instructions.


Specifies the location of a file containing commands that DiskRAID should execute. The instructions found in this script file depend on the vendor implementation.


Executes all DiskRAID commands in verbose mode. You'll see additional output. The amount and type of information depends on the vendor implementation.

3. Managing the File System with the FltMC Utility

The Filter Manager Control (FltMC) utility tracks minifilters attached to your hard drive or other storage system (such as a DVD drive). You'll often see this utility included as part of a Windows service pack. However, it usually does its work and ends. A minifilter controls what a drive sees, which means that a minifilter could help control viruses by rejecting virus content. Here are the types of filters that Microsoft provides support for in storage applications.

  • Activity Monitor

  • Undelete

  • Antivirus

  • Replication

  • Continuous Backup

  • Content Screener

  • Quota Management

  • System Recovery

  • Cluster File System

  • Hierarchical Storage Manager (HSM)

  • Compression

  • Encryption

  • Physical Quota Management

  • Open File

  • Security Enhancer

  • Copy Protection

Generally, you won't need to use this utility unless you want to see which minifilters are running on your system or your storage vendor provides an update that you must install manually. You can use the FltMC in several modes to load, unload, attach, detach, and list filters. The following sections describe the modes that FltMC supports.

3.1. Load

Use this mode to load a filter driver. Loading the driver doesn't activate it. This mode uses the following syntax:

FltMC Load [driverName]

The following describes the command line argument.


Specifies the name of the file that contains the driver that you want to load.

.2. Unload

Use this mode to unload an inactive driver. The utility won't unload a driver that's in use. This mode uses the following syntax:

FltMC Unload [driverName]

The following describes the command line argument.


Specifies the name of the file that contains the driver that you want to unload.

3.3. Filters

Use this mode to list the filters installed on your machine. These filters are loaded, but not necessarily active. Use the Instances mode to see which filters are active. This mode uses the following syntax:

FltMC Filters

3.4. Instances

Use this mode to list the active filters on your machine. These filters are loaded and have at least one instance attached to a particular volume. A filter may have multiple instances. This mode uses the following syntax:

FltMC Instances

3.5. Volumes

Use this mode to list the volumes that have a filter instance attached. This mode uses the following syntax:

FltMC Volumes

3.6. Attach

Use this mode to attach a filter that you've loaded into memory to a particular volume. You can assign the instance (the attachment of a filter to a volume) a specific name. In addition, you can also specify an altitude when you obtain this information from the minifilter vendor. The altitude determines the minifilter's order in the minifilter attachment stack, which determines when the minifilter sees data sent to the storage device. This mode uses the following syntax:

FltMC Attach [filterName] [volumeName] [[-i instanceName ][-a altitude]]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies the name of the filter that's been loaded into memory using the Load mode.


Specifies the name of the volume, such as C:, that will have the filter attached.


Specifies the name of the instance. When the utility is successful in attaching the minifilter to the volume, it displays the resulting instance name.


Specifies the altitude of the minifilter when compared to other minifilters in the stack. Microsoft controls the altitude information and you'll receive this information (when required) from the minifilter vendor. Normally, this information appears as part of the registry entries for the minifilter.

3.7. Detach

Use this mode to detach a minifilter from a storage device that you previously attached using the Attach mode. This mode uses the following syntax:

FltMC detach [filterName] [volumeName] [instanceName]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies the name of the filter that's been loaded into memory using the Load mode.


Specifies the name of the volume, such as C:, that will have the filter detached.


Specifies the name of the instance to remove. If you don't supply an instance, the utility removes the default instance.

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