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Windows Server 2003 : Implementing Secure Network Administration Procedures (part 2)

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Understanding Security Template Settings That Affect Network Security

Each security template can potentially have hundreds of settings that affect everything from password policy to group membership to permissions on files. All the settings can affect local and network security. Although all the settings and their importance cannot be listed here, you should be aware of the settings specific to network security access and protocols. Table 5 lists the settings and the area within the security template where they are located.

Table 5. Security Options for Improving Network Security
SettingTemplate LocationDescription
Access this computer from the networkUser RightsThis setting determines which users and computers can access this computer.
Add workstations to a domainUser RightsBy default, all domain users have the right to add 10 computers to a domain.
Logon rights (multiple settings)User RightsThis setting includes several logon rights, such as the right to log on locally, and the opposite, the right to deny logon locally, for example.
Digitally encrypt or sign secure channel data (multiple settings)Security OptionsThis setting controls how secure channel data crosses the network. You want the most secure, but you must sometimes relax settings to get connectivity. For example, downlevel computers might not be able to communicate using the same security settings as Windows Server 2003.
Allow anonymous (multiple settings)Security OptionsThis setting determines which types of anonymous connections and anonymous access are allowed.
Do not store LAN Manager hash value on next password changeSecurity OptionsBecause the new password hash for the change is not stored, a computer that can use only LM will not be able to authenticate.
LAN Manager authentication levelSecurity optionsThis setting determines which versions of the LM protocol are accepted. The insecure version, LM, is not allowed by default; instead, computers must use NTLM, NTLMv2, or Kerberos.
Minimum Sessions security (two settings)Security OptionsThis setting determines whether message integrity, confidentiality, and encryption are required.

Applying the Principle of Least Privilege

One of the most important concepts that should guide your development and implementation of security policy is the principle of least privilege. Using this principle means that no employee and no user of information systems has more privileges or access to information and resources than they need to do their job. This principle includes removing privileges and access when employees change jobs within the organization or when they leave the company. The principle of least privilege also means that visitors to the organization or to any information resources—such as the public, contractors, temporary workers, partner representatives, and so on—should be treated in the same manner. No one, and that includes system administrators and IT workers, should have any more access or rights than they need to do their job.

There are many ways to implement and follow this maxim. The ways can be categorized according to those that are possible using security templates and those that require other mechanisms to implement. This subject is broad, and the following lists are by no means meant to be comprehensive. Instead, they are meant to teach the paradigm.

Security Template Least Privilege Opportunities
  • Develop a strong password policy to keep unauthorized individuals off systems.

  • Assign user rights sparingly. Reduce rights, especially access and logon rights, as much as possible. Set different rights on computers with different roles.

  • Use security options to block access and restrict activity.

  • Use file and Registry ACLs.

  • Use the Restricted Groups section to force and limit membership in sensitive groups.

  • Use the Services section to disable services and restrict who can manage them.

  • Develop a baseline plan for every computer role and implement using templates that are imported into Group Policy Objects (GPOs) on representative organizational units (OUs).

  • Apply a comprehensive auditing strategy.

Nonsecurity Template Least Privilege Opportunities
  • Group users by role so that privileges and permissions can be granted by role.

  • Configure ACLs for files, folders, Registry keys, directory objects, and printers to allow only the exact access any group of users needs.

  • Physically protect servers. Allow access only to authorized personnel and screen this authorization.

  • Review audit logs and other logs looking for needs to restrict further access.

  • Use Web proxies to limit user access to external resources.

  • Use firewalls to limit access to internal networks.

Practice: Creating and Using the Security Configuration And Analysis Console

Security templates are useful tools in network security management. An easy way to work with them is to create a console that includes access to them, as well as a way to apply them and analyze the resulting security policy. You can perform this task by creating a console and adding the Security Templates snap-in and the Security Configuration And Analysis snap-in.

Exercise 1: Create the Console: Apply Default Templates

In this exercise, you create a console within which you can view, configure, or copy security templates, add a new folder to hold a different location for templates, and apply a security template to a computer. Working with the templates in the console will not change security on the computer.

To create a Security Configuration And Analysis console

From the Start menu select Run, type MMC, and click OK.

From the File menu, select Add/Remove Snap-In.

In the Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box, click the Add button, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Adding the snap-in

From the Add Standalone Snap-In dialog box, select Security Templates. Then click Add, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Selecting security templates

Select the Security Configuration And Analysis snap-in, click Add, and then click Close.

Click OK to add the snap-in to the console.

To save the console, from the File menu select Save As. Type Security Configuration Management. Then click Save.

To prepare a location for custom security templates and add it to the console

In Windows Explorer, create a new folder named Custom Templates.

Open the Security Configuration Management console.

Right-click Security Templates, and from the shortcut menu select New Template Search Path.

Select the Custom Templates folder and click OK.


Best practices recommend never modifying default templates. Instead, new templates or copies of current ones are placed in a separate location and then used to create custom templates. Consequently, you always have the default templates, and because custom templates are stored separately, it is easier to copy them and store originals in a safe place.

The new folder appears in the Security Configuration Management console, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Additional template file locations

Exercise 2: Create Custom Templates

In this exercise, you develop your own custom templates. You select a default template that is close to the template you need, copy it, and then make adjustments to the copy. The Securews.inf template has some setting changes that strengthen network communication security.

In the Security Templates console, right-click the Securews.inf security template and select Save As.

Browse to the Custom Templates folder created previously.

Type test1 for the new template name and click Save.

To modify a template

Expand the Custom Templates folder in the Security Configuration Management console. You might need to refresh the console to see the Test1 template.

Expand the Test1 template sections.

Expand the Local Policies node and select Security Options, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Examining Security Options

In the details pane, scroll to the Network Access and Network Security sections and note the settings.

Note that the policy setting is Not Defined.

Double-click the policy, Shutdown: Allow System To Be Shut Down Without Having To Log On.

The Shutdown: Allow System To Be Shut Down Without Having To Log On dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Modifying template settings

Select the Define This Policy Setting In The Template check box if it is not already selected, and then click Disabled.

Click OK.


The settings and techniques that are available will vary depending on the setting. Many settings first require you to select Define This Policy Setting in the template before changing any specific settings using Add buttons, text boxes, drop-down lists, and option buttons.

Right-click the template name and click Save to save the changes to the template.

To modify a template by editing its Inf file

In Windows Explorer, browse to the Custom Template folder.

Double-click the Test1 template to open it in Notepad.

Examine the [Registry Values] section, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Adding Registry settings to the Inf file to be applied when the template is applied

In this section, you can edit or add Registry values that will then be applied when the template is applied.

To apply the template

Create a rollback template by using this command:

secedit /generaterollback /cfg test1.inf /rbk test1rollback.inf
/log test1rollback.log

Using the Rollback command creates a template that can be used to roll back the security settings to the way they were before the Test1.inf template is applied. The Test1rollback.inf template is made first, then the Test1.inf template is applied.

Rollback is not supported for file and Registry security. That is, any permissions edited in these sections of the template file will not be reversible by applying the rollback template.

Open the Security Configuration Management console.

Right-click the Security Configuration And Analysis node in the console and select Open Database.

A database is not created automatically, so the first step is to create one.

In the File Name text box, type the name for the new database and click Open.

Since a rollback template has been made in step 1, the template designed to make changes we want is applied next. If later, it is found that this template is incorrect, the rollback template can be used to return things to the way they were before.

In the Import Template dialog box, select the Test1.inf template and click Open, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Importing a template

Right-click Security Configuration And Analysis and select Configure Computer Now.

Click OK when asked to confirm the location of the error log.

The error log is also a good source of information about which templates were applied and when.

Wait for the configuration to complete, and close the console without saving it.

Exercise 4: Recover from the Application of a Bad Template

You could change the security settings and find that the computer has been rendered inaccessible on the network, or that security has been changed to make the computer less secure than is required. If a rollback template was made before the template was applied, you can roll the system back to a previous security state. If you need to recover Registry and file system permissions to an installation state, you can do so by applying one of the default installation templates. If this is not necessary, simply apply the rollback template.

In this exercise, you restore security configuration settings by applying a rollback template.

Open the Security Configuration Management console created in Exercise 1.

Right-click Security Configuration And Analysis and select Import Template.

In the Import Template dialog box, shown in Figure 8, select the Test1rollback.inf template.

Figure 8. Clearing the database

Select the Clear This Database Before Importing check box, and click Open.

If the check box is not cleared, the information in both templates is applied.

Right-click Security Configuration And Analysis and select Configure Computer Now.

Click OK to approve the error log file.

Close the console.

Exercise 5: Monitor Security Compliance

Security policies are often implemented by configuring security on systems and then they are ignored. When problems occur, security settings are often changed, and the changes are forgotten as well. To inspect systems for this type of change, in this exercise you use the Security Configuration And Analysis snap-in to compare the current settings to the template created to match security policy.

Open the Security Configuration Management console.

Right-click Security Configuration And Analysis and select Import Template.

Select the Test1.inf template, and then click Open.

Right-click Security Configuration And Analysis and select Analyze Computer Now.

Click OK to approve the error log path.

When the analysis is complete, you can examine in the console the database settings and differences against policy.

Open each node and inspect the details pane, as shown in Figure 9, for changes.

Figure 9. Inspecting for changes

In the details pane, changes are marked with a red x. Note that the Database Setting column and the Computer Setting column are shown so that you can determine the exact differences, and also note where items are not analyzed and might have to be inspected manually.

Close the console.
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