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Exchange Server 2010 : Implementing Compliance (part 2) - Configuring Journaling

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2. Configuring Journaling

Journaling lets you record all communications in an organization, including email communications, for use in an email retention strategy. It enables organizations to maintain records of communications that occur when employees perform daily business tasks.

All Exchange Server 2010 email messages pass through at least one Hub Transport server. A journaling agent is a transport agent that processes messages on Hub Transport servers. It fires on the OnSubmittedMessage and OnRoutedMessage routing agent events.

Exchange 2010 provides the following journaling options:

  • Standard journaling Standard journaling, configured on a mailbox database, enables the journaling agent to journal all messages sent to and from mailboxes located on the specified database. To journal all messages to and from all recipients and senders, you need to configure journaling on all mailbox databases on all Mailbox servers in the organization.

  • Premium journaling Premium journaling uses journal rules. You can, for example, use a journal rule to record all messages sent to a specific address and store these messages in a special journaling mailbox for compliance purposes. You can configure journal rules to match your organization’s needs by journaling individual recipients or members of distribution groups. You must have an Exchange Enterprise CAL to use premium journaling.

When you enable standard journaling on a mailbox database, this information is saved in Active Directory and is read by the journaling agent. Journal rules configured using premium journaling are also saved in Active Directory and applied by the journaling agent.

2.1. Defining Journal Rule Scope and Recipients, and the Journaling Mailbox

Journal Rule Scope defines which messages are journaled by the journaling agent. You can target the journal rule to Internal, External, or Global recipients. These scopes are defined as follows:

  • Internal Target messages are sent to recipients and received by senders inside an Exchange organization.

  • External Target messages are sent to recipients and received from senders outside an Exchange organization.

  • Global Target messages include all messages that pass through an organization’s Hub Transport servers. These can include messages that may have already been processed by journal rules using the Internal and External scopes.

Journal Recipients specifies the SMTP address of the recipient you want to journal. The recipient can be an Exchange mailbox, a distribution group, or a contact. Typically, recipients may be subject to regulatory requirements or may be involved in legal proceedings. By specifying specific recipients or groups of recipients, you can configure a journaling environment that matches your organization’s regulatory and legal requirements and hence minimize storage and other costs associated with retention of large amounts of data.

All messages sent to or from the journal recipients that you specify in a journaling rule are journaled (including all members of a distribution group if you specify this group as a recipient). If you do not specify a journaling recipient, all messages sent to or from recipients that match the journal rule scope are journaled.

Unified Messaging–Enabled Journal Recipients

Many organizations that implement journaling also use Unified Messaging (UM) to consolidate their email, voice mail, and fax infrastructure. You may not, however, want the journaling process to generate journal reports for messages generated by UM. You can decide whether to journal voice mail messages and missed call notification messages handled by an Exchange 2010 UM server or whether to skip such messages. However, messages that contain faxes generated by a UM server are always journaled, even if you configure a journal rule that specifies not to journal UM voice mail and missed call notification messages.

When you enable or disable the journaling of voice mail messages and missed call notification messages, your settings apply to all Hub Transport servers in your organization. You can use commands based on the Set-TransportConfig EMS cmdlet to enable or disable the journaling of voice mail messages and missed call notification messages. For example, the following command disables voice mail journaling on all Hub Transport servers:

Set-TransportConfig -VoicemailJournalingEnabled $false

Journaling mailbox specifies one or more mailboxes used for collecting journal reports. You can specify one journaling mailbox to collect messages for all the journal rules configured in the organization, or you can use different journaling mailboxes for different journal rules or sets of journal rules. How you configure the journaling mailbox depends on your organization’s policies and regulatory and legal requirements.

Journaling mailboxes typically contain sensitive information, and you need to secure them. Messages that are part of legal proceedings must remain tamper-free before they are submitted to an investigatory authority. Because of this requirement, you should create policies that govern who can access the journaling mailboxes in your organization and limit access only to those individuals who have a direct access requirement.

2.2. Creating and Configuring Journal Rules

You can use commands based on the New-JournalRule EMS cmdlet to configure new journal rules. For example, the following command stores all messages sent to [email protected] in the journaling mailbox “Don Hall Journal Mailbox”:

New-JournalRule -Name "Don-Hall-Compliance" -JournalEmailAddress "Don Hall Journal
Mailbox" -Scope Global -Recipient [email protected] -Enabled $True

The following command stores all messages sent to the distribution group [email protected] to the journaling mailbox “Authors Journal”:

New-JournalRule -Name "Book-Authors-Journal" -JournalEmailAddress "Authors Journal"
-Scope Global [email protected] -Enabled $True

Note that in both cases, the Enabled parameter is optional. Journal rules are enabled by default unless the Enabled parameter is set to $false.


You can use the New-Mailbox EMS cmdlet to create a mailbox to use as a journaling mailbox. You then create a Journaling rule using the New-JournalRule cmdlet to configure the mailbox as a journaling mailbox.

2.3. Replicating Journal Rules

Journal rules are stored in Active Directory and applied by all Hub Transport servers in an Exchange Server 2010 organization. If you create, modify, or remove a journal rule on a Hub Transport server, this change is replicated to all Active Directory servers in your organization. The Hub Transport servers then retrieve the updated journal rule configuration from the Active Directory servers. In this way, Exchange Server 2010 provides a consistent set of journal rules across the organization. All messages that pass in or through an Exchange Server 2010 organization are subject to the same journal rules. Journal rule replication depends on Active Directory replication.

2.4. Understanding Journal Reports

A journal report is the message that the journaling agent generates on a Hub Transport server when an email message matches a journal rule and is submitted to a journaling mailbox. Journal reports contain important message content and metadata. The original email message that matches the journal rule is included, unaltered as an attachment to the journal report. The body of a journal report contains information from the original message, such as the sender email address, message subject, message-ID, and recipient email addresses. This is the only journaling method supported by Exchange Server 2010 (and Exchange Server 2007) and is known as envelope journaling.

The information in a journal report is organized so that every value in each header field has its own line, which simplifies parsing. Exchange Server 2010 may generate more than one journal report for a single message. This depends on factors such as message bifurcation or distribution group expansion.

When the journaling agent journals a message, it tries to capture as much detail as possible. This information helps you determine the intent of the message, its recipients, and its senders. A journal report can tell you, for example, whether the recipients identified in the message are directly addressed in the To field or the Cc field or are included as part of a distribution list.

Journal report fields can be basic or extended. Basic journal report fields are listed and described in Table 1.

Table 1. Basic Journal Report Fields
Field Description
Sender Displays the SMTP address of the sender specified in the From header. If the message is sent on behalf of another sender, the field displays the address specified in the Sender header.
Subject Displays the subject header value.
Message-ID Displays the SMTP Message-ID.
Recipient Displays the SMTP address of a recipient included in an email message when Exchange cannot determine the recipient addressing of that message. This occurs when messages are received from the Internet or from unauthenticated senders and when messages are received from legacy Exchange servers. Recipients added by transport rules or other transport agents are also listed in the Recipient field.

Extended journal report fields are listed and described in Table 2.

Table 2. Extended journal report fields
Field Description
On-Behalf-Of Displays the SMTP address of the mailbox from which the message appears if the Send On Behalf Of feature is specified by the sender.
To Displays the SMTP address of a recipient included in the message envelope and in the To header field of the message.
Cc Displays the SMTP address of a recipient included in the message envelope and in the Cc header field of the message.
Bcc Displays the SMTP address of a recipient included in the message envelope and in the Bcc header field of the message.



The recipient address in a To, Cc, or Bcc field can be included directly by the sender or indirectly through distribution list expansion or if the message was forwarded to the recipient by another mailbox. To indicate whether the message went through distribution list expansion or was forwarded, the field may also contain one Expanded field or one Forwarded field, separated with commas. Expanded and Forwarded fields are described later in this lesson.

Whether extended journal report fields are populated depends on whether recipient addressing can be determined. If recipient addressing can be determined for a particular recipient, the recipient email address is inserted into the appropriate extended fields. In this case, the recipient email address is not inserted into the basic Recipient field.

If a message is submitted to a Hub Transport server by using any other method, such as anonymous submission from an Edge Transport server or submission from a server running Exchange Server 2003, Exchange cannot verify that the recipient addressing has not been tampered with. If recipient addressing cannot be verified, the recipient email address is inserted in the basic Recipient field and not into an extended To, Cc, or Bcc field.

For each recipient addressed on a message, one recipient journal report field is added. No recipient field contains more than one recipient email address, except for recipient fields that contain recipients expanded from a distribution group or that have received a message forwarded from another mailbox. For expanded or forwarded messages, the email address of the recipient that received final delivery of the message and the email address of the distribution group or mailbox that was originally addressed are included.

The Expanded field is provided as an addition to the To, Cc, and Bcc fields, preceded by a comma. The Field displays the SMTP address of the distribution group that contains either the recipient specified in the To, Cc, or Bcc field or the nested distribution lists that contain the specified recipient. The address displayed in this field is always the first distribution list to be expanded, regardless of how many nested distribution lists may be between the original parent distribution list and the expanded final recipient specified in the To, Cc, or Bcc field.

The Forwarded field is also an addition to the To, Cc, and Bcc fields and is preceded by a comma. Typically, this field displays the email address of a mailbox configured to forward email messages to the account specified in the To, Cc, or Bcc field. If a chain of forwarding mailboxes is configured, where each mailbox forwards messages to the next one, the first forwarding mailbox is displayed in the Forwarded field, and the SMTP address of the final, nonforwarding mailbox in the chain is displayed in the To, Cc, or Bcc field.

2.5. Specifying a Journaling Mailbox Storage Quota

The size of a journaling mailbox can affect the delivery and availability of journal reports. When you configure a journaling mailbox to accept journal reports, you can decide to configure the maximum size of the journaling mailbox. You should consider the amount of data the mailbox needs to store, the hardware resources available, and the disaster recovery requirements for the server where the journaling mailbox is located. You must also consider what would occur if a journaling mailbox exceeded its configured mailbox quota.

You can configure the Prohibit Send And Receive At (MB) option for a storage quota on a journaling mailbox as you can with any other mailbox. The mailbox then accepts journal reports until it reaches the configured storage quota. When the prohibit send and receive storage quota is exceeded, the journaling mailbox stops accepting journal reports.

If a quota is exceeded, Exchange Server 2010 does not return journal reports to the original sender as it does with regular messages. It instead holds undelivered journal reports in a mail queue and tries to redeliver them until delivery is successful. Although this means that all journal reports generated are eventually delivered, it can generate excessively large mail queues on Hub Transport servers, especially in organizations with high messaging traffic.

Typically, you would configure the prohibit send and receive storage quota on journaling mailboxes to the maximum size that hardware resources and disaster recovery capabilities allow. However, if you decide to configure journaling mailboxes without storage quotas, take care to monitor your Mailbox servers to ensure that the size of a journaling mailbox does not exceed the available hardware resources or disaster recovery capabilities.

You specify a storage quota for a journaling mailbox in the same way as you do for any other mailbox. Figure 1 shows the Storage Quotas configuration box available from the Mailbox Settings tab of the Properties dialog box for the journaling mailbox Book-Authors-Journal with a Prohibit Send And Receive At (MB) setting of 1,024 (1 GB). Note that if you do not want to set any storage quotas for a journaling mailbox, which may often be the case, you need only clear the Use Mailbox Database Defaults on this configuration page.

Alternatively, you can use the Set-Mailbox EMS cmdlet. The following command configures the Prohibit Send And Receive At setting for the journaling mailbox Don-Hall-Journal-Mailbox to 500 MB:

Set-Mailbox -Identity "Don-Hall-Journal-Mailbox" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 524288000

Figure 1. Configuring a storage quota

2.6. Configuring an Alternate Journaling Mailbox

If you do not want to allow rejected journal reports to collect in an email queue on a Hub Transport server when the journaling mailbox is unavailable, you can configure an alternate journaling mailbox to store those journal reports. The alternate journaling mailbox receives the NDRs generated when the journaling mailbox or the server on which it is located refuses delivery of the journal report or becomes unavailable. When the journaling mailbox becomes available again, you can use the Send Again feature of Microsoft Office Outlook to submit journal reports for delivery to the journaling mailbox.

Mailbox databases and journal rules may be configured to deliver journal reports to different journaling mailboxes. However, if you create an alternate journaling mailbox, all the journal reports that are rejected or cannot be delivered in your entire Exchange Server 2010 organization are delivered to the alternate journaling mailbox. Therefore, you must ensure that the alternate journaling mailbox and the Mailbox server on which it is located can support a large volume of journal reports.

It is important to monitor the alternate journaling mailbox to make sure that it does not become unavailable. You must also ensure that the use of an alternate journaling mailbox does not violate any laws or regulations that apply to your organization. If laws or regulations prohibit journal reports sent to different journaling mailboxes from being stored in the same alternate journaling mailbox, you may be unable to configure an alternate journaling mailbox. You need to discuss this with your legal representatives.



Journal reports that have already failed delivery before the alternate journaling mailbox is configured are not redirected.

You can use the Set-TransportConfig EMS cmdlet to configure an existing mailbox as an alternate journaling mailbox. You will configure an alternate journaling mailbox in the practice session later in this lesson.


You can use the New-Mailbox cmdlet to create a mailbox for use as an alternate journaling mailbox and then use the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet to configure it as an alternate journaling mailbox. You should not attempt to configure a mailbox you have already configured as a journaling mailbox (using the New-JournalRule cmdlet) as an alternate journaling mailbox.

2.7. Protecting Journal Reports

If journaling is configured, the journaling agent generates journal reports that contain message metadata, and the entire original message is attached to the journal report. It is important to protect the integrity of journal reports and the journaling mailbox and protect them from unauthorized access.

Exchange 2010 protects journal reports sent within an Exchange Server 2010 Organization by using secure links between Hub Transport servers and Mailbox servers. It sends the journal report as the Exchange recipient object, authenticates the session between the Hub Transport server and the Mailbox server, and accepts only secure, authenticated connections. This helps reduce the possibility of tampering with journal reports delivered to the journaling mailbox.

Also, you must implement access controls that ensure that the journaling mailbox is protected from unauthorized access. These controls should include recording and monitoring password changes to journaling mailbox user accounts, monitoring domain logons by such user accounts, and monitoring changes to mailbox permissions for journaling mailboxes.

If there is a requirement to send journal reports to a recipient that does not reside in the same Exchange Server 2010 organization as the Hub Transport server, including recipients residing on another email system within your organization or to an external email system, the connections between the two email systems may not be automatically encrypted. However, you can use the following Exchange Server 2010 solutions to help protect journal reports sent to the third-party solution providers:

  • Configure a mail-enabled contact that sends email messages to the SMTP address of the third-party solution and configure Exchange Server 2010 to send journal reports to that contact. Configure the contact to accept journal reports only from an Exchange recipient.

  • Accept only email messages from the SMTP address of the Exchange contact.

  • Require authentication on the receiving system.

  • Configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) between the two systems.

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