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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Understanding Query Optimization - Query Compilation and Optimization

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8/19/2011 5:53:59 PM

What’s New in Query Optimization

SQL Server 2008 introduces a few new features and capabilities related to query optimization and query performance in an attempt to deliver on the theme of “predictable performance.” The primary new features and enhancements are as follows:

  • An enhancement has been added to the OPTIMIZE FOR query hint option to include a new UNKNOWN option, which specifies that the Database Engine use statistical data to determine the values for one or more local variables during query optimization, instead of the initial values.

  • Table hints can now be specified as query hints in the context of plan guides to provide advanced query performance tuning options

  • A new FORCESEEK table hint has been added. This hint specifies that the query optimizer should use only an index seek operation as the access path to the data referenced in the query.

  • Hash values are available for finding and tuning similar queries. The sys.dm_exec_query_stats and sys.dm_exec_requests catalog views provide query hash and query plan hash values that you can use to help determine the aggregate resource usage for similar queries and similar query execution plans. This can help you find and tune similar queries that individually consume minimal system resources but collectively consume significant system resources.

  • The new filtered indexes feature in SQL Server 2008 is considered for estimating index usefulness.

  • Parallel query processing on partitioned objects has been improved.

One of the key improvements in SQL Server 2008 is the simplification of the creation and use of plan guides:

  • The sp_create_plan_guide stored procedure now accepts XML execution plan output directly via the @hints parameter instead of having to embed the output in the USE PLAN hint.

  • A new stored procedure, sp_create_plan_guide_from_handle, allows you to create one or more plan guides from an existing query plan in the plan cache.

  • You can create multiple OBJECT or SQL plan guides for the same query and batch or module although only one of these plan guides can be enabled at any given time.

  • A new system function, sys.fn_validate_plan_guide, enables you to validate a plan guide.

  • New SQL Profiler event classes, Plan Guide Successful and Plan Guide Unsuccessful, enable you to verify whether plan guides are being used by the Query Optimizer.

  • New Performance Monitor counters in the SQL Server, SQL Statistics Object—Guided Plan Executions/sec and Misguided Plan Executions/sec—can be used to monitor the number of plan executions in which the query plan has been successfully or unsuccessfully generated by using a plan guide.

  • Built-in support is now available for creating, deleting, enabling, disabling, or scripting plan guides in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Plan guides now are located in the Programmability folder in Object Explorer.


Many of the internals of the Query Optimizer and its costing algorithms are considered proprietary and have not been made public. Much of the information provided here is based on analysis and observation of query plans generated for various queries and search values.

What Is the Query Optimizer?

For any given SQL statement, the source tables can be accessed in many ways to return the desired result set. The Query Optimizer analyzes all the possible ways the result set can be generated and chooses the most appropriate method, called the query plan or execution plan. SQL Server uses a cost-based Query Optimizer. The Query Optimizer assigns a cost to every possible execution plan in terms of CPU resource usage and page I/O. The Query Optimizer then chooses the execution plan with the lowest associated cost.

Thus, the primary goal of the Query Optimizer is to find the least expensive execution plan that minimizes the total time required to process a query. Because I/O is the most significant factor in query processing time, the Query Optimizer analyzes the query and primarily searches for access paths and techniques to minimize the number of logical and physical page accesses as much as possible. The lower the number of logical and physical I/Os performed, the faster the query should run.

Query Compilation and Optimization

Query compilation is the complete process from the submission of a query to its actual execution. There are many steps involved in query compilation—one of which is optimization. All T-SQL statements are compiled, but not all are optimized. Primarily, only the standard SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements—SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE—require optimization. The other procedural constructs in T-SQL (IF, WHILE, local variables, and so on) are compiled as procedural logic but do not require optimization. DML statements are set-oriented requests that the Query Optimizer must translate into procedural code that can be executed efficiently to return the desired results.


SQL Server also optimizes some Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, such as CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE, against the data tables. For example, a displayed query plan for the creation of an index shows optimization steps for accessing the table, sorting data, and inserting into the index tree.

Compiling DML Statements

When SQL Server compiles an execution plan for a DML statement, it performs the following basic steps:

The query is parsed and checked for proper syntax, and the T-SQL statements are parsed into keywords, expressions, operators, and identifiers to generate a query tree. The query tree (sometimes referred to as the sequence tree) is an internal format of the query that SQL Server can operate on. It is essentially the logical steps needed to transform the query into the desired result.

The query tree is then normalized and simplified. During normalization, the tables and columns are verified, and the metadata (data types, null properties, index statistics, and so on) about them is retrieved. In addition, any views are resolved to their underlying tables, and implicit conversions are performed (for example, an integer compared with a float value). Also during this phase, any redundant operations (for example, unnecessary or redundant joins) are removed, and the query tree is simplified.

The Query Optimizer analyzes the different ways the source tables can be accessed and selects the series of steps that return the results fastest while typically using the fewest resources. The query tree is updated with the optimized series of steps, and an execution plan (also referred to as query plan) is generated from the final, optimized version of the sequence tree.

After the optimized execution plan is generated, SQL Server stores the optimized plan in the procedure cache.

SQL Server reads the execution plan from the procedure cache and executes the query plan, returning the result set (if any) to the client.

The optimized execution plan is then left in the procedure cache. If the same query or stored procedure is executed again and the plan is still available in the procedure cache, the steps to optimize and generate the execution plan are skipped, and the stored query execution plan is reused to execute the query or stored procedure.

Optimization Steps

When the query tree is passed to the Query Optimizer, the Query Optimizer performs a series of steps to break down the query into its component pieces for analysis to generate an optimal execution plan:

Query analysis—The query is analyzed to determine search arguments and join clauses. A search argument is defined as a WHERE clause that compares a column to a constant. A join clause is a WHERE clause that compares a column from one table to a column from another table.

Row estimation and index selection—Indexes are selected based on search arguments and join clauses (if any exist). Indexes are evaluated based on their distribution statistics and are assigned a cost.

Join selection—The join order is evaluated to determine the most appropriate order in which to access tables. In addition, the Query Optimizer evaluates the most appropriate join algorithm to match the data.

Execution plan selection—Execution costs are evaluated, and a query execution plan is created that represents the most efficient solution found by the optimizer.

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