3. Using the Echo Command
The command line uses the term echo
to describe the process where the system echoes (repeats) every command
in a batch file to the command line. Echo provides a means of seeing
which command the system is processing. However, echo can become
confusing for users who aren't aware of or don't care about the commands
that are executing. In addition, echo can disrupt visual effects, such
as menu systems, that you create. The Echo command has two forms. The first form
displays the echo status when you don't include any arguments. The ON argument turns on echo so you can see the commands, and the OFF argument turns off echo so you can create visual effects. You can precede the Echo command with the @ sign so it doesn't appear as one of the commands. @Echo OFF would turn echo off without displaying the echo command at the command prompt.
The second form of echo
ECHO [message]
lets you display a message. Simply type the text you want to see after the Echo command. In this case, the system won't display the Echo command, just the message you want to display. Don't use the @ sign with this form of the Echo command or the user won't see the message.
4. Using the Exit Command
Most people associate the Exit command with closing the current command window. Using Exit
alone will close the command window. However, you can also use this
command within a batch file to exit the batch file. To perform this
task, you must use one or both of the following optional Exit arguments.
Specifies that you
want to exit a batch file, rather than the current command line session.
If you don't specify this command line switch, the command window
closes, even when you issue the Exit command from a batch file.
Defines an exit code
for the batch file. The default exit code is 0, which normally
signifies success. You can use exit codes to alert the caller to errors
or special conditions. The exit codes aren't defined by the system, so
you can define any set of exit codes that you deem necessary for your
5. Using the ForFiles Utility
The ForFiles
utility provides a means of looping through a list of files and
performing actions on those files one at a time. For example, you might
want to process all files that someone has changed since a certain date. This command uses the following syntax:
FORFILES [/P pathname] [/M searchmask] [/S] [/C command]
[/D [+ | -] {MM/dd/yyyy | dd}]
The following list describes each of the command line arguments.
- /P
Specifies the starting
point for a search. The path is the starting folder in the search. The
default setting uses the current directory as the starting point.
- /M
Defines a search
mask for the files. You can use the asterisk (*) and question mark (?)
as wildcard characters, just as you would when using the Directory
command. The default setting searches for all files in the target
- /S
Searches all of the subdirectories of the specified directory.
- /C
Specifies the
command you want to execute for each file. Always wrap the command in
double quotes to ensure it isn't interpreted as part of the ForFile command. The default command is "cmd /c echo @file". Always precede internal command processor command with cmd /c. The following list describes the variables that you can use as part of the command.
- @file
Returns the name of the file, including the file extension.
- @fname
Returns the name of the file without the extension.
- @ext
Returns only the file extension.
- @path
Returns the full path of the file. This information includes the drive as well as the actual path.
- @relpath
Returns the relative path of the file. The relative path begins at the starting folder.
- @isdir
Specifies whether the file type is a directory. True indicates a directory entry.
- @fsize
Indicates the size of the file in bytes.
- @fdate
Indicates the date that someone last modified the file.
- @ftime
Indicates the time that someone last modified the file.
You can include special
characters in a command by using the 0xHH format where HH is a
hexadecimal number. For example, you can specify a tab by typing 0x09.
- /D
Selects files
that have a last modified date within the specified range. You specify a
specific date using the month/day/year (mm/dd/yyyy) format. Add a plus
sign if you want files after the specified date or a minus sign if you
want files before the specified date. For example, /D-01/01/2008
would select all files modified before January 1, 2008. You can also
specify a relative date by providing a positive or negative number. For
example, /D-7 would select all files modified within the last seven days. The /D command line switch accepts any number between 0 and −32,768.
6. Using the For Command
The For command fulfills a special niche in batch file programming. Unfortunately, using wildcard characters won't
always work. Sometimes you need to know the name of the file. A command
line utility might not support wildcard characters or the file argument
doesn't easily fit within the wildcard method of description. That's
where the For statement comes into play for batch files. This command takes the form:
FOR %%variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]
You can also use this
command at the command prompt to process files manually. Instead of
using a single percent (%) symbol, you use two in front of the variable.
Here's a sample of how you can use this command in a batch file.
Echo Off
For %%F In (*.BAT *.TXT) Do Dir %%F /B
Echo On
In this case, the For
command processes all of the files that have a BAT or TXT extension in
the current directory. The command processes the files in the order in
which they appear in the directory and you have no guarantee what the
order is. The %%F variable contains the name of an individual file. The Dir command is called once for each file with the %%F
variable as an input. In this case, the command outputs the filenames
using the bare format, so you could use this batch file to create a text
file containing a list of files that match the criteria. Additional
processing could archive the files or do anything else that you might
like. The For command provides the following arguments.
{%Variable | %%Variable}
Specifies a
replaceable parameter; the argument that will receive the individual
members of a set. The replaceable parameter takes two forms. Use the %Variable form when you want to use the replaceable parameter as input to another command or utility. Use the %%Variable
form when you want to use the replaceable parameter for activities
within the batch file. The variable names are case sensitive, so %f isn't the same as %F. In addition, you must use an alphabetical variable name, such as %A, %B, or %C.
- (Set)
Defines the set to
process. The set can include one or more files, directories, range of
values, or text strings that you want to process with the specified
command. For example, you can use environment variables as the set. The
command For %%P In (%PATH%) Do ECHO %%P would display the members of the PATH environment variable as individual strings.
- Command
Specifies the command you want to perform for each entry in the set.
- CommandLineOptions
Defines the
command line options for the command that you want to perform for each
entry in the set.
6.1. Performing Complex File Iteration
You can use the For command to process command output, strings, and the content of files. In this case, the For
command begins by breaking the input into individual lines of content
and discarding any blank lines. It then breaks whatever input you
provide into specific tokens based on the rules you specify. A token can
be a control character, a special word, or anything else you can define
as part of the simple syntax for this command. The For command passes the token to a command you specify as input. Here's the command line syntax for this form of the For command.
for /F ["ParsingKeywords"] {%% | %}Variabe lin (FileNameSet) do Command
for /F ["ParsingKeywords"] {%% | %}Variable in ("LiteralString") do
Command [CommandLineOptions]
for /F ["ParsingKeywords"] {%% | %}Variable in ('Command') do Command
Notice that you need to
use a different command line syntax for each kind of input. A filename
appears without quotes, while a string appears in double quotes and a
command appears in single quotes. The small differences in command
format determines how the For command views the input.
The ParsingKeywords input is
a quoted string that specifies the rules for parsing the input into
tokens. These keywords always appear in double quotes, as shown. The
following list describes the keywords you can use.
- eol=c
Specifies an end of line character. The For command only allows you to specify one character.
- skip=N
Specifies the number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file.
- delims=xxx
Specifies a delimiter set. The delimiter set defines which characters the For command views as elements between tokens. The default setting relies on the space and tab. Consequently, the For command produces a new token every time it sees a space or tab within the input.
- tokens=X,Y,M-N
Defines which tokens to retrieve from each line of text to pass to the For command body for each iteration. The For
command allocates one variable for each of the tokens. The M-N format
defines a range of tokens to use as input. Whenever the last character
in a processed string is an asterisk (*), the For command creates an additional variable to receive the additional text on the line after the For command parses the last token.
- usebackq
that you can use quotation marks to quote filenames in FileNameSet, a
back quoted string is executed as a command, and a single quoted string
is a literal string command.
You need to use a slightly different command line syntax with the For command when you rely on the usebackq keyword. Here are the three command lines using this syntax.
for /F ["usebackqParsingKeywords"] {%% | %}Variable in ("FileNameSet")
do Command [CommandLineOptions]
for /F ["usebackqParsingKeywords"] {%% | %}Variable in
('LiteralString') do Command [CommandLineOptions]
for /F ["usebackqParsingKeywords"] {%% | %}Variable in ('Command') do
Command [CommandLineOptions]
6.2. Using Variable Substitution
substitution is the act of exchanging a variable name for the content of
that variable. However, unlike expansion, you don't necessarily use all
of the variable content. For example, instead of using the entire path
for a file, you might just use the drive letter, the path, or the
filename. The following list describes the basic forms of variable
substitution available with the For command. (The list assumes that you're using a variable named I, which translates into %I at the command line.)
- %~I
Removes any surrounding quotation marks from the variable content.
- %~fI
Expands %I to a fully qualified pathname.
- %~dI
Expands %I to a drive letter only.
- %~pI
Expands %I to a path only.
- %~nI
Expands %I to a filename only.
- %~xI
Expands %I to a file extension only.
- %~sI
Creates a path variable, and then changes any long directory names into their short name equivalents.
- %~aI
Obtains the file attributes of the input file.
- %~tI
Obtains the date and time of the input file.
- %~zI
Obtains the size of the input file.
- %~$PATH:I
Searches the directories listed in the PATH
environment variable for the file specified by I. The system then
expands the first match that it finds to a fully qualified filename,
which includes the drive, path, and filename. This variable substitution
returns an empty string when the PATH environment variable is undefined or if the system can't find a match for the filename.
You can
use these variable substitutions in combination to produce specific
results. For example, you might want to create a directory-like listing
of files. The following list provides some ideas on how to use the
variable substitution arguments in combination.
- %~dpI
Outputs just the drive letter and path of a file, without including the filename.
- %~nxI
Outputs the filename and extension, but leaves out the drive letter and path.
- %~fsI
Outputs the file information using the short name (8.3 format) form only.
- %~dp$PATH:I
Locates the file using the PATH environment variable. The system outputs just the drive letter and path of the first match found.
- %~ftzaI
Creates the same output as the Dir command. However, the output is different from the Dir command because the file listing could span multiple directories. The focus of the listing is different.