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Windows Server 2008 Server Core : Recording System Status Information (part 2) - Triggering System Events with the EventTriggers Utility

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2. Triggering System Events with the EventTriggers Utility

One of the problems with the event log is that it can quickly become clogged with information—more information than many network administrators want to wade through to locate a particular event of importance. Starting with Windows XP, you can set an event trigger on the event log. When an event log entry matching the criteria you specify appears, you can tell the EventTriggers utility to perform any number of tasks—anything from sending an email message to running a particular application (batch files included).

The interesting part about using event triggers is that you can track problems occurring on any system (local or remote) with greater ease. Although you might want to look at all of those informational messages in the event log at some point, the SQL Server error message is the one that you really want to know about the second it occurs. The SQL Server message is an example of an event log entry that you want to track using an event trigger. Of course, the entry could just as easily be from any other application. For example, you might want to know when the Windows Time Service fails to find an online time synchronization source.

The EventTriggers utility provides three modes of operation: Create, Delete, and Query. Each one of these modes controls a particular aspect of working with event triggers. The following sections discuss these three modes of operation and show how you use them to manage event triggers on your system.

2.1. Create

Before you can use event triggers, you have to create them. The Create mode helps you add new event triggers. Each event trigger reacts to a separate event in the event log, so you need one event trigger for each event log entry that you want to monitor. This mode uses the following syntax:

EVENTTRIGGERS /Create [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] /TR
triggername /TK taskname [/D description] [/L log] { [/EID id]
\[/T type] [/SO source] } [/RU username [/RP password]]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies a remote system. You can use any connected system to store the event log entries. Some administrators send event log entries to a central location to ensure someone sees them. The remote system must allow the required access.

[domain\] user

Defines the user context for executing the command. The user context is important because not every user has access to the event log. In addition, the user context appears as part of the event log entry.


Provides a password for the user context. The utility prompts you for the password (when necessary) if you don't include it on the command line. In most cases, supplying the password when prompted is safer from a security perspective than including this information on the command line or as part of a batch file entry.


Defines a human-readable name to associate with the event trigger. Using names such as MyTrigger probably won't work well. It's important to create a descriptive name that you'll recognize easily. Make sure you make the name unique by adding some elements for the event log entry that it monitors. For example, WinMgmtWarning63 would be a good name for an event generated by the Windows management service at the warning level for event identifier number 63.


Specifies the Windows event log to monitor. The three common logs include Application, System, and Security. The DNS Server and Directory logs commonly appear on servers. You can also specify any custom log. You can use wildcard characters to define the log name. The default value is "*" (without the quotes), which is all of the event logs on the specified machine.


Specifies which Event ID to monitor in the event log. This value is application specific, so you need to know which Event ID an application will use for a particular requirement.


Specifies the Event Type to monitor in the event log. The valid values include ERROR, INFORMATION, WARNING, SUCCESSAUDIT, and FAILUREAUDIT. The SUCCESSAUDIT and FAILUREAUDIT only appear in security logs.


Specifies the Event Source to monitor in the event log. The Event Source varies by application and by entity performing a task. For example, the system can just as easily generate an event that a user can generate. Unless you want to monitor the activities of a specific entity, you should refrain from supplying this command line switch.


Specifies the Description to monitor in the event log. Using this command line switch makes the event trigger very specific. In fact, the event trigger becomes so specific that you might miss events. Use this particular command line switch with caution and only in cases where you know exactly which message you want to receive.


Defines the name of the task to perform when the event trigger fires. Generally, this is the name of an application (including any required command line switches), batch file, script, or other executable entity. For example, you can tell Outlook to send you a message about the event using Outlook's command line switches to generate an email.


Defines the user account to use to run the task. Use "" (two quotes) for the system account. The default username is the current username or the name used to access the remote system with the /U command line switch.


Defines the password for the task user account. The EventTriggers utility ignores this value when working with the system account. Supply a value of "*" (without the quotes) or none when you want the EventTriggers utility to prompt for a password.

2.2. Delete

Use the Delete mode to remove any event triggers you no longer need. This mode uses the following syntax:

EVENTTRIGGERS /Delete [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] /TID id
[/TID id1 [...[/TID idn]]]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies a remote system. You can use any connected system to store the event log entries. Some administrators send event log entries to a central location to ensure someone sees them. The remote system must allow the required access.


Defines the user context for executing the command. The user context is important because not every user has access to the event log. In addition, the user context appears as part of the event log entry.


Provides a password for the user context. The utility prompts you for the password (when necessary) if you don't include it on the command line. In most cases, supplying the password when prompted is safer from a security perspective than including this information on the command line or as part of a batch file entry.


Specifies the Trigger Identifier to remove from the list of event triggers. Every time you create a new event trigger, the system assigns it an identifier. You can see this identifier by using the Query mode. This command line switch accepts the * wildcard, which deletes all of the event triggers on the system.

2.3. Query

The Query mode displays a list of all of the event triggers on a system. You can use this list for real-time work with the event triggers. However, by changing the format, you can also use this mode to add the event triggers to a database for later reference. This mode uses the following syntax:

EVENTTRIGGERS /Query [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] [/FO
{TABLE | LIST | CSV}] [/NH] [/V]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies a remote system. You can use any connected system to store the event log entries. Some administrators send event log entries to a central location to ensure someone sees them. The remote system must allow the required access.

[domain\] user

Defines the user context for executing the command. The user context is important because not every user has access to the event log. In addition, the user context appears as part of the event log entry.


Provides a password for the user context. The utility prompts you for the password (when necessary) if you don't include it on the command line. In most cases, supplying the password when prompted is safer from a security perspective than including this information on the command line or as part of a batch file entry.


Defines the output format for this mode. The default output is a tabular view. The table columns define the values for output, while each row contains one event trigger entry. The CSV output provides the best method for preparing the data for entry in a database. Use redirection to output the CSV data to a file and then import it to your database. The list format provides one data element per line. Each group of data elements defines one event trigger. The utility separates each event trigger by one blank line. Some people find the list format more readable when working in verbose mode since the table format requires multiple lines for each entry (the lines wrap).


Specifies that the EventTriggers utility shouldn't display the column headers. You can use this option when creating pure content for reports or other needs. The EventTriggers utility accepts this command line switch only when using the table and CSV formats.


Outputs additional information about each event trigger. The default output includes the trigger identifier, event trigger name, and the name of the task the event trigger performs. The additional information includes the hostname, the event trigger query (the arguments used to trigger it), the description information, and the username used to run the task.

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