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Windows Server 2008 Server Core : Working with iSCSI Using the iSCSICli Utility (part 2) - iSCSICli Mappings and Flags

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3. iSCSICli Mappings and Flags

The iSCSICli utility requires a number of special mappings and flags. A mapping provides the means for the iSCSICli utility to make a connection between a physical device and its information within the operating system. In this case, the actual mapping is the Logical Unit Number (LUN). In addition, many of the arguments support specific flag values. A flag is a bit position or specific value that determines how iSCSICli reacts in a given situation. The following list describes the mappings and flags used by iSCSICli.

Target Mappings

Determines how the iSCSI initiator accesses a particular LUN or the techniques used to expose the LUN.


Defines the LUN value the target uses to expose the LUN. You must provide this value in the form 0x0123456789abcdef.


Defines the bus number that the operating system should use to access the LUN.


Defines the target number the operating system should use to access the LUN.


Defines the LUN number the operating system should use to access the LUN.

Payload Id Type

Defines the technique used to provide an address for the payload.


1—Id format is


2—Id format is ComputerName


5—Id format is IPv6 Address

Security Flags

Specifies the technique used to authenticate requests and responses.





PFS Enabled


Aggressive Mode


Main Mode


IPSec/IKE Enabled


Valid Flags


Login Flags

Determines the method used to log into the iSNS server.


0x00000001 (Requires IPSec for the operation.)


0x00000002 (Enables multipathing for the target on this initiator.)


Defines the authentication type.


0 (Disables iSCSI in-band authentication.)


1 (Relies on one-way CHAP, where the target authenticates the iSCSI initiator.)


2 (Relies on mutual CHAP, where the target and the iSCSI initiator authenticate each other.)

Target Flags

Determines the visibility of the target on the local system.


0x00000002 (The local system doesn't see the target unless it also discovers the target dynamically.)


0x00000004 (The local system receives target information. The operating system merges this information with any existing statically configured information for the target.)

4. Managing Volume Labels with the Label Utility

The Label utility creates, deletes, or changes the volume label for a drive. The volume label appears at the top of the hierarchy in applications such as Windows Explorer and helps the user identify the drive. In addition to standard drives, this utility also works with mount points . This utility uses the following syntax:

LABEL [drive:][label]
LABEL [/MP] [volume] [label]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies the letter of the drive to change.


Defines the new volume label. If you leave the volume label blank, then the Label utility queries you for a volume label. Pressing Enter deletes any existing label. Type a new value and press Enter to change the volume label. Press Ctrl+C to abort the action without changing the label. Volume labels for FAT-formatted drives can only have 11 characters, while NTFS-formatted drives can have volume labels up to 32 characters. You can't use these characters in a label for a FAT-formatted drive: * ? / \ | . , ; : + = [ ] < > ".


Specifies that the drive specification is a mount point or a volume, rather than a drive.


Defines the mount point or volume name. If you specify a volume name, then you don't need to provide the /MP command line switch.

5. Creating Directories with the MD and MkDir Commands

The MD and MkDir commands are equivalent. Both of these commands create a new directory from the command line. Windows automatically recognizes the new directory, and you can see it within Windows Explorer and use it from applications. One of the more interesting ways to use this command is within a batch file to create a directory structure for some task or to set up a new user. This utility uses the following syntax:

MKDIR [drive:]path
MD [drive:]path

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


The drive to use when creating the new directory. The default is to use the current drive.


The absolute or relative path to use when creating the new directory. The default is to create the new directory as a subdirectory of the current directory. However, you can specify an absolute or relative path as needed. See the "Understanding Absolute and Relative Paths" side-bar for additional details. These commands create all of the directories required to provide the full path in the specification, so you might create multiple directories when specifying a long path.

Understanding Absolute and Relative Paths

Some people get confused by the term path at the command line. The path is simply the list of directories from the root (topmost) directory to the current directory. The current directory is the one that you're working in at any given time.

The command line specifies the root directory with a simple backslash (\). When you go down a level, you add the directory name to the list. For example, if you move to the MyDir directory, then the path becomes \MyDir\. You can expand this list to any level of detail required to describe the current directory. For example, when you move to the SubDir directory from the MyDir directory, then the path becomes \MyDir\SubDir\.

Many commands and utilities require path information. Most of them can use either an absolute or relative path. An absolute path always expresses the full path from the root directory to the current directory. For example, when you're in the SubDir directory, the absolute path is \MyDir\SubDir. The relative path describes the hierarchy in reference to the current directory. Consequently, the relative path for SubDir is SubDir. Notice that you don't begin a relative path with a backslash.

When working with directories using commands, you often need to specify a destination using either an absolute or a relative path. For example, if you want to create a new subdirectory in the SubDir directory, you could type MD NewDir. This form of the command uses a relative path. The same command using an absolute path would appear as MD \MyDir\SubDir\NewDir. You might think the absolute path form wastes time, but it's always more accurate than using a relative path and eliminates the possibility of creating a directory where you didn't expect it.

The command window also provides support for two special relative paths. The first is the current directory, which is specified as a single period (.). The second is the parent directory (the one directly above the current directory in the directory hierarchy), which is specified as a double period (..). Many commands and utilities, such as the CD, benefit from this current directory and parent directory shortcut terminology.
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