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System Center Configuration Manager 2007 : Site Maintenance (part 2) - Data Discovery Record (DDR) Retention

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Data Discovery Record (DDR) Retention

After installing a ConfigMgr site, you add clients and resources to the site. These objects are added using a discovery method. (The only required discovery method is the heartbeat discovery method.) Various discovery methods can be used that search Active Directory or the network for resources. Those resources include computers, Active Directory (AD) objects, site systems, routers, hubs, printers, and Internet Protocol (IP)-addressable devices.

As ConfigMgr 2007 discovers resources, it creates records in the Configuration Manager database and files with a .DDR extension. These discovery records are called data discovery records (DDRs), which refer to the .ddr file format and the actual file used by ConfigMgr to report discovery data to a Configuration Manager site database. You can use these DDRs to target installations for client deployment. DDRs are the main method to tell a ConfigMgr site crucial details about clients. Without DDRs, no clients would be in the database for your administrators to manage!

DDRs are generated based upon the type of discovery method used and based upon a polling schedule that indicates when ConfigMgr performs the actions required to execute the discovery, such as querying Active Directory for systems in the container specified within the discovery method. Heartbeat discovery is unique because the ConfigMgr server does not poll these systems; the discovery configuration only specifies how frequently the clients send their heartbeats to ConfigMgr. The specific information contained in each record can vary depending on the particular resource.

Here are the different discoveries available in ConfigMgr 2007:

  • Active Directory System Discovery— Not enabled by default; default polling schedule is daily.

  • Active Directory Security Group Discovery— Not enabled by default; default polling schedule is daily.

  • Active Directory System Discovery— Not enabled by default; default polling schedule is daily.

  • Active Directory User Discovery— Not enabled by default; default polling schedule is daily.

  • Heartbeat Discovery— Enabled by default; default polling schedule is once a week. Heartbeat discovery is unique in that it is the only discovery method that returns a client Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) as part of the discovery record; it also is the only discovery method to dictate whether clients are displayed as “installed” in the ConfigMgr console. Heartbeat discovery is responsible for letting the site know a client is still healthy.

  • Network Discovery— Not enabled by default; no default schedule.

Data collected can include things such as the NetBIOS name of the computer, the IP address, the MAC (Media Access Control) address, and the IP subnet of the discovered computer or device.

You can configure each type of discovery method on its own custom schedule. When ConfigMgr runs discoveries, it generates resource DDRs to keep discovery data current in the database and inform ConfigMgr that the resource is still valid for the site.

DDRs are not intended for use as extended inventory; they contain basic information that gives the ConfigMgr site enough information to place the client in the database and determine if it were reported previously.

The following is a sample of a heartbeat DDR file created for the Alamo server shown in eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format. Note the NetBIOSName information for the Alamo server, IP Address information, AD Site, ConfigMgr Site, and Domain information:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
- <Report>
- <ReportHeader>
- <Identification>
- <Machine>
- <ReportDetails>
- <InventoryAction ActionType="Predefined">
- <ReportBody>
- <Instance ParentClass="Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" Class="Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" Namespace="\\ALAMO\root\cimv2" Content="New">
- <Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration>
- <Instance ParentClass="Win32_ComputerSystemProduct" Class="Win32_ComputerSystemProduct" Namespace="\\ALAMO\root\cimv2" Content="New">
- <Win32_ComputerSystemProduct>
- <Instance ParentClass="CCM_Client" Class="CCM_Client" Namespace="\\ALAMO\ROOT\ccm" Content="New">
- <CCM_Client>
- <Instance ParentClass="CCM_DiscoveryData" Class="CCM_DiscoveryData" Namespace="\\ALAMO\root\ccm\invagt" Content="New">
- <CCM_DiscoveryData>
- <Instance ParentClass="SMS_Authority" Class="SMS_Authority"
Namespace="\\ALAMO\ROOT\ccm" Content="New">
- <SMS_Authority>
- <Instance ParentClass="CCM_ExtNetworkAdapterConfiguration" Class="CCM_ExtNetworkAdapterConfiguration" Namespace="\\ALAMO\root\ccm\invagt" Content="New">
- <CCM_ExtNetworkAdapterConfiguration>
- <Instance ParentClass="CCM_ClientIdentificationInformation" Class="CCM_ClientIdentificationInformation" Namespace="\\ALAMO\ROOT\ccm" Content="New">
- <CCM_ClientIdentificationInformation>
- <Instance ParentClass="Win32_ComputerSystem" Class="Win32_ComputerSystem" Namespace="\\ALAMO\root\cimv2" Content="New">
- <Win32_ComputerSystem>
- <Instance ParentClass="CCM_ADSiteInfo" Class="CCM_ADSiteInfo"
Namespace="\\ALAMO\root\ccm\invagt" Content="New">
- <CCM_ADSiteInfo>
- <Instance ParentClass="CCM_ComputerSystem" Class="CCM_ComputerSystem" Namespace="\\ALAMO\root\ccm\invagt" Content="New">
- <CCM_ComputerSystem>
- <Instance ParentClass="CCM_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" Class="CCM_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" Namespace="\\ALAMO\root\ccm\invagt" Content="New">
- <CCM_NetworkAdapterConfiguration>


Tip: Capturing Heartbeat Discoveries

If you want to preserve the data collected in the discovery record for troubleshooting purposes, create an empty folder named archive_reports.sms on the agent system at the ccm\inventory\temp directory (stored at c:\windows\system32 on x86 systems and c:\windows\syswow64 on x64 systems). You can verify this location by checking the registry entry setting located at

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Inventory\Temp folder for x86 systems

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Inventory\Temp folder for x64 systems.

After this file is created, the discovery and other inventory records are stored in XML format in this temp folder as they are processed.

The following section shows a sample of an Active Directory system discovery DDR file created for the Wildflower server. (Note the sample includes the NetBIOS name, domain of SCCMUNLEASHED, Active Directory site name, IP address, the discovery method used, and other fields that would be relevant to discovery on a Windows-based server.)

  MFV   :    <System>
 <8><NetBIOS Name><11><32><WILDFLOWER>
 <1><Operating System Name and Version><11><32><Microsoft Windows NT Server 5.2>
 <0><Resource Domain OR Workgroup><11><32><SCCMUNLEASHED>
 <0><AD Site Name><11><32><Default-First-Site-Name>
 <16><IP Addresses><11><64>
 <24><Resource Names><11><256>
 <0><Primary Group ID><8><4><515>
 <0><User Account Control><8><4><4096>


The retention period for obsolete records is defined by settings in the Delete Obsolete Client Discovery Data task. The retention periods of DDRs are a function of whether the system is a current system, meaning that it is sending heartbeats. If the system is not current, the settings are defined in either the Delete Aged Discovery Data task (assuming that the system is not discovered by another method) or the Delete Inactive Client Discovery Data task.

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