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Windows Server 2008 Server Core : Monitoring the File System with the FSUtil Command (part 3) - Reparse-Point, Resource & Sparse

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9. Reparse-Point

The ReparsePoint mode helps you manage Windows reparse points. A reparse point is a collection of user data, usually from a remote source. An application creates the reparse point by saving the data to a file along with some special configuration information. You can learn more about reparse points on the Microsoft Web site at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa365503.aspx. Normally, you'll rely on an application to create the reparse point. However, the Knowledge Base article at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=205524 tells you how to create and manipulate them manually. In this case, the reparse point creates a link between another drive and a directory on the hard drive. To gain a better understanding of how you can use reparse points on an active system, read the Knowledge Base article at http://support.microsoft.com/default .aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q262797. Because of the way the system creates reparse points, you can only use FSUtil to query and delete them. This mode uses the following syntax:

FSUtil ReparsePoint [query Filename] [delete Filename]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Defines the path used as a junction or the filename of the user data storage. Whether the input defines a path or a filename (with an optional path) depends on the kind of reparse point in use.


Requests information about the specified reparse point. The information includes the reparse tag created when the system defined the reparse point. The tag information varies, but can include the reparse tag value, one or more tag values, a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), the data length, and the actual reparse data.

Directories used as reparse points normally have a special icon attached to them, rather than using the standard folder icon. In the case of a drive, the icon is a special drive symbol. In other words, even though the entity is a directory, the system is treating it as a drive attached to that directory. If you delete the reparse point, the directory remains, but the icon changes back to a standard folder icon and the remote data is no longer available.


Removes the specified reparse point.

10. Resource

This mode helps you interact with Transactional Resource Managers. A Transactional Resource Manager is a managed construct that provides a method of tracking and optionally reversing change to file system objects. You must use this mode to create, discover, and modify the folder used to hold the transaction information, including the transaction logs. Use the Transaction mode to work with the transactions contained in the log. This mode uses the following syntax:

FSUtil Resource [create Path] [info Path]
[setautoreset {True | False} RootPath] [setlog Options]
[start Path [RMLogPath TMLogPath]] [stop Path]

The setlog option requires additional explanation. The following list describes each of the other command line arguments.


Creates a new folder that holds the logs for a Transactional Resource Manager. The path must not already exist. Creating the folder is the first step in defining a secondary Transactional Resource Manager. Once you create the folder, you must start the Transactional Resource Manager using the start option.


Obtains information about any started Transactional Resource Manager. If the target system doesn't have any secondary Transactional Resource Managers running and you type this command without a path, then FSUtil reports the status of the default Transactional Resource Manager for the current drive. You can also access the default Transactional Resource Manager by providing the root directory for the target drive (such as C:\).

setautoreset {True | False}

Changes the automatic reset feature for the default Transactional Resource Manager, which is always the root directory of the selected volume (such as C:\). This feature sets the default Transactional Resource Manager to reset all of its metadata each time you reboot the machine. The default setting retains the metadata across reboots to better track system state. You can use this feature to overcome problems with the transactional state of the file system.

Path [RMLogPath TMLogPath]

Starts the Transactional Resource Manager specified by path. You'll normally use this option to start a secondary manager, rather than the default. In addition to the Transactional Resource Manager folder, you can also specify the path to the log files that the manager uses to track file system transactions.


Stops the Transactional Resource Manager specified by path. You'll normally use this option to stop a secondary manager, rather than the default. While it's possible to stop the default manager, you can't restart it, so this action isn't advisable.

The setlog option of the resource mode lets you modify the log used to record transactions on the system. The log configuration affects just how much Server Core can do when it comes to monitoring transactions on your system. This option uses the following syntax:

FSUtil Resource setlog
[growth {NumContainers containers Path | Percentage percent Path}]
[maxextents NumContainers Path] [minextents NumContainers Path]
[mode {full Path | undo Path}] [rename Path] [shrink Percentage Path]
[size NumContainers Path]

The following list describes the setlog option–specific command line arguments.

growth {NumContainers containers Path| Percentage percent Path}

Changes the container growth increment. Each container holds a specific amount of data (the default is 10 MB). Every time the Transactional Resource Manager requires additional hard drive space to store transactions, it increases the number of containers. You can set the specific number of containers or grow the number of containers as a percentage of the current total log capacity. Consequently, if you set the value to 10 percent, the default container size is 10 MB, and the total log capacity is 200 MB, then the Transactional Resource Manager adds two containers. The default growth size is two containers.

NumContainers Path

Defines the maximum number of containers that a Transactional Resource Manager can create. This setting helps you control hard drive usage by the Transactional Resource Manager. The default setting is 20 containers.

NumContainers Path

Defines the minimum number of containers that a Transactional Resource Manager can create (usually created at the beginning of a session). This setting can help improve performance by forcing the Transactional Resource Manager to create the full number of containers it requires at the outset, rather than taking time out to create them one or two at a time.

mode {full Path | undo Path}

Determines the mode used to log transactions. The full logging method logs every activity as a transaction. However, this mode uses considerable hard drive space. The undo mode only records transactions required to undo permanent activities, such as erasing a file. The undo mode also appears as Simple when viewing the Transactional Resource Manager statistics.


Assigns a new GUID to the Transactional Resource Manager. The new GUID appears as part of the RM Identifier statistic. There isn't a good reason to use this option and many reasons you shouldn't when working with an application that may rely on the current GUID. In general, the application may cease working or work improperly.

Percentage Path

Determines the amount of hard drive space that the Transactional Resource Manager returns to the system when it no longer requires the space for transactions. The default setting doesn't return any hard drive space to the system, so the number of containers only increases until the Transactional Resource Manager reaches the maximum number of containers.

NumContainers Path

Sets the number of containers available to the Transactional Resource Manager. You can use this option to manually return hard drive space to the system after performing a number of file system object changes.

 Real World Scenario

Hard Drives as Databases

Hard drives have always been a kind of database, but operating systems typically don't treat them that way. Consequently, disk drives often suffer failures that databases would never encounter. However, Microsoft steadily adds database features to Windows. Server Core is no exception. Although Microsoft's original plan for Server Core included a considerable number of other database features that it later dropped, the use of transactions to support disk activities is a significant step forward.

In the real world, the hardware that comprises a hard disk isn't the valuable commodity—it's the data. By using transactions, Server Core can reduce the possibility of damage to valuable data. However, transactions are more than a nice feature for Server Core. The code for the Transactional Resource Manager actually appears as part of the .NET Framework and developers can rely on this technology to create robust applications. You can read about the developer view of transactions at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms973865.aspx.

11. Sparse

Some applications create large files that contain mostly zeros. For example, an application may create a large cache to hold temporary data. Sparse file management compresses these files smaller than standard compression can. For a discussion of sparse files, see the "Understanding Sparse Files" side-bar. This mode helps you manage sparse files and uses the following syntax:

FSUtil Sparse [setflag Filename] [queryflag Filename]
[queryrange Filename] [setrange Filename Offset Length]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies the file to manage.


Defines the beginning of a sparse range.


Determines the number of bytes in the sparse range.


Adds a sparse attribute to the file to mark it as a sparse file.


Displays status information as to the state of the sparse flag (attribute).


Displays any sparse ranges within the specified file. Each entry contains two numbers. The first number specifies the sparse range offset, while the second number defines the sparse range length.


Sets a sparse range for the specified file. You must provide the offset (in bytes) for the beginning of the sparse range, as well as the number of bytes to include within the sparse range.

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