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Windows Server 2008 Server Core : Monitoring the File System with the FSUtil Command (part 2) - FSInfo, Hardlink, ObjectID, Quota & Repair

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4. FSInfo

This mode is one of the more interesting and immediately usable modes. It provides you with statistics regarding the file system. For example, you can use it to obtain a list of active drives on the current system. You could redirect this list to a text file for use with a script or output it to a batch file to perform a task on every attached drive. This mode uses the following syntax:

FSUtil FSInfo [drives] [drivetype Volume] [volumeinfo Volume]
[ntfsinfo Volume] [statistics Volume]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Displays the current list of active drives on the system.


Displays the drive information for the specified volume. The output is a generic term for the drive type such as Fixed Drive or CD-ROM Drive.


Displays statistics about the specified volume including the volume name, volume serial number, maximum component length, and file system name. In addition, the output tells whether the drive supports case-sensitive filenames, Unicode in filenames, file-based compression, disk quotas, sparse files, reparse points, object identifiers, the encrypted file system, and named streams. Finally, you can determine whether the volume preserves the case of filenames, and if it preserves and enforces Access Control Lists (ACLs).


Displays the low-level statistics about the NTFS volume. This information includes NTFS version, number of sectors, total clusters, free clusters, total reserved clusters, bytes per sector, bytes per cluster, bytes per file record segment, and clusters per file record segment. In addition, you can learn the following MFT statistics: valid data length, start location (MFT1 and MFT2), zone start, and zone end.


Displays a list of the operational statistics for the specified volume. The statistics include the following user information: UserFileReads, UserFileReadBytes, UserDiskReads, UserFileWrites, UserFileWriteBytes, and UserDiskWrites. These are all standard counters, so you can also access them using the Performance console. In addition to user information, you can obtain metadata, MFT, root file, and log file statistics.

5. Hardlink

A hard link is a connection between two files. The new file that you create is a pointer to the existing file. In essence, you're creating another directory entry to a single file. The file continues to exist until you remove all of the directory entries pointing to it. Any change you make to the content of the new file also appears within the existing file, and vice versa. The main reason to use hard links is to create the same file in multiple locations on the hard drive. For example, you might need to use the same initialization file with multiple applications. Instead of copying the file multiple times, you can simply create multiple hard links to it. This mode uses the following syntax:

FSUtil Hardlink Create NewFilename Filename

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


The name of the new file to create from the existing file. The new file is simply a directory entry, not an actual copy of the file.


The name of the existing file. You can include a drive and either relative or absolute path information to the file, along with the filename.

6. ObjectID

Files on NTFS volumes have four identifiers: object, birth volume, birth object, and domain. Each of these identifiers is a 16-byte hexadecimal number in the form of 17e0b9211e61da11879e0013d4337d7d. The first three identifiers always have a value; the fourth identifier (domain) isn't currently used. Generally, unless a file is damaged in some way, you should never need to change the identifiers. This mode uses the following syntax:

FSUtil ObjectID [query Filename] [set ObjectId BirthVolumeId
BirthObjectId DomainId Filename] [delete Filename] [create Filename]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies the name of the file to query or modify.


Contains a 16-byte hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies the file on a particular volume. This identifier is extremely important because the Distributed Link Tracking (DLT) Client service and the File Replication Service (FRS) use it to identify files. This identifier can change when you move a file from one volume to another. However, the BirthVolumeId and BirthObjectId values never change, so Windows can always identify a particular file using these values no matter where you move it.


Contains a 16-byte hexadecimal number that identifies the initial file volume. The DLT Client service uses this value to identify moved files.


Contains a 16-byte hexadecimal number that reflects the file's initial ObjectID. The DLT Client service uses this value to identify moved files.


Contains a 16-byte hexadecimal value of all zeros. Windows doesn't currently use this identifier and you should always set it to 0.


Displays the ObjectId, BirthVolumeId, BirthObjectId, and DomainId for the specified file.


Changes the ObjectId, BirthVolumeId, BirthObjectId, and DomainId of the specified file.


Removes the ObjectId, BirthVolumeId, BirthObjectId, and DomainId from the specified file.


Adds an ObjectId, BirthVolumeId, BirthObjectId, and DomainId to the specified file. Windows automatically generates unique identifiers for you.

7. Quota

Quotas help keep resource usage under control on systems with multiple users. Each user receives a specific amount of disk space to use for personal needs. Every file that has the user as an owner counts against the total. When the user exceeds their quota, the system informs both the user and the administrator (using a system of violation notifications). This mode uses the following syntax:

FSUtil Quota [disable Path] [track Path] [enforce Path]
[violations] [modify Path Threshold Limit User] [query Path]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies the target path (generally an entire volume) for a particular quota action. The path can include a drive specification. It can also rely on an absolute or relative path specification.


Defines the amount of space in bytes that the user can use on the drive before the system alerts the user to a possible limit violation. The user still has additional space on the drive, but the threshold is normally the point at which the user should consider cleaning up old files. The threshold is a warning point.


Defines the amount of space in bytes that the user can access on the drive. Generally, the system begins issuing warnings for every disk activity at this point. Depending on the quota setup, the drive could prohibit additional drive use. The user must clean up old files on the hard drive after reaching the limit.


Specifies the Windows account that has a quota attached to it.


Stops quota tracking and enforcement for the specified resource.


Enables quota tracking for the specified resource. This option doesn't enable enforcement of any rules you have in place.


Enables quota enforcement for the specified resource. This option doesn't enable tracking.


Displays a list of quota violations found in the event log. If the event log doesn't have any quota violations, the utility displays a "No quota violations detected" message. The utility checks both the system and application logs for both quota threshold and quota limit violations.


Changes the quota settings for a particular user. You must supply the drive, threshold, limit, and user inputs when using this option.


Displays the query settings for the specified resource. In addition to the actual quota settings, this command displays the per user settings. This information includes the user SID, change time, quota used, quota threshold, and quota limit.

8. Repair

This mode lets you repair a file system object from the command line. You use it to place the system object in a known good state. In some cases, repairing the system object could mean data loss because the object is broken in such a way that repairing it means losing the data (perhaps due to a pointer or other problem). This mode uses the following syntax:

FSUtil Repair [query Volume] [set Volume Flags] [wait FSObject]
[initiate Volume FileReference]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Determines the repair status of the specified volume. The repair status defines what kinds of repairs you can perform on the volume. The status includes any of the following values.

1 The volume supports general repair.
8 The volume warns about potential data loss when performing a repair.

Volume Flags

Changes the repair status of the specified volume. The flag contains a number that specifies the repair status. See the query keyword for a list of acceptable values.


Tells the FSUtil to wait for the specified file system object repairs before performing any other tasks.

Volume FileReference

Performs a repair of the specified file on the referenced volume. To use this feature, you must provide the segment number of the file.

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