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Windows Server 2008 R2 : Troubleshoot TCP/IP

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7/2/2012 3:21:04 PM

1. Understand TCP/IP Basics

TCP/IP is a suite of protocols that have been the basis for network communication and traffic control for more than a decade. Although there are other network communication protocol suites, TCP/IP has emerged as the de facto standard in the vast majority of operating systems.

The TCP/IP suite of protocols has undergone a series of revisions. There are currently two versions of TCP/IP: IP version 4 (IPV4) and IP version 6 (IPV6). IPV4 has been popular as a network protocol since the early versions of Windows NT. It has a simple 32-bit addressing scheme and provides a relatively easily routed protocol for inter-network accessibility. The 32-bit address space offers a total of 2^32, or 4,294,967,296, addresses. Although that seems like a pretty large number, when you think about the number of client computers connected to the Internet, add the number of networked appliances like switches and routers, then add the websites and web servers of the world, and finally add the servers of the world's businesses, it becomes glaringly apparent that just over 4 billion addresses is not nearly enough to meet the demand. The shortfall of IPV4 addresses was addressed (no pun intended) in the mid-1990s and resulted in the formation of a new suite of protocols called IPV6.

First supported in Windows NT 4, IPV6 offers some significant upgrades to IPV4, including but not limited to a much larger 128-bit address space. This means that the number of potential addresses in IPV6 is 2^128, an astonishing 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607, 431,768,211,456 addresses. If you are wondering how you would succinctly express that number, you would say "340 undecillion," but we think it is much easier to understand the full impact and potential of the address space to see it listed in all its base-10, comma-separated, 39-digit glory. Now, 340 undecillion addresses should at least tide the world's IP address appetite over for a little while. That is a big number!

Even though IPV6 has been supported since the Windows NT days, few networks have adopted this new version of IP despite its potential benefits. Like the old proverb states, the network world seems to believe "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't." Choosing between IPV4 and IPV6 is a topic that has engendered debate and even arguments in networking channels worldwide.

The question still remains, "Which IP version should you use?"

While Microsoft was developing the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems, its Windows Core Networking product team had a revolutionary idea. What if there were a protocol that understood both IPV4 and IPV6 natively? This idea resulted in the development of a protocol suite called the Next Generation TCP/IP stack. This stack represents a complete redesign of TCP/IP in both IPV4 and IPV6 and provides needed functionality to meet the communication, connectivity, and performance requirements of the modern network. This means you can have all of the well-known benefits of IPV4 and get all the cool new functions and features of IPV6. You don't have to choose one or the other. You can have both!

2. Troubleshoot TCP/IP

To effectively troubleshoot TCP/IP, it is necessary that you have an approach to troubleshooting that will allow you to systematically identify the source of a problem and then, once the source is identified, allow you to take corrective action that will rectify the problem. This approach to troubleshooting is called root cause analysis. Do not simply "try something" to fix the problem. Often you will mask the problem with attempts to fix it and create a more complex environment for future troubleshooting scenarios. The old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" applies to troubleshooting.

You will want to employ a step-by-step approach to troubleshooting TCP/IP problems and utilize a number of different tools to help you in your quest for problems and the solutions to resolve those problems.

These are some common questions you might ask:

  • What are the symptoms of the problem?

  • What could cause these symptoms?

  • What stuff is working?

  • What stuff is not working?

  • Is there any kind of relationship between the things that don't work?

  • Is this a new problem or one that has been persistently around for a long period of time?

  • Have any recent changes been made to the network or systems involved?

  • What were the changes?

  • What is the scope of the problem?

  • Is one machine, a group of machines, or the whole network having problems?

  • What do the machines that are having problems have in common?

Often if you can ask the right questions, the answers will lead you to the right place to start troubleshooting, or at very least they can help you narrow the possible problems to a manageable set of issues that you can begin testing in order to identify the culprit.

12.2.1. Understand Troubleshooting Tools

One of the best things about running Windows Server 2008 R2 is that you have a full complement of tools that are included or freely available to you to help you troubleshoot TCP/IP. These tools are included with the installation of Windows Server or can be downloaded from the http://technet.microsoft.com website.

Event Viewer The Event Viewer is found in the Control Panel and is likely the most valuable of the troubleshooting tools. Using the Event Viewer, you will find informational, warning, and error events that will help you identify system problems and their associated causes. Remember that Event Viewer can display information and events about other systems in your network through the use of subscriptions and so can be used to monitor not just the local machine but many machines throughout your network. We recommend you begin your troubleshooting efforts with the Event Viewer, and when you have a good idea what you are really dealing with, then you can move to the tools listed next.

Performance The Performance tool lets you configure hundreds of different functions of your systems, including some great information related to TCP/IP and its associated traffic. If you are already capturing IP information in your network, you will likely want to view the results from captures before and after a problem is reported.

Command-line tools There are also several command-line tools you can use, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. TCP/IP Troubleshooting Command-Line Tools
ToolDescriptionCommon Commands
IPCONFIGThis command-line tool is generally the place where your troubleshooting begins. This command will display detailed information about the adapters attached to a system and the addressing information associated with each adapter. This command uses a series of switches that allow you to customize the output you receive and even do some basic address updates.IPCONFIG /ALL
HOSTNAMEThis command-line utility will display the host name of the local system.HOSTNAME
PINGThis command-line utility sends Internet Control Message Packets (ICMP) across an inter-network to verify connectivity. It is commonly used to verify the operation of TCP/IP at different levels of the TCP/IP protocol stack.PING
PATHPINGThis command-line tool allows you to see the path that an IP packet takes through an internetwork and will show you information about packet losses and where they occur.PATHPING xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where x's represent IP Address
TRACERTThis command-line utility will display information about the network route taken from source to destination.TRACERT xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where x's represent destination IP address.
ROUTEThis command-line utility will display and allow the editing of routing table information in IPV4.ROUTE PRINT
ARPThis command-line utility will let you view the Address Resolution Protocol cache.ARP -A
NBTSTATThis command-line utility can be used to display information about packets that running NetBIOS over TCP/IP.NBTSTAT -C
NETSTATThis command-line utility will show you information about current connections.NETSTAT -A
NETSHThis command-line utility is not so much a troubleshooting tool as it is a configuration tool for TCP/IP and a whole bunch of other services. It uses something called a naming context and allows the configuration of items within its context. The command has a standard IP context an IPV$ context and an IPV6 context that can be used to fix configuration problems in TCP/IP interfaces.NETSH INTERFACE IPV4
TELNETThis command-line utility will let you establish a TCP connection between two systems on your network.TELNET

Each of these tools will allow you to identify, diagnose, change, or update the TCP/IP environment of your network. As you use the tools, you will find a methodology that works for you and, more important, gives you the right information about the critical segments of your TCP/ IP configuration and management.

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