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Windows Server 2008 : Designing an Active Directory Domain Structure

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5/21/2011 4:18:50 PM
Domains are more fun than forests because a lot of the real administrative work goes on at this level. It's where you place most of your users, groups, and resources. It's where you assign most group policies, and most of the time it's where the servers that run all your services are. Plus, there's something really neat about browsing through Active Directory and finding the machine that's running your web box, then finding the machine that contains your DNS, and knowing full well that you can make almost anything you want happen (well, anything within the security policy, that is). You don't want to start deleting or bringing down your servers. That wouldn't be pleasant at all.

1. Domain Functional Levels

For each domain—just as for each forest—you have to make a decision: at which functional level does the domain need to operate? Normally, this is based on the type of servers you have and the operations that are being conducted. But remember, a domain's functional level is limited by the forest's operating level. It's easy to go up, but not easy to go down.

Just like the Active Directory forest operating level, each domain functional level has its own advantages and limitations, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Functional Level Advantages and Limitations
Domain Functional LevelAvailable FeaturesSupported Domain Controllers
Windows 2000 NativeUniversal groups

Group nesting

Group conversion

SIDs—security identifiers
Windows 2000 Server

Windows Server 2003

Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003Netdom.exe Logon timestamp updates

Set userPassword as the effective password on inetOrgPerson and user objects

Ability to redirect User and Computer containers

Authorization Manager can store authentication policies in AD DS

Constrained delegation

Selective authentication
Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008Distributed File System (DFS)

AES encryption supported for Kerberos

Last interactive logon information

Fine-grained password policies
Windows Server 2008
Source: Microsoft Corporation

2. Single and Multiple Domains

A single-domain architecture is a design where within a forest there is only one single domain, usually functioning as a domain controller. At this level, most domain administrators are also enterprise administrators. It's rare to see a situation in which a large organization has only one domain with no subdomains or other administrative breakdowns.

The advantage to having a single domain is simplicity. If you have everything in one spot, it's difficult to get lost in the maze of administrative breakdowns, the schema will not be complex, and Group Policy has less of a chance (but still a significant one) of running amok.

A much more realistic design structure (one much more often seen both in the real world and on the exam) is a multiple-domain architecture wherein an organization has multiple websites, locations, departments, or other signifying differentiations that require the administrative structure to be broken down into simpler parts. See Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively, for illustrations of a simple-domain architecture and a multiple-domain architecture.

On the certification exam, it's much more likely you will come across a more specific domain model structure, such as a regional, x, or y model.

Figure 1. Single-domain architecture

Figure 2. Multiple-domain architecture

3. Regional Domain Model

In most international and large-scale companies, users are often divided into several geographic locations, such as Tokyo, Madrid, Hong Kong, and Los Angeles. Historically, the only way to connect these locations has been via a wide area network (WAN) connection over a relatively slow bandwidth link.

In a regional design, each of these regions is assigned their own specific domain where they can be further subdivided into more closely knit administrative groups. Figure 3 shows an example of this type of domain structure.

Figure 3. Regional domain model

Sometimes when you need to isolate particular services using an autonomous model (not an isolation model!), it becomes necessary for you to create a multiple tree infrastructure wherein services or data are allocated among separate domain trees in a fashion that allows for a broader form of administration. You can see this model in action in Figure 4.

The main advantage of this model is that you manage to achieve a form of autonomous separation, but you also get to maintain the simplicity of a single schema. And if there's one aspect of Windows Server that's annoying to mess with, it's the schema.

Of course, this structure has drawbacks. Specifically, if you decide to use this form of administration, you remove the option to have complete isolation. Because the domain trees all are in the same forest, the root-level domain will have access to the rest of the trees and therefore will be able alter important information—something that you, as an enterprise administrator, may not want to have happen. Additionally, authentication paths usually take longer in this model because users have to cross separate servers to authenticate across links that are farther away.

Figure 4. Multiple-tree domain model

4. Creating Your Domain Structure

Now that you've seen the elements required to create an effective domain infrastructure, I'll discuss how to put them together effectively.

The process for this, once you understand the elements involved, is rather simple. Here are the steps for domain structure creation:

  1. Determine the administrative model.

    • Centralized

    • Decentralized

    • Hybrid

  2. Choose a domain model.

  3. Choose the number of domains.

  4. Assign your domain functional levels.

  5. Assign a root domain.

5. Active Directory Authentication

One of the most important tasks when creating your overall design (if you ask your security administrator, the most important task) is to make sure the right people have access to the right information at the right time. In the administrative world, we call these processes authentication and authorization:


In security administration, authentication is the process of verifying a user's identity. Is John Q. Smith really John Q. Smith? Or is he another user pretending to be John Q. Smith?


Authorization is the process of determining what access a particular user has. For example, this is the process of determining whether John Q. Smith has access to the Shared folder on an office server located in the main building.

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