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Exchange Server 2010 : Ensuring Message Integrity (part 1) - Using S/MIME Extensions

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5/24/2011 11:10:17 AM
Message integrity enables a user to be confident that the message he or she received is the same as the one that the sender sent and has not been tampered with. Message confidentiality means that the contents of a message are kept secret from an unintended listener, such as someone trying to eavesdrop on messages. Message authentication enables a user to be confident that he or she knows the identity of the other party in the communication and that message senders and recipients are who they purport to be.

To implement secure messaging, you need to be able to guarantee integrity, confidentiality, and authentication. It is possible to send a message in a tamperproof envelope but in clear text that anyone can read. It is possible to encrypt a message so that it cannot be read by an unintended user but fail to protect its integrity so that someone could delete part of it even if he or she could not read it. A message that is encrypted and tamperproof remains insecure if there is no method of confirming that it came from the sender that it purports to come from. Preferably, both sender and recipient should be authenticated so that not only can the recipient determine the message was sent by the identified sender but the sender can ensure that the message has been received by the identified recipient.

1. Using S/MIME Extensions

Public key cryptography uses a mathematically related key pair—a secret private key and a published public key—to protect the authenticity of a message. It creates a digital signature of a message using the private key, which can be verified using the public key. It also allows protection of the confidentiality and integrity of a message by encrypting the message using the public key. The message can then be decrypted only by using the private key.

S/MIME is a standard for public key encryption and signing of MIME data. S/MIME provides authentication, message integrity and nonrepudiation of origin (using digital signatures), and privacy and data security (using encryption).

Before you can use S/MIME for public key cryptography, you need to obtain and install a certificate either from your organization’s internal certificate authority (CA) or from a trusted third-party CA. An internal certificate can be used in-house only, as it is not trusted by external organizations. Typically, S/MIME clients require the installation of a certificate before permitting users to send encrypted messages.

1.1. OWA and S/MIME

A public key infrastructure (PKI) uses digital certificates to verify and authenticate the validity of each participant in an electronic transaction. You need to install Certificate Services on a member server in your organization to deploy a Windows PKI. A PKI enables your organization to publish its own certificates. Clients can request and receive certificates from a PKI on the internal network, and the PKI can renew or revoke certificates.

OWA users can use S/MIME to encrypt outgoing messages and attachments so that only intended recipients who have a digital identification (a certificate) can read them. Users digitally sign a message, which enables its recipients to verify the identity of the sender and that the message has not been tampered with.

Users must have a digital ID and must install the S/MIME control for OWA before they can send encrypted and digitally signed messages or read encrypted messages using the OWA client. The S/MIME control is necessary to verify the signature on a digitally signed message. It is installed on a client computer by using the SMIME tab in Options. When they use S/MIME, users have access to features that are not otherwise available in OWA. They can, for example, do the following:

  • Attach messages to other messages

  • Paste images into messages

  • Attach multiple files in a single operation

However, if the S/MIME control is installed in OWA, WebReady document viewing works in only clear-signed messages, not in encrypted messages or opaque-signed messages. When certain content types are sent from Outlook as S/MIME messages, they are not displayed in OWA. In such cases, OWA displays a banner in the message header. When a user opens a folder in another mailbox or uses explicit sign-in to open another user’s mailbox, most S/MIME features are not available. In such cases, the only S/MIME feature that is available is verification of digital signatures.

1.2. Enabling and Disabling S/MIME in OWA

You can use the Exchange Management Console (EMC) or the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) to enable or disable S/MIME in OWA. To use the EMC, carry out the following procedure:

  1. Open the EMC and expand the tree in the Console pane.

  2. In the console tree, click Client Access under Server Configuration.

  3. At the top of the Result pane, click the server that hosts the OWA virtual directory.

  4. On the Outlook Web App tab under the server name, click Owa (Default Web Site).

  5. In the Actions pane under Owa (Default Web Site), click Properties.

  6. On the Owa (Default Web Site) Properties dialog box, click the Segmentation tab.

  7. In the Segmentation window, click the SMime, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Selecting the SMime feature on the Segmentation tab

  8. Click Enable or Disable as appropriate.

  9. Click OK to save your changes and close the Properties dialog box.

By default, S/MIME is enabled. To use the EMS to disable S/MIME on the OWA virtual directory in the default Internet Information Services (IIS) website on the local server, enter the following command:

Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -SMimeEnabled $false

To enable S/MIME when it has previously been disabled, enter the following command:

Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -SMimeEnabled $true

Neither of the previously listed EMS commands generates an output. If the command completes without error, the change has been made.

1.3. Managing S/MIME for OWA

You manage S/MIME for OWA by using the Regedit utility to edit the registry on an Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server. Changes are made on a per-server basis, and if you have more than one Client Access server and you need the same S/MIME behavior on all such servers, you need to make the same changes on each server. Changes to the S/MIME settings in the registry take effect immediately. Users do not need to sign out or to restart any services.

The registry settings that control S/MIME behavior on a Client Access server can be found by accessing the following registry key:

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA\SMIME

As shown in Figure 2, the settings that control S/MIME are not in the registry by default, and you need to add them. Table 12-1 shows some of the settings you can use. This list is not exclusive.

Figure 2. The registry key that holds settings that control S/MIME behavior

Table 1. Settings that control S/MIME behavior
Name and Type Values Explanation
CheckCRLOnSend (DWORD) 1=True, 0=False (default). If a certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution point in a sender’s certificate chain cannot be accessed during revocation verification when sending signed or encrypted email, OWA will indicate a failure and prevent the email message from being sent when CheckCRLonSend is set to true.
DLExpansionTimeout (DWORD) A value in milliseconds. The default is 60000 (60 seconds); the range is 0 through 2147483647. This attribute controls how long OWA waits for a distribution list in Active Directory to expand when sending encrypted email before the operation fails. A zero setting disables the ability to send encrypted email to distribution lists. When this parameter is set to its maximum value, OWA waits until the distribution list is expanded regardless of how long expansion takes.
UseSecondaryProxiesWhenFindingCertificates (DWORD) 1=True (default), 0=False. OWA matches a certificate in Active Directory for a recipient when sending encrypted email. The certificate subject or subject alternative name can contain a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address as one of its values. If the value of this parameter is set to true, OWA accepts certificates that do not match the primary SMTP address of the recipient as valid. If the value is set to false, OWA accepts only certificates that match the primary SMTP address of the recipient as valid.
CRLConnectionTimeout (DWORD) A value in milliseconds. The default is 60000 (60 seconds); the range is 5000 through 2147483647. This setting specifies the time that OWA waits while connecting to retrieve a single CRL as part of a certificate validation operation. If the CRL is not retrieved before the time expires, the operation fails. If the setting is less than 5000, the default value (60000) is used. If the maximum value is specified, the connection does not time-out.
CRLRetrievalTimeout (DWORD) A value in milliseconds. The default is 10000 (10 seconds); the range is 0 through 2147483647. This setting specifies the time that OWA waits to retrieve all CRLs when validating a certificate. If all CRLs are not retrieved before the specified time expires, the operation fails.
Disable CRL Check (DWORD) 1=True, 0=False (default). If true this setting prevents CRLs from being checked while certificates are being validated. Disabling CRL checking can decrease the time it takes to validate signatures. However, it shows revoked email messages signed with revoked certificates as valid instead of not valid.
AlwaysSign (DWORD) 1=True, 0=False (default). If true this setting requires users to digitally sign email messages when they use OWA with the S/MIME control. The OWA Options page and the Message Options dialog box show the “Send signed e-mail” option as selected.
AlwaysEncrypt (DWORD) 1=True, 0=False (default). If true this setting requires users to encrypt email when they use OWA with the S/MIME control. The OWA Options page and the Message Options dialog box show the “Send encrypted e-mail” option as selected.
ClearSign (DWORD) 1=True (default), 0=False. If true this setting requires any digitally signed email message that is sent from OWA to be clear-signed. If false this setting causes OWA to use an opaque signature.
IncludeCertificateChainWithoutRootCertificate (DWORD) 1=True, 0=False (default). If this setting is true, signed or encrypted email will include the full certificate chain, except for the root certificate. By default, OWA includes only the signing and encrypting certificates and not their corresponding certificate chains when sending signed or encrypted email.



Clear-signed email messages are larger than opaque-signed (encrypted) messages, but they can be opened and read using most email clients, including clients that do not support S/MIME.


Edits to the registry take effect immediately without requiring confirmation. Take care when editing the registry.

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