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Windows Server 2008 : Network Addressing (part 3) - IPv4 to IPv6 Transitional Techniques

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5. IPv4 to IPv6 Transitional Techniques

Obviously, the entire networking world cannot shift from one networking scheme to another overnight. There are billions upon billions of networking address-bearing devices floating around to this day, and a good share of these devices are commonly used for legacy business operations and will most likely never be able to understand new networking technology. As of 2008, the year of the release of the MCITP Enterprise Administrator exam, IPv6 hasn't come into popular use. However, over the next several years it's possible that this will become more relevant. Thus, the next section will become valuable as administrators learn techniques to handle the dramatic shift from IPv4 to IPv6. For now, you are interested in three methods: dual stacking, tunneling, and translating.

5.1. Dual Stacking

The simplest of the transitional techniques designed to transition from IPv6 to IPv4 is the idea of a dual IP stack. In a dual IP stack, you operate both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address. In Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows Server 2008, this option is enabled by default. With dual stacking, using the ipconfig command will display both a hexadecimal address and an IPv4 address.

The reason that this is possible is that addresses are logical. So, there's no reason that a computer couldn't be logically identified two different ways. In practical implementation, this is done by one of two ways—by using a dual IP layer or by using a complete dual stack.

Dual IP layer

In dual layer addressing, both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols access the same information in the same TCP/IP stack. This means that the network portion contains both the IPv4 and IPv6 implementations, and they both access the same transport layer. So, regardless of whether a packet is sent via IPv4 or IPv6, it passes through the same area. This technology is supported by Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.


Dual IP layer supports IPv4, IPv6, and IPv6 over IPv4.

Dual stack

Dual stack implementations differ from dual IP layer implementations in that dual stack creates a complete separate stack through which each protocol travels. What this means for network administrators is that routers will have to support both the IPv6 and IPv4 protocols. And, of course, each of these stacks has its own transport layer that interfaces with the application layer. By default, if you install IPv6 support for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, both of these operating systems will use a separate stack, where the settings will be defined by tcpip6.sys.

Both dual stack and dual layer implementations get a little tricky when you start to throw in the confusing factor for any normal and well-functioning network: DNS.

5.2. Tunneling

If you've ever set up a VPN connection before, you've used a type of tunnel. Tunneling is the process of placing a protocol or piece of information within another protocol that serves as the primary method of connection. With VPNs, when you use Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) to connect via the Internet to your internal network, you're using the VPN as a tunnel to transmit data via TCP/IP, where the server sees you as remotely connected across the network.

When working with IP transitional tunneling, you're doing something very similar. In effect, you're taking IPv6 information and passing it through IPv4 by adding on a header. Visually, an IPv6 over IPv4 packet looks like Figure 11.

This can be achieved by one of two ways, each with many different customer configurations. First, it can be achieved by manual configuration. And second, it can be achieved automatically. Configured and automatic tunnels can be configured in many different ways; in particular, the manually configured tunnels can be configured by using the netsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel command. And automatic tunnels can be configured by using one of three different technologies: 6to4, Teredo, or ISATAP.

Figure 11. IPv6 over IPv4 packet

5.2.1. Tunneling Between Devices

As you know from basic networking, every device that sends a packet from one place to another exists in some manner on the network layer. Accordingly, every device that is connected on the network layer is logically connected in some fashion. Thus, every host and router (both of which are capable of understanding the network protocol) must have a way of communicating with one another. However, this varies with each device. In a tunnel, this breaks down to three types of communication between devices:

Router to router

When tunneling between routers, two routers capable of both IPv6 and IPv4 communicate to one another by referencing a network behind each of the routers that operates on IPv6 and then send packets to one another across a tunnel that operates IPv4 with IPv6 packets embedded within. Figure 12 depicts this communications process. On the left side of Router A, there is an IPv6 network, and on the right side of Router B, there is also an IPv6-capable network. These two devices are connected via IPv4, and the messages sent between them contain IPv6 packets within IPv4 packets.

Figure 12. Router-to-router tunneling

Host to host

When two hosts running both IPv4 and IPv6 stacks in an IPv4 infrastructure communicate, IPv6 information can be sent between the two by creating a tunnel that sends IPv6 over IPv4. Since the two computers both understand the different stacks, the IPv4 information is interpreted and the internal information is recognized, forming a connection that allows them to communicate.

Router to host and host to router

When operating between hosts that reside between firewalls or routers, a host running IPv4 can communicate between infrastructures operating different IP protocols by creating an IPv4 tunnel containing IPv6. The way this is accomplished is that the routers again understand both protocols, IPv4 and IPv6. And when an IPv4-capable computer sends a request to the router with an IPv6 packet embedded inside a tunnel that is usually a subnet route, the router receives the IPv4 packet, examines the internal IPv6 packet, and then forwards that packet onto the IPv6 host computer running in an IPv6 infrastructure. In Figure 13, on the left side of Router A is an infrastructure running IPv4, and on the right is a network operating IPv6. The left network can communicate to the right by using a tunnel to the router, which the router recognizes as a tunnel and then examines the internal contents.

Figure 13. Router-to-host and host-to-router tunneling


6 to 4, much as it sounds, is a direct method of transitioning from IPv6 to IPv4 over the IPv4 protocol. 6to4 accomplishes this by implementing both stacks of the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol and then translating the given IPv4 address into a standardized address for IPv6. This is done by inserting the given IPv4 address in this format——into the hexadecimal form:


AA is the first octet, BB is the second octet, CC is the third octet, and DD is the fourth octet. The subnet portion is the standard /48 to /64 subnet range, and the interface ID is the 64-bit portion of IPv6 dedicated to the host.

In this example, you could convert the portions of the decimal address into hexadecimal by using some simple math, which I won't dive into because you've most likely learned it by this point:

129 = 81

118 = 76

1 = 1

3 = 3

Thus, your full address would be as follows:


Within 6to4 tunneling, the entire subnet is treated as a single link. Hosts are automatically given their 2002:AABB:CCDD:Subnet address with a /64 mask, and then communication within the subnet is given directly to neighbors. If, for some reason, the given address is not found on the subnet, that information is passed onto a 6to4 router that exists on a /16 mask by default.

A Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista computer can act as a 6to4 router through Internet Connection Sharing (ICS).

5.2.2. ISATAP

ISATAP, which stands for Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol, is an automatic dual stacking tunneling technology that is installed by default in Windows Vista without Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP. However, in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, it is called Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface. The ISATAP tunneling method can be used for either public or private addressing. With public unicast addressing, ISATAP uses this global address:


A.B.C.D. in this case is a standard IPv4 address that is assigned within the IPv4 infrastructure. Additionally, ISATAP uses the private address of ::200:5EFE:A.B.C.D. where A.B.C.D. is again the assigned IPv4 address within the infrastructure.

By this method, ISATAP creates a link-local address that can be used to communicate between devices through tunneling. An important feature to note, however, is that ISATAP is not installed by default on either Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or Windows Server 2008 unless the name "ISATAP" can be resolved.

ISATAP allows computers operating IPv6 in IPv4 infrastructures to communicate with IPv4 clients in the same subnet. However, to communicate with additional subnets running either pure or mixed IP protocols, an ISATAP router is required. Normally, this router is resolved either through the mapping of the "ISATAP" hostname or by the use of the netsh interface isatap set router command, which allows the address of the router to be manually specified in either Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista.

5.2.3. Teredo

As mentioned earlier, one of the primary goals with the implementation of IPv6 was to enable almost all organizations to use publicly assigned addresses throughout their entire organization without the use of Network Address Translation. Although this is good in theory (NAT was such a pain anyway), the problem is that NAT is still used...a lot. Therefore, to make the shift from IPv6 to IPv4, network administrators need to have an option at their disposal to shift from IPv4 to IPv6 and still make use of NAT or at least give the network the ability to interpret between these addresses. And that's where Teredo comes in.

Teredo is also known as Network Address Translator Traversal (NAT-T). What it does is provide a unicast address for each device located within the NAT pool. It does this by sending out IPv6 data over Uniform Data Protocol (UDP). In some ways, it's actually fairly similar to 6to4 tunneling. However, if you'll remember from the earlier discussion of 6to4, 6to4 requires a router to be used that comprehends 6to4 routing in order to get past its particular subnet. Instead of using a router to translate out the NAT pool, Teredo uses host-to-host communication and establishes a tunnel directly between two individual hosts.

For your exam, the most important point you need to remember about Teredo is the process it uses for the initial configuration and communication between clients. Beyond that, Teredo is quite complex and uses a series of XOR operations to determine a unique address; then it also creates a randomly generated series of numbers and a flag field for security purposes. So, it's unlikely you'll be asked to manually configure a Teredo address. However, the process breaks down into two portions: initial client configuration and initial client communication.

  1. The client sends a router solicitation request (RS) to a Teredo server with the cone flag (a high-order bit that indicates a device is behind a NAT) set.

  2. The Teredo server responds with a router advertisement (RA) from a router that is on an alternate IPv4 address so it can determine whether the address is behind a NAT.

  3. If the RA is not received, the client repeats the RS with the cone flag not set.

  4. The server responds with an RA from the source address to the destination address. If the client receives the RA, it is behind a restricted NAT.

  5. To make sure there isn't a symmetric NAT in place, the client sends another RS to an alternate server.

  6. The alternate server responds. If the RAs are different, the map is mapping the same internal address and UDP port number, and Teredo will not be available.

Teredo has several different processes of initial communication based on what type of NAT the client is assigned under. The most commonly referenced one of these is a situation where a client resides on a restricted NAT. In which case, the process of two computers, A and B, communicating is as follows:

  1. Client A sends a bubble packet to Client B.

  2. Client A sends a bubble packet to Client B through Client B's Teredo server.

  3. Client B's Teredo server forwards the packet to Client B.

  4. Client B responds to the packet with its own bubble packet to Client A.

  5. Client A determines NAT mappings for both NATs.

6. Legacy Networking and Windows Server 2008

Although it would be nice if we existed in a world where all technology was upgraded instantly at the same time and there were never any issues switching back and forth between technologies and we could just link with IPv6, that world simply doesn't exist. In fact, even before IPv4 and the current networking situation, the world of networks wasn't exactly laid out in perfect order.

To this day, there are many protocols that aren't used as often as others but that occasionally rise to make their presence known and require special attention from administrators who otherwise no longer encounter them. On the MCITP level, you actually encounter these sorts of scenarios frequently. This is because most complex networks will contain a lot of different technologies that mutually cohabit (or at least coexist) in the same environment. Because of this, Microsoft expects that all candidates applying for MCITP-level certification completely understand how to deal with even the most obscure networking protocols and understand their effect on their networking environment.

In the following section, I'll begin by explaining the most commonly encountered protocol: WINS.

6.1. WINS

In some ways, I've already addressed legacy technology at some level, but now you're going to dive into a concept that isn't used as commonly anymore and will probably go the way of the dodo after this incarnation of Windows Server, or possibly after the next incarnation. In case you hadn't guessed, I'm talking about Windows Internet Name Service (WINS).

6.1.1. Wins Components

When using WINS, generally four components are available to administrators using Windows Server 2008:

  • Server

  • WINS database

  • Client

  • Proxy

Each of these roles in self-explanatory by its name; the server serves WINS, the WINS database keeps a collection of records, the clients request WINS information, and the proxies provide resolution for WINS in TCP/IP configured networks.

6.1.2. Reasons for WINS

Normally organizations won't implement WINS without a valid reason. Among these reasons are the following:

  • Legacy applications using NetBIOS

  • Older version of Windows

  • Dynamic registration of single-label names

Additionally, an organization may implement WINS if it is running logically older versions of Windows or applications requiring older versions of Windows, which include anything using Network Neighborhood or My Network Places.

6.1.3. WINS Name Resolution

The WINS name resolution process is pretty easy to understand. First, any given client sends up to three attempts to connect to a WINS server, but no response is given. If no response is given, it will attempt to find another. If it does, the WINS server responds with a given IP address.

6.1.4. Client Records

Within the WINS database, various pieces of information are stored that in total create the necessary components to resolve names to IP addresses, which is the given purpose of any general name resolution server. Within WINS, client records contain the following:

  • Record names

  • IP addresses

  • Types

  • State

  • Static

  • Owner

  • Version

Each of these records within the database is occasionally changed, deleted, or somehow modified through a process called scavenging.

6.2. WINS Replication

Just like Active Directory, a WINS server knows very little about the world around it. In fact, it knows nothing about it. And, just like Active Directory, in order to understand the world around it, WINS uses replication to exchange information about its clients. However, in WINS, this process is called push/pull.

The push occurs after a certain server reaches a number of specified changes. For instance, a server may reach 10 changes in its database and decide that it needs to send its information to another WINS server. Thus, it informs the server that it has reached a certain amount of predetermined changes and needs to replicate, and the server that needs to understand the replication changes responds with a request to receive the changes. The original server then sends the changes across the subnets.

A pull replication is essentially the opposite of a push. Instead of requesting another machine to make a change after a certain number of events, a partner machine will ask another if changes have occurred after a period of time. This happens regardless of whether any changes actually have happened. And, as you might imagine, this can be combined with push to create a push/pull replication process.

6.3. WINS to DNS Using GlobalNames Zones

If an organization runs WINS, there's a strong chance that in addition to running WINS that it is also using DNS. The reason is because the modern standard for name resolution is DNS. Thus, Windows Server 2008 enables a simple transition from WINS to DNS by using a GlobalNames Zone. A GlobalNames Zone enables a WINS environment to resolve single-label, static, global names if the server is using DNS.

The GlobalNames Zone is a completely new Windows Server 2008 zone for DNS in addition to zones such as forward lookup, reverse lookup, and stub. It's responsible for resolving names without WINS and requires that the zone be available on all DNS servers. But, it's best if you place it within Active Directory. Another special fact about GlobalNames Zones is that they use CNAME records for fully qualified domain names.

GlobalNames Zones work in a multistep process that's pretty easy to understand:

  1. A user requests a URL.

  2. The browser requests the address.

  3. The client computer tries to request domain by domain from most granular to least (users.engineering.mydomain.com to users.engineering.com to users.com).

  4. If the query fails, the DNS server checks the GlobalNames Zone.


    GlobalNames Zones support IPv6.

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