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SharePoint 2010 : Working with the Other Standard Tools in a Document Library (part 2)

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Reviewing the View Properties and Edit Properties Tools

All documents have properties, whether they are saved in SharePoint document libraries or not. Documents have filenames, created date and time, modified date and time, author, and other tags attached to the document. SharePoint allows document library administrators to define additional properties, which are metadata fields, that will be stored in that document library. Unlike some basic file properties, properties defined by metadata fields may get stripped from the document if it is moved to a different document library that doesn’t contain the same metadata columns. The View Properties and Edit Properties tools allow users of the library to see what information is available within the document library about the document.

Figure 5 shows the Edit Properties window for a document stored in a document library that has been customized with the addition of a Project Name column, Ratings column, Document Owner column, and Type of Document column. A SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise document library has been used for this example. The version number of the document is visible at the bottom of the window and indicates that versioning is on for the document library, and the Created and Last Modified date, time, and user account information is also provided.

Figure 5. Edit Properties windows for a document.

The document library administrator chose to add several columns to better categorize documents using metadata and to encourage user participation by asking for users to rate the document. By adding a column titled Document Owner that requires the entry of a domain user account name, it is clearly defined who the ultimate authority is for that specific document. Otherwise, the document library tracks who created the document (or uploaded it) and who last modified it, but neither of these people may actually be responsible for the document. By adding the Type of Document column, a list of options is given to the user to choose from, saving time and encouraging users to better define the type of document because document names can be confusing and may actually give little insight into the type of document it is.

Using the Version History Tool

The next row of buttons on the toolbar includes the Version History, Document Permissions, and Delete Document buttons, each of which is reviewed in this section. Note that Version History will not be available unless versioning is enabled for the document library (accessible through Document Library Settings, Versioning Settings, and then choosing either Create Major Versioning or Create Major and Minor (draft) Versions).

Version history shows the different versions of a document in the library if versioning was enabled in the library, and provides information about changes that were made to the metadata of the document. Figure 6 shows a sample version history for a document with several major versions. The topmost version is indicated as being the current published major version, and the date and time modifications that took place are clearly indicated, along with the logged-in user who made the changes, the size of the document, and any comments added.

Figure 6. Version history for a document.

Each version has a drop-down menu that provides the options to View, Restore, and either Unpublish or Delete. The Restore tool will “promote” that version to be the latest version by making a copy of the older version and incrementing the number. Note that there are also tools to Delete All Versions and Delete Minor Versions above the version listing. 


Versioning is such an important feature in SharePoint 2010 that it is critical that administrators and end users feel comfortable with working with major and minor versions. They also must understand the importance of following best practices of always checking out documents before working on them, then checking them back in when complete, and deciding whether the new version should be a minor or draft version (0.1, 0.2 version) or a major or published version (1.0, 2.0 version). Comments should always be added when checking a file back in to facilitate later review of previous versions, if necessary.

Using the Document Permissions Tool

Document permissions allow a user with sufficient permissions (members of the Owners group by default) to modify the permissions applied to a specific document. Figure 7 shows the Permission Tools page for a document in a document library in SharePoint Foundation 2010. Note that underneath the Ribbon, a note reads “This document inherits permissions from its parent,” which is the default behavior. On the Ribbon itself are icons to Manage Parent, Stop Inheriting Permissions, and Check Permissions.

Figure 7. Permission tools for a document.

If needed, the document library administrator can grant unique permissions to this specific document, but this should only be used when absolutely necessary due to the added overhead and complexity of managing overly customized document libraries. That said, a new addition to permissions management is provided: the Check Permissions tool. Figure 8 shows the results of using the Check Permissions tool on a document with customized permissions for the AD group Consultants. After the Check Now button is clicked, the tool validates that ABC\Consultants have no permissions to the document. This is especially useful if AD groups are used to define permissions on a site level, because a document library administrator might not know absolutely which users are in which AD groups.

Figure 8. Check Permissions window for a document with unique permissions.

Using the Delete Button and Recycle Bins

The Delete button on the Documents tab sends one or more documents to the Recycle Bin for the document library. The ability in SharePoint 2010 document libraries to check one or more items as being selected allows a user who has contributor permissions or an administrator to easily delete a number of items. Note that the Delete key on the keyboard can also be used.

After the items are sent to the Recycle Bin, a member with full control permissions can restore anyone’s items, or a member with contributor permissions can restore items he has deleted. A member with read permissions won’t have access to the Recycle Bin. An administrator with site collection administrator privileges can access the Site Collection Recycle Bin (otherwise known as the second-level Recycle Bin) that contains items deleted from the End User Recycle Bin, or to see and restore items still in the End User Recycle Bin.

Note that a farm administrator needs to determine the base settings for the Recycle Bin for the site collection in question. A farm administrator can access the Web Application General Settings interface from the Central Administration site to determine the following settings:

  • Recycle Bin Status On or Off.

  • The amount of time after which to recycle items in the Recycle Bin. The default is 30 days, and the number of days can be changed, or Never can be checked.

  • The percentage of live site quota allocated for the second stage deleted items, with 50 percent being the default, or the Second Stage Recycle Bin (otherwise known as the Site Collection Recycle Bin) can be turned off.

This combination of tools has come a long way since SharePoint 2003, where there wasn’t a Recycle Bin at all!

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