3. Viewing the Results of Changes with the PerfMon Utility
PerfMon was the
performance monitoring utility of the past. Windows 2000 represents a
sort of transition point where you can use PerfMon or the Performance
console. However, starting with Windows XP, the Performance console is
the main event and PerfMon has taken a background role. Now all that
this utility does for you is open the Performance counter with settings
that you saved from Windows NT 4.0. In other words, you can see the same
counters as you did in Windows NT 4.0, but the application displaying
them differs. Consequently, the command line switches that you see here
won't reflect what you used in the past. This utility uses the following
PerfMon [Filename] [/HTMLFILE:ConvFilename Filename]
The following list describes each of the command line arguments.
Specifies a file containing Windows NT 4.0 PerfMon settings to adjust the display in the Performance console.
Specifies a file containing Windows NT 4.0 converted files. You may use the chart (.PMC), report (.PMR), alert (.PMA), and log (.PML) files from a Windows NT 4.0 setup.
Displays the
archived PerfMon files that you converted from a Windows NT 4.0 system.
You must supply both the converted filename as well as the settings file
used to configure the Performance console.
4. Reconfiguring Performance Logs with the ReLog Utility
Use this utility to
create new performance logs from existing performance logs. The new logs
can use a different sample rate. In addition, you can use this utility
to convert a log from one format to another. You can use this utility to
convert Windows NT 4.0 logs, including the compressed log format. This
utility uses the following syntax:
ReLog <filename [filename ...]> [options]
The following list describes each of the command line arguments.
Specifies the names of one or more files that you want to convert.
Appends the output to an existing binary file.
[ CounterPath ...]
Defines one or
more counters to filter from the input log. The output log contains the
remaining counters. Each performance counter has a path that begins with
the counter object, specific counter, and finally the instance.
Consequently, the \Process(_Total)\% Processor Time counter path would collect the _Total instance of the % Processor Time
counter found in the Processor object. Make sure you place each counter
path in double quotes. The counter path can include wildcard
characters. Here's a list of acceptable counter path formats.
Specifies a file containing a list of performance counters to collect. Each counter path must appear on a separate line.
-f { Bin | Bincirc | CSV | TSV | SQL }
Defines the log format for the output. You can choose between binary, circular binary, CSV, TSV, and SQL.
-t value
Changes the sampling rate by writing every nth
record into the output file. For example, if the original file contains
one record for each second, specifying a value of two would change the
sampling rate to one every other second. The default setting writes
every record into the output.
-o { Filename | DSN!Log }
Specifies the
output information for the collection. You can use an output file by
specifying a path and filename. As an alternative, you can specify a SQL
database (for any vendor that supports SQL) by including the ODBC DSN
and the log set name within the SQL database. The default
setting is to use a file with the same name as the performance
collection and a BLG extension for counters or an ETL extension for
-b M
/d/yyyy h:mm:ss [{ AM | PM }]
Defines the starting time for the collection. Collection continues until the specified ending time (see the -e
command line switch) or you manually end the collection process using
the stop verb. The default setting uses the current day and time. You
can input times using a 24-hour clock. When specifying a time based on a
12-hour clock, add the ~AM or ~PM option.
M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss [{ AM | PM }]
Defines the ending
time for the collection. The default setting uses the current day and
time. You can input times using a 24-hour clock. When specifying a time
based on a 12-hour clock, add the ~AM or ~PM option.
Specifies a configuration filename that contains all of the command line options.
Lists all of the performance counters found in the input file. You can use this list to create input for the -c or -cf command line switches.
Answers yes to
all questions without prompting. This feature lets you set up counters
and traces within a batch file without worrying about interruptions.